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  • Deciphering Mysteries Of Black Holes: Delving into the Depths of Black Holes Beyond the Event Horizon -Part 2

    Hello, Everyone! In the earlier blog post, we observed Black Holes as the regions of space with an extremely potent gravitational pull that even light cannot escape from them and they come into existence once the dying stars shrink due to the gravitational pull of the dying stars poised toward the death of their life cycle. The gravitational pull is strong due to the concentration of mass in a tiny space, called Singularity making a black hole a region with infinite density and therefore possessing an extremely powerful gravitational pull. We also discussed the birth and the theories associated with their birth in the first part of this blog post. Resonating with the previous section of this blog post, we will now delve into the various classifications of black holes. So let's get started. Classifications Of Black Hole:- Black holes exist distinctively in the universe with every black hole possessing traits such as its mass, size, and characteristics. 1. Steller Mass Black Holes:- These are the very basic types of black holes that evolve as a result of the death of colossal stars. Their mass ranges from several multitudes of the Sun's mass to about twentyfold the mass of the Sun. Steller Black Holes occur when the core of a colossal collapsing star shrinks towards itself. Since the core is shrunk to a high level this catalyses a supernova explosion in which the dying star gets rid of its exteriors in space. The gravitational collapse of the core gives way to an array of events responsible for the supernova explosion such as Core Collapse, Rebound, Supernova Shockwave, Ejection of Material, Neutron Star, or Black Hole Formation. ->Core Collapse:-Stars fundamentally have molecular hydrogen (H2) as their nuclear fuel. In the intense heat and pressure, the nucleus of two individual hydrogen atoms(having one proton each because the atomic number of a hydrogen atom is 1 and the atomic number of an atom =no of protons in the nucleus) combine to form a helium nucleus (He3) along with a release of energy which acts against the gravitational pull of the core. This resonates with Eeinstein's equation E=mc2; where E=Energy converted,m=mass of a particle,c=speed of light(3*10^8 m/s). A small mass of hydrogen nuclei is converted into a large amount of energy. This exactly happens in our star Sun as well. But when the star falls short of nuclear fuel hydrogen; the fusion reaction (integration of nuclei of two hydrogen atoms) stops there is the cessation of the outward pressure resulting from the fusion reaction, and the inward gravitational pull wins eventually leading to the gravitational collapse of the core. ->Rebound:- During the supernova process the core of the dying star experiences a strong inward pull leading to extreme levels of density and temperature and the material surrounding the core is pulled into the core. Still; at a certain point, the infalling material when it experiences extreme levels of density and temperature is forcefully pushed away or in scientific terms marked as the material being rebounded outward resulting in an extremely powerful shockwave. ->Ejection of Material: The shockwave owing rebound of the material falling into the superdense and heated core creates a disbalance of the outer layers of the star, and this disbalance results in their expulsion in space at supreme velocities and this ejection of material is a basic feature of a supernova explosion. The expelled material in space comprises materials formed in the star's core along with other remnants of the dying collapsing star from the outer layers of the star expelled into space during a supernova explosion. ->Neutron Star or a Black Hole: The collapsed core of a colossal star resulting from a supernova explosion having a mass about 1.4 to three times that of the Sun, a radius of approximately eight kilometers, and having density like that of a neutron then that collapsed core is symbolized as a Neutron star. If the collapsed core has a mass of about twenty folds that of the Sun then it is termed a Black Hole. Most importantly the core left out after the supernova explosion has an extremely large mas, for instance,e five to fiftyfold of the sun's mass than the gravitational pull turns it into a core with infinite density. Note:- -> If the collapsed core has a mass of about twenty folds that of the Sun then it is termed as a Black Hole. ->Stellar Mass black holes are on a journey to gain more mass by impacting with other stars and black holes. ->Accretion Disk: It is the most fascinating part of a black hole. Interestingly, it is a somewhat flat circulating disc of gas that surrounds a black hole, newborn star, or any such colossal object that gulps matter. Pic Source: Forbes Stars surrounded by; accretion disks may have dust particles which are evidence of a planet formation near stars. For Instance, BETA PICTORIS IS A STAR SURROUNDED BY ACCRETION DISK. Pic Source: WEB SPACE TELESCOPE ->In binary star systems both stars orbit one another. If a more massive star loses its nuclear fuel it collapses and becomes a black hole. The less big star might continue on its metamorphosis or be under the influence of the newly formed black hole. X-Ray Binaries: These are exclusive occurrences in the black hole period; when it attracts gas from the star in its vicinity forming a disk of gas circulating about the black hole. When this gas gets heated up to large temperatures, it emanates X-rays which are then traced by a telescope. Amazingly by leveraging predictions of such X-ray binaries, the scientists have recognized 50 anticipated or predicted stellar Mass Black Holes within our galaxy-Milky Way Galaxy. Although there may be 100 million stellar-mass black holes concealed in our galaxy awaiting their discovery by scientists and astronomers. Pic Sourc : NASA Pic Source:eoPortal A Black Hole yielded from a supernova explosion has five to fiftyfold of the sun's mass and whether or not the collapsing star will turn out to be a neutron star or a black hole depends on its mass; the greater the mass of the collapsing star the greater will be the probability for the star to be a black hole. 2. Supermassive Black Holes:- These Black Holes are positioned at the center of almost every galaxy and our Milky Way Galaxy also has a Supermassive Black Hole. These immensely large black holes are known to possess gigantic masses of millions to billions of times that of the Sun. Before delving into the aspects of this black hole, let's first understand what Accretion of Matter is. It is the unification of cosmic particles in a gigantic object that gravitationally attracts more cosmic matter, usually gaseous matter into the accretion disk. The supermassive black holes are predicted to expand in a period owing to the accretion of matter (i.e. accumulation of matter in it) and merging of smaller black holes. These mysterious black holes exist in every colossal galaxy, including our Milky Way, and are believed to possess an extremely massive mass i.e. billionfolds of the Sun's mass. However, scientists have put a minimum limit on the mass of these colossal cosmic wonders to be tens of thousands of the sun's mass. For Instance, the one at the center of our Milky Way galaxy is SAGITTARIUS A*{Also called ey-star) has a mass of 4 millionfolds of the Sun's mass; however, this mass is not that large which is of mass of supermassive black holes in different galaxies spanning in the universe. For instance, the mass of a supermassive black hole in the galaxy {Holmberg A} is approximately 40 billion suns combined. Scientists are still unsure regarding the origin of these black holes. Some studies show that these black holes evolved in the initial billion years once the universe happened to exist. They also estimate that; the supermassive black holes might be a result of the death of supermassive stars in the universe which then forwarded their journey to be a supermassive black hole. Although the early signs for the pursuit of the evolution of these gigantic black holes are not known; according to scientists and astronomers these black holes tend to expand by guping on the cosmic matter such as steller mass relatives as well as the neutron stars. They can also join with different prevailing suppermassive black holes when galaxies come into collision with each other. Pic Source: 3. Intermediate Black Holes:- These black holes are believed to have masses greater than stellar black holes and smaller than supermassive black holes. It is anticipated that the origination of these black holes is due to the unification of less massive black holes or the bang of a large group of stars. Scientists are unsure about the difference between masses of stellar mass black holes and supermassive black holes. They anticipate that there should be a continuation of the masses of stellar mass black holes as the intermediate black holes might have resulted owing to the impact of the stellar mass black holes. There is research going on by scientists to figure out instances of black holes that would have a mass between one hundred to hundreds of thousands of times that of the Sun—or tens of thousands, depending on how the supermassive black holes are detailed. A multitude of such black holes have been recognized but many of them lie in uncertainty awaiting to be unveiled. Pic Source: Hybebeast 4.Primordial Black Holes:- These black holes are imaginary black holes that might have originated with the initial occurrence of the universe significantly after the Big Bang explosion. According to one assumption, they might have evolved owing to gravitational pull directed inward of the tightly packed areas of the cosmic matter or owing to the instability of the initial universe. A proposal by scientists details that the primordial black holes originated within the initial second following the universe's inception. During this timeframe, the hot and dense cosmic regions might have led to the emergence of a black hole with a variance in mass from 100000 times lighter than a paperclip to 100000 heavier than the Sun. But with time the expansion and cooling of the universe, there were no conditions that might lead to the formation of black holes. Scientists still lack solid proof of these black holes regardless of their persistent efforts to find them.Might be due to changes in the tiniest particles of the universe the early black holes vanished .As per the inferences of a theory black holes lighter than a mountain disappeared as compared to their heavier counterparts; leaving a chance of detection of heavier black holes. 5. Microscopic Black Holes:- These black holes are imaginary black holes that possess a size smaller than that of the stellar-mass black holes and are anticipated to be present in very small scales typically at the levels of atoms and subatomic particles{quantum level-branch of physics dealing with phenomena occurring at very small scales i.e. at the levels of atoms and subatomic particles}. They can be significantly made by humans by collisions of particles having high levels of energy for instance in particle accelerators. Conclusively,every black hole distinctively possesses special characteristics and behaviors but all back holes have an event horizon (an imaginary boundary beyond which nothing,i.e. not even light can escape). Thank You References:-,the%20galaxy%20they%20are%20in.,pull%20of%20a%20Black%20Hole.,mass%20of%20the%20black%20hole.,Albert%20Einstein's%20Theory%20of%20Relativity.,The%20denser%20an%20object%20is%2C%20the%20stronger%20its%20gravitational%20force,to%20objects%20with%20lower%20densities.


    Hello, beauties!! Let’s take a sneak peek into why brown eyeliners are a class apart. Brown eyeliners are very versatile and are a perfect switch from regular black eyeliner by giving dimension to eyes without overpowering the eyes giving a subtle look and suites almost every skin tone. Here are various brown eyeliner looks one can create:- 1. Best for office look It is best for an office look by simply accessorizing eyes with it creating a softer subtle look. It also enhances the natural beauty of the eyes by giving a focus on and making them look big. 2. The longer lash look Apart from regular black eyeliner which makes the lashes with black mascara look sidelined the brown eyeliner focuses on the lashes as it naturally sits on the eye giving a length to lashes yet giving a great outlook to the eye. 3. Bold/ Hypnotic/Dramatic eye look or a daily wear look Since brown eyeliners are best for a natural look and are very versatile they can bless one’s eye with a subtle look as well as a bolder or a dramatic look similar to the black eyeliner. A fine wing or a thicker one or smudged or smoked wing brown eyeliner can be used in numerous ways giving eyes a simple or a sexy bold look. BEST CLASSY YET AFFORDABLE BROWN EYELINERS 1. Essence Long –Lasting Eye Pencil-02 Hot chocolate(0.28g)-MRP 198 INR This eyeliner is overall the best affordable no-budge eyeliner. 2. Flower Beauty Forever Wear Long Wear Eyeliner-Brownstone (0.27 g)-MRP 700 INR This eyeliner is a bit costly as compared to Essence but this one too is a long-wear eyeliner that goes a long way and does not cause any irritation to the eyes, especially for those who have watery eyes this one can be considered. 3. Shryoan 24 Hour Gel Eyeliner (4 gm)-MRP 289 INR Powerful waterproof, sweat, and anti-oil formulations make this eyeliner a class apart. The texture of the eyeliner is smooth and has moisturizing ingredients which give care to the eyes. 4. Colourbar All Rounder Pencil-Blingy Bronze(0.29 g)-MRP 360 INR It is a very affordable, smooth, and waterproof formula that will brighten the eyes as never before. This waterproof versatile pencil can be used as eyeliner, lip liner, and a kajal too. It beautifully accentuates eyes and gives them a mesmerizing look. So just go for it beauties!! 5. Lakme 9 to 5 Eyeconic Liquid Liner (4.5 ml)-MRP 240 INR It is an affordable, smudge-proof, and waterproof liquid eyeliner. It is good for those who have sensitive and watery eyes. Conclusively I feel that brown eyeliners give a softer and a natural look and complement every skin tone. Universally complementing and flattering on every skin tone these are subtle yet classy. Brown eyeliners are a must-have as they look amazing without creating chaos!! Thank You

  • Artificial Intelligence: Its Overview And Understanding Its Uses

    Hello, Everyone! Today, cutting-edge software and Artificial Intelligence have completely revolutionized the world. There is a wave of advanced technologies transforming our lives with very little human engagement. Sounds Interesting! Surely it does. So let's overview this world-class technology, delve into its functioning, and learn how it is leveraged in our daily lives. Artificial Intelligence(AI): Artificial Intelligence or simply AI refers to the duplication of human cognitive functions such as perception, mental attention, memorization of data, language perception,problem-solving, reasoning, and learning; and human intellects by machines or devices specifically computing devices. Artificial Intelligence performs by archiving data from many sources such as sensors and the Internet and organizing it by removing errors from the data archived such as noise or addressing missing data. The AI models are trained by leveraging specific algorithms to analyze the collected data and then deliver insights. After completion of training, these AI systems or models use their expertise to perform human tasks without any human involvement. But what are AI models? These are specific computational representations or structures in simple terms referred to as mathematical representations, equations, parameters, and algorithms existing as software components that are engineered to do certain tasks, by leveraging machine learning algorithms i.e computational methods or what we say algorithmic processes which are used to refine data and comprehend patterns or relationships.AI models are not physical entities or computer systems or Computer hardware but are mathematical representations that exist as software constructs. Functioning Of Artificial Intelligence: As we know AI functions by leveraging computer systems to replicate human intellect. So let us understand step by step, the functions of Artificial Intelligence: Accumulation Of Data: Data is largely accumulated for the training of AI models for obtaining information and rendering decisions. The data being accumulated is derived from multiple sources for instance sensors, cameras, databases, the internet, or other online sources. Refining Of Accumulated Data: Before the data analysis by specific algorithms, the accumulated data must be refined or filtered by performing three tasks: firstly cleaning of data by removing noise, secondly organizing or streamlining the cleaned data by tackling issues like missing data, and thirdly preparing this streamlined data for analysis by the algorithms, by converting the streamlined data into a specific format which AI algorithms can easily comprehend. Training of AI models: AI models(computational representations existing as software components) are instructed using machine learning algorithms, which are computational procedures used by AI models to organize data and learn patterns or relationships or perform tasks autonomously. In the training process, the AI system is fed with labeled data having input-output pairs and comprehends to identify patterns or relationships within the data. In the training process, the parameters of the AI models are adjusted to achieve minimum errors and enhanced performance. Inference (Deployment of AI model): After the AI model is trained it is deployed to make interpretations or decisions on the new unencountered data. The process of taking input to render output based on learned patterns is called Inference. Feedback Loop(Closed Loop Learning): There is a feedback loop in a few AI models, wherein a part of the output or the entire output of the AI model is fed as input of the AI model for enhancing the functioning of the AI model. So in a nutshell we could say that AI systems leverage machine learning algorithms or computational techniques to organize data, understand it, and then make anticipations or render decisions. Types of Artificial Intelligence: 1. Weak AI or Narrow AI or Narrow Artificial Intelligence(NAI): This type of AI is deployed for performing particular tasks and this type of AI backs some robust applications like Apple Siri, Amazon's Alexa, IBM's Watnoax, and autonomous vehicles. 2. Strong AI: Strong Artificial Intelligence(SAI) is a melange of artificial general Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI). Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) or what we can say AI is a replication of human intellect in a machine loaded with features like self-awareness with awareness to do multiple tasks like problem-solving -learning, and planning for the future. ASI also abbreviated for Artificial Super Intelligence mentioned Superintelligence is a hypothetical software-based Artificial Intelligence system with the intellect of par human. To our awe, it has extremely advanced cognitive functions and sophisticated thinking skills beyond human scope. Being imaginary with no real-life example doesn't defy its importance in the researcher's mind. The researchers are researching its scope for evolution. By far the best reference to ASI would be from Sci-Fi movies such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Wars where the cutting-edge Superhuman HAL, Computer Assistant Rouge, and robot R2D2 would be a few of the references that function beyond human intellect. Uses Of AI: A few examples of Artificial Intelligence are: 1. Online Shopping & Advertising: AI is optimally leveraged for rendering individualized recommendations to individuals based on their history of searches and purchases or other activities conducted online and is exhaustively used in commerce for enhancing customer operation and customer experiences by product optimization, price optimization, optimizing inventory levels, enhancing logistics and transportation routes, visual search, marketing automation and many more. 2. Web Search: Through the large input of data furnished by their users, the search engines learn what is to be delivered as an output of the search done. 3. Digital Personal Assistant: It is a software application or a virtual agent for addressing individual queries, tasks, and also organizational activities. Digital Personal assistants use AI, machine language algorithms, and NLP(Natural Language Processing) to comprehend individual user inputs, make observations from the interactions, and deliver appropriate responses or take requisite actions. The smartphone uses AI to deliver services which optimally relevant and have a highly individualized approach. It is common nowadays for virtual assistants to help with suggestions, give answers to the asked questions, and manage daily routines. A few examples of Digital Personal Assistants are Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana, and Amazon's Alexa. 4. Machine Translations: Artificial Intelligence is critical for language translation software whether it is based on spoken or written text to deliver enhanced translations also plays a pivotal in tasks as as automated subtitling. One of the best examples of Machine Translations is Google Translate which utilizes algorithms for the translation of text in diverse languages. 5. Smart Homes, Cities & Infrastructure: A smart home means a home where all the appliances and devices are connected automatically and can be operated from a remote location by an internet connection in a smartphone or tablet or any other device powered by the internet. With an automatic interconnection, the user can control various operations such as temperature, security access, lighting, home theater, and much more remotely from home. It helps users with maximum convenience and cost-saving. Being a part of the Internet Of Things (IoT), the smart home devices function collaboratively, exchanging user data among themselves and performing operations automatedly based on user preferences. Smart cities are urban areas where the integration of technology and data helps enhance the standard of living as well as stewardship and productivity of the urban area. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as well as the Internet of Things(IoT) are used in smart cities. AI-triggered smart cities can have control of their traffic, and waste, anticipating energy consumption, pollution risks, and environmental effects. Smart city developers aim to control traffic for enhanced connectivity with minimum traffic jams. 6. Cars: Even though automated cars are not commonplace, AI-powered safety functions are extensively used in cars. For example, Navigation is widely AI-powered. 7. Cyber security: It refers to protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks that often target sensitive user information by accessing, changing, and then destroying it, interfering with normal business operations, and demanding payment through threats by leveraging malicious software called ransomware. AI is excellent at examining extensive datasets, recognizing patterns having a possibility of cyber threats, and autonomously responding to cyber threats in an instant. 8. AI against COVID-19: At the time of COVID-19, in airports, and other locations, AI has been extensively used in thermal imaging to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Besides this other useful cases of deploying AI for tackling, COVID-19 are: disease detection by examining chest X-rays and CT scans for early disease detection, innovating drugs by testing existing drugs or replicating new drug compounds to come up with a significant treatment against deadly Coronavirus, examining a large amount of data based on infection rate, demographics and several diverse factors for faster prediction of the extend of virus and also notifying healthcare initiatives for the people. 9. Combatting Misinformation: By delving into social-media data, figuring out provocative and alarming words, and recognizing authoritative online sources, some AI applications can identify false news and misinformation. Conclusively we say that AI has now become a trendsetter through its cutting-edge algorithms to examine large amounts of data and its versatility and wide-operability have positioned it as pioneering technology in shaping developments among diverse industries. Thank You.


    Hello, Everyone! Miss Universe is an international beauty pageant held annually by a United States and Thailand-based Miss Universe organization. This year on 19th November 2023 as per IST, the 72nd Miss Universe pageant was held in San Salvador, EL Salvador. The pageant marks a spellbound extravaganza of beauty, intelligence, and cultural diversity. MISS UNIVERSE Sheynnis Palacios from Nicaragua won the prestigious 72nd Miss Universe international beauty pageant. This is the first time a Nicaraguan woman has won the coveted crown and glory of being Miss Universe. Previously she had represented Nicaragua in 2017, in the 2017 Teen Miss Universe pageant, placing in the top 10 and Miss World Pageant in 2021. RUNNER UP Anntonia Porslid from Thailand is the runner while Moraya Wilson from Australia holds 3rd place in the competition. Winners of national pageants from 84 countries participated in Miss Universe this year vying for the coveted crown representing their country. The contestants were judged by a panel of judges including singer Mario Bautista, original Queer Eye star Carson Kressley, model and activist Halima Aden, Telemundo host Giselle Blondet, former White House physician Dr. Connie Mariano, and influencer Avani Gregg among the judges. SEMIFINALS 20 semifinalists out of 84 contestants were announced in the semifinals. Some of these were Miss India Universe Shweta Sharda, Miss Pakistan Universe Erica Robins, and Miss Philippines Universe Michelle Dee. FINALS The top 10 finalists for Miss Universe 2023 were Puerto Rico, Thailand, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, Philippines, El Salvador, Venezuela, Australia, and Spain. INDIA QUALIFIED FOR THE SEMIFINALS BUT MISSED ITS SPOT IN FINALS Chandigarh-born model and dancer Shweta Shrda aged 22 was among the top twenty semifinalists. But unfortunately, after the swimsuit round, she could not qualify for the evening gown round. The Indian beauty queen was heading high among the top twenty semi-finalists for her race toward the finals but her dream of racing to the finals dream was shattered and India missed its spot in the finals. HOW THE 72ND MISS UNIVERSE WAS UNIQUE This year Miss Universe’s 72nd edition was unique and was one of its kind till now. Here’s the list of historical events that made the Miss Universe competition so special : 1. BODY POSITIVITY This year's pageant included its first plus-sized contestant 22-year-old from Miss Nepal, Jane Dipika Garrett. She is a Nepal-based model in the United States and is a body-positive and women’s health advocate. As stated in her Instagram bio she is also a nurse and business owner. Jane Dipika Garnett stated"As a woman who is curvy and who does not meet beauty standards, I'm here to represent women who are curvy, who struggle with weight gain, who struggle with hormonal issues" after winning the Miss Nepal 2023 title. 2. THE DEBUT Pakistan made its debut in the Miss Universe beauty pageant. Pakistan’s representative aged 25 Erica Robin shined at the swimsuit competition with a loose light pink gown instead of a bikini to abide by the country’s beliefs and religion. 3. GENDER IDENTITY-TRANSGENDER INCLUSION Transgender delegates made their spot in their global pageantry for the first time promoting gender identity. This year marked the inclusion of two transgender contestants from the Netherlands and Portugal namely Miss Portugal (Marina Machete )and Miss Netherlands (Rikki Kolle). 4. BREAKING STEREOTYPES-NO BAR FOR MARRIED WOMEN AND WOMEN WITH CHILDREN This year saw historic moments at the pageant. For the first time, the 72nd edition of Miss Universe saw no bar for married women and mothers for their entry to the global stage breaking stereotypes. For the first time married women participated in the competition. Miss Columbia Camila Avella's entry to the Miss Universe is one such example. She is not only married but also she is a second mother to glorify the most esteemed global event. JOHN LEGEND PERFORMANCE The Grammy-winning singer enthralled his fans with his “ALL OF ME” performance. The musical spectacle has made a long long-lasting soulful impact in the hearts of audiences worldwide.


    Hello, Everyone!! Advertisement is a way of promoting/selling or marketing a product, channel, mindset, scheme, etc. They spread awareness and give information regarding a particular brand and they are an essential part of sales and brand marketing. The main objective of advertisements is to give information. They help create trust in a brand and its products by establishing emotional connections with customers. Advertising helps reach a wide range of audiences by doing it on television or digital media. This increases the positive social image of a brand and its products. Advertisements cover a wide range of variables such as clothing brands e.g. Raymond, Aurelia, Biba; medicine brands like Cipla, Sun Pharma, Lupin, etc.; food restaurant brands such as Dominos, McDonald, online shopping sites like Flipkart, and Myntra, Nykaa, etc. One such variable is advertisements on fashion and beauty. There are many fashion and beauty brands from Indian to international. Some examples of Indian beauty brands are Colorbar, Elle 18, Sugar Cosmetics, VLCC, Colouressence, Lotus Herbals, etc. Also, there are many herbal beauty brands such as Biotique, Kama Ayurveda, Jovees, and Earth Rhythm. Some international beauty brands are Maybelline, L’Oreal, MAC Cosmetics, etc. A major advantage of fashion and beauty advertisements is freedom of self-representation and choice to do customization with various looks. Anything that makes customers feel better and happy about themselves is what they look for; be it cosmetically or clothing-wise. One can try various makeup and dressing styles according to occasion such as bold makeup look for festive occasions or subtle makeup look for office wear. Customization with dressing styles such as ethnic wear for festive occasions and party wear for any party. Fashion and beauty advertisements have familiarized us with various dressing styles and cosmetic products. They help customers to get acquainted with the products of a brand be it for example any makeup brand like Lakme or any clothing brand such as Biba. But there are a few negative effects of these advertisements too. Nowadays advertisements on fashion and beauty are spreading false information and creating a false desire for a particular product, misleading people and these are changing the mindset of people for their take on freedom. It seems like people are getting slaved by their own desires and their ability to think of what is good and bad for them has been crippled by false and useless standards served by advertisements. Be it a fairness cream advertisement, a makeup product ad, or any other advertisement they all create a false desire for fake beauty principles and people are losing their take on simplicity, analytical thinking, and natural beauty. These are misleading people to apply, or wear anything even if it’s not suiting them. One of the greatest examples of the negative effects of fashion and beauty advertisements is the unrealistic beauty standards and physical attributes which is exploitative, especially for young girls and women. The negative effects of advertisements on fashion and beauty include body shaming, and comparing themselves with other young girls and teenagers. They lower self-esteem in a way one becomes conscious of how he/she looks, and if how one carries himself /herself is better than others or not. This negatively impacts a healthy feeling of being deserved and accepted. People are bound to buy their product due to such fears and unhealthy approaches. NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF ADVERTISEMENTS ON FASHION AND BEAUTY 1. BODY SHAMING- The fashion and beauty advertisements serve unrealistic standards on physical attributes, hair; and skin complexion which makes one feel bad about themselves thus body shaming is a common negative effect of these advertisements. Because of this a feeling of comparison develops and leads to an inferiority complex. 2. LOW SELF ESTEEM Inferiority complex, a feeling of social comparison of how we look and carry ourselves from others leads to low self-confidence or low self-esteem. Sometimes it is so bad that we start to hate ourselves. It is often seen especially in teenage girls and youngsters. It makes them feel dissatisfied and unhappy about themselves. 3. NEGATIVE MINDSET Body shaming and low self-esteem lead to a sense of hatred about how one looks and carries themselves. This leads to comparison amongst people on physical attributes skin complexion, hair, or anything, and the focus on natural beauty, simplicity, and a sense of self-confidence is therefore completely lost resulting in an overall hampered personality of themselves. 4. MONEY WASTAGE Because of false and unrealistic beauty standards set by these advertisements on fashion and beauty, one is bound to buy a particular product. They create an urge to buy a particular product by triggering one’s self-esteem, desires, and fears by negative comparison with an exploitative approach. This has somewhat negatively and irrelevantly affected people’s shopping habits and analysis of what to buy, when to buy, and how to buy leading to more often irrelevant money wastage. 5. NEGATIVE TAKE ON FREEDOM A no makeup but makeup look they say or applying a moisturizing lotion and wearing anything irrespective of weather conditions or any occasion is so unreal. A short skirt in winter after applying a body lotion! Seriously! We always think about who does that. They say to live your life on your own terms but after applying anything or wear anything after applying anything. In some other advertisements, it’s like becoming successful after applying a fairness cream and then they say always focus on flying colors of success and not on one’s facial complexion! This leads to one’s negative approach to freedom. It seems people are getting enslaved of their own desires and these advertisements work on the needs and desires of people. 6. LESSER EMOTIONAL STABILITY Advertisements establish an emotional connection with their audience. They laugh after watching a certain ad and then in the next moment, they cry. This can make people emotionally unstable as it affects one’s analytical skills. People just go with the flow of emotional content displayed in emotional advertisements. It just blows up our feelings and makes a lasting impact on our hearts. We therefore do not think analytically covering the whole spectrum of such content. Also, it makes us feel unhappy and dissatisfied as they impose a feeling of discontent and social comparison.


    Hello, beauties!! We always think of beauty as the embodiment of feminism and attractive physical attributes. But is it enough? Embracing our beauty comprises staying true to ourselves, and accepting our physical attributes i.e. from hair to complexion, facial features, body type, curves, and beyond. Real beauty lies in self-confidence, a positive attitude, and acceptance just the way we are. What makes one stand class apart is how one carries with grace and confidence. When we love ourselves we feel deserved and happy within. But there is one glitch here. The thing is we have to give love to feel more loved. This is the law of love and happiness. The more we give it the more we feel contended, loved, and happy within. It is a kind of redefinition of self care-give love and feeling more loved and happy from within. Word said with kindness and generosity goes a long way. Natural beauty lies in accepting oneself, staying true, having self-confidence, caring and loving nature, understanding and respecting everyone’s feelings, and living with simplicity. WAYS OF ENHANCING NATURAL BEAUTY AND SELF-CONFIDENCE There are ways of enhancing natural beauty and self-confidence:- 1. Doing yoga and Pranayama Pranayama is a form of yoga that focuses on controlling the breath. It involves different breathing techniques that can help improve lung function, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Yoga is a great way of achieving youthful and glowing skin. So goodbye to heavy makeup to look young and radiant. Practicing yoga daily also helps to boost self-confidence and keeps lifestyle-related diseases e.g. obesity, fatty liver, heart diseases, and diabetes at bay. 2. Learning and practicing music As we say music is a treat to the ears and food to the soul so by learning music and practicing it daily one feels happy within and this happiness shines on the overall personality making one feel naturally beautiful and confident. Also, research says people who practice music daily feel happy, and healthy and are less prone to stress-related diseases e.g. heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. 3. Meditating indoors and/or outdoors Meditating indoors or outdoors in nature gives calm to the senses which naturally makes one feel naturally beautiful. Regular meditation is a blessing for mental and spiritual health. It also makes our respiratory system strong. 4. Having a balanced diet Having a diet comprising all the essential nutrients is vital for a healthy body, normal body growth, and repair functions. There are essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, fat, carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, protein, vitamins, fiber, and water. For children, it’s essential for brain development and normal growth. For adults, it helps to prevent some cancers, help in preventing heart-related diseases such as arthritis. Overall having a balanced diet gives healthy growth youthful and flawless skin and an active mind and body aiding in natural beauty and self–confidence.


    Hello, Everyone! French President Emmanuel Macron is the chief guest at the Republic Day celebrations in Delhi on 26th January 2024 and visited Jaipur on Thursday(25th January 2024)around 2:30 Pm a day before the Republic Day parade in Delhi. The French delegation was welcomed at the Jaipur airport amidst stringent security by external affairs minister S Jaishankar, Rajasthan governor Kalraj Mishra, and Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma. Let’s delve into the key events of Emmanuel Macron's visit to the Pink City. VISIT TO THE AMBER FORT President Macron's initial stop was a two-hour trip of the sandstone rock splendor Amber Fort which was built in the 16th century and placed over Aravelli hills overlooking Rajasthan. The Amber Fort is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is India’s architectural marvel. The fort’s architecture exhibits a captivating mélange of Mughal and ingenious style. French president Emmanuel Macron was accompanied and taken around by Rajasthan deputy chief minister Diya Kumari who belongs to the royal family of Jaipur. He then meets schoolchildren from various cities like Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Kota assembled at the fort to greet him. The school children questioned him in French and he replied in French too. He also demonstrated a robust water harvesting system, which plays a pivotal role in coping with the fort's water requirement. The water from the Maota Lake is distributed and kept in six underground water tanks and is brought up to the fort via a Rehat or Persian wheel system. He then enjoyed the “Kutchi Ghoda” folk dance of Rajasthan where the folk dancers wore turbans, kurtas, and dhotis and imitated riding an imitation horse and recreated a dramatization of mock battles. While enjoying the folk dance President Macron also communicated with handicrafts, artisans, painters, and blue pottery workers. PRIME MINISTER MET FRENCH PRESIDENT MACRON AT JANTAR MANTAR ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY Prime Minister Narendra Modi landed in Jaipur by around 4:30 pm and then greeted President Macron at Jantar Mantar, an astronomical observatory constructed by Sawai Jai Singh who was a ruler of the Rajput State of Amber in 1730. Jantar Mantar was enlisted in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2010. ROADSHOW “SHOBHA YATRA” President Macron with Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a 1.7 Km roadshow in an open SUV where they were greeted by a multitude of people. The roadshow commenced from Jantar Mantar to Sanageri Gate with a stoppage at Hawa Mahal. PRESIDENT MACRON GETS AYODHYA RAM TEMPLE MOMENTO President Macron and Prime Minister Modi visited a handicrafts shop near Hawa Mahal where Prime Minister Modi presented President Macron with a memento of Ayodhya Ram temple for which 500 Indian Rupees were paid through a UPI transaction. VISIT THE ALBERT HALL MUSEUM Prime Minister Modi and French President Macron visited the Albert Hall Museum which was built by British Army Officer and engineer Samuel Swinton in 1887 from Hawa Mahal. VISIT TO RAMBAGH PALACE HOTEL FOR TALKS The dignitaries then poised for official talks at Rambagh Palace Hotel where they had official talks on all essential elements of India-France ties. PM Modi organized a dinner for President Macron before they aimed for Delhi for Republic Day celebrations. REFERENCES HINDUSTAN TIMES NEWSPAPER ON 26TH JAN 2024 –NEWS TITLE: MACRON SOAKS IN SIGHTS, AND SOUNDS OF PINK CITY AHEAD OF DELHI VISIT


    Hello, Everyone! Australia claimed the honour of being the world champions sixth time defeating India in the World Cup final held on 19th November 2023 in Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmadabad. The heartbroken team won the hearts of billions with their stellar performance in the World Cup but Australia seized the World Cup for titled sixth time. There was an eerie silence in the end for Indian cricket team fans. The glory of winning the World Cup final was envisioned by millions and billions of fans for a seemingly unstoppable Indian cricket team after winning an array of 10 matches consecutively concluded in melancholy and sunken spirits. After 11 games,9 venues, and 46 days the dream remains unfulfilled. Skipper Rohit Sharma and his Indian Teammates are runners-up instead with their dream unfulfilled to be the World Champions. Aussies led by Pat Cummins had won the toss and decided to ball first. India managed to score 240 runs in 50 overs. Indian team batted with glee to give the Australian team a big target and a desire to dominate. This was perfectly exemplified by the Hitman Rohit Sharma at the top of the order. But he was dismissed for 47 runs from 31 balls as soon as he tried to hit Glen Maxwell for a third boundary in an over. KL Rahul scored 66 runs on 106 balls, while Virat Kohli scored a half-century. The Indian team got in a tough situation after the team stacked at 81-3 after losing Rohit Sharma and Shreyas Iyer. After that, the pressure mounted and the Indians went into defensive mode. From scoring 80 runs in 10 overs, the team scored a 100-run mark in the 16th over,150 in the 30th over, and 200 in the 41st over. The team fell short of batters and was unable to score high in the end and set a target of 241 for Australia. Travis Head made 137 off 120 balls while Mitchel Starc took three wickets had robust Australia‘s win by 6 wickets. India’s bowling has been a firecracker this World Cup. The impressive and relentless Indian fast-bowling attack has been its best. On the final day, Jasprit Bumrah and Mohammad Shami had Australia at 47/3 in seven overs. But Australia capitalized on the deliveries with time. David Warner was knocked by Bumrah bowling leading to a sharp catch by King Kohli at slip. Mitchell Marsh’s outside edge was a strategy of Mohammad Shami. The third setback to the Aussies' batting lineup was losing Steve Smith to Bumrah’s off-cutter which made Steve Smith perplexed. But Travis Head and Labuschangne's partnership was exceptional. Travis Head enthralled his fans after scoring a century while Labuschangne’s unbeaten 58 runs helped to make a match-winning partnership of 192 runs for the fourth wicket when the Australian team reduced to 47 for three wickets. A great pitch and Indian batting is a match made in heaven. But on the final day, the pitch was a bit tricky, and a loss of toss led to an unfavorable stand. Due to the due, as the evening came the ball came onto the bat with ease and Aussies made the most from it. When Indians batted the conditions were not in their favor. MATCH SUMMARY PLAYER OF THE MATCH: TRAVIS HEAD PLAYER OF THE TOURNAMENT: VIRAT KOHLI AUSTRALIA WON THE MATCH BY 6 WICKETS(42 BALLS LEFT) WITH A SCORE OF 241/4. SOME KEY MOMENTS Let's dig deep into some of the most eye-catching moments of the World Cup final: 1. Dismissal of Rohit Sharma The Hitman Rohit Sharma with a strike rate of 125.94 after scoring 597 runs in 11 matches has always played tremendous cricket. The King Kohli is on top-notch in scoring high by breaking the World Cup record by scoring 765 runs. Rohit Sharma made 47 runs in 31 runs with four fours and three sixes before falling to a sharp catch by Head in the 10th over balled by Glen Maxwell. 2. Kohli-Rahul Partnership After losing Subhman Gill, Rohit Sharma, and Shreyas Iyer, the Indian batting order started to fall short of batters and the pressure started to build on the Indian batting line-up but Kohli and Rahul 109 ball partnership steadied India’s batting but managed to score just 67 runs for the fourth wicket in 109 balls with only one boundary. 3. Losing 5 Wickets KL Rahul has played some of the fantastic innings. He scored 66 runs in 107 balls but Mitchell Starc’s reverse swing led the batsman to leave the grounds. India lost 5 wickets in a short span of 9 overs leading to a below-par score of just 37 runs in that time post KL Rahul's dismissal. 4. David Warner, Travis Head and Mitchell Marsh Trio Warner, Head, and Marsh helped to dominate the run rate as they managed to rack up 41 runs in just 4 overs. 5. Travis Head and Labuschangne Partnership Travis Head enthralled his fans after scoring a century while Labuschangne’s unbeaten 58 runs equally helped to make a match-winning partnership of 192 runs for the fourth wicket when the Australian team reduced to 47 for three wickets. 6. Kohli's dismissal by Pat Cummings Ahmadabad‘s Narendra Modi stadium crowd went into eerie silence after Virat Kohli was dismissed by Pat Cummins. The crowd got disappointed as Cummins seized the wicket of Kohli who scored 54 runs out of 63 balls. India lost its most trusted batsman in the 29th over after he tried to hit the ball but unfortunately, he led the delivery to hit back to the stumps. Reference{}


    Hello, Everyone! India, a country that believes in Unity in diversity with its beauty of cultural richness and splendid picturesque locations is gravitating couples towards itself to opt Indian destinations as their dream wedding spot. For Indians, a wedding is no less than a festival which holds 3-4 days of rituals, and festivities with a setting for beautiful clothes and colorful aromatic sweets. Also, Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi also has urged rich families to opt for India as their wedding destination rather than opting for an International destination in the latest episode of “Mann Ki Baat”. Aligning with the “Vocal For Local “Initiative he further said that this would help keep the nation’s wealth within its borders and he also appealed for purchasing Indian goods and endorsing Indian-made goods which would help boost the nation’s economy. Indian wedding planners and vendors are enthused with joy and hail PM Narendra Modi’s appeal to Indians which they feel is not only in tandem with the “Make In India “vision but also helps promote Indian craftsmanship and tapestry. Indian Artisans are a cornerstone of India’s rural economy who with their unique art and indigenous crafts glorifies the nation’s aesthetic sense and ancient art. Domestic weddings involve various rituals and ceremonies with exclusive requirements. Opting for a domestic wedding will help generate employment opportunities among broader sectors. A wide variety of artists, craftsmen, event planners, and decorators, will benefit from such a move. Another reason why domestic weddings are convenient and practical is hosting a wedding at an overseas location includes various challenges. First is the cultural difference, then next is language barriers, another is working style and pace, and dealing with logistical intricacies are only a few of the undeniable hurdles. The style and production needed for an Indian wedding are not readily available outside, requiring custom creation or purchase which in turn leads to higher costs . Stats reveal that only 10 to 20 percent of India’s affluent families opt for a destination wedding from which only 10 to 15 percent go overseas. This implies that many more grand Indian weddings are being held at domestic locations. There is no scarcity of options in India. Popular locations in India include Rajasthan, Goa, and Himachal Pradesh to name a few. Rajasthan is known for its historical hill forts and palaces; it is considered the best option for weddings related to palaces. One such option is the Umed Bhawan Palace, claimed to be the largest palace in Rajasthan. It is also one of the largest private residences in the world. Bollywood celebs also have chosen Rajasthan as their wedding venue for their D-Day. One example is when Veteran Actor Katrina Kaif tied the knot with versatile actor Vicky Kaushal in Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan. Another example of a celeb wedding in Rajasthan is when veteran actor Priyanka Chopra opted for Jodhpur, Rajasthan as her wedding destination. Another popular location for a destination wedding is Goa which is known for spectacular beaches and magnificent coastline. The wedding here will be a fairytale one. What about some picturesque landscapes and serene hill stations which are truly breathtaking and majestic wedding destinations which “The land of Gods”: Devabhumi- Himachal Pradesh has in itself. One such place in Himachal Pradesh is Dharamshala. An enchanting wedding ceremony in Dharamshala which is surrounded by stunning natural beauty and dense forests can make memories made in heaven. Other exotic beautiful places include Shimla, Manali, Dalhousie, and Kasol to name a few.


    Hello, Everyone!! Beauty Pageants have always been an inspiration for young girls and young women. A beauty pageant is an annual competition in which women from all types of backgrounds are judged according to their physical attributes, body shape, self-confidence, and zeal to contribute to society through their talent. Every girl aspires to be the most prettiest and beautiful. These pageants have always inspired almost every girl and woman. This is a platform that is completely feminist. The platform believes the only way a woman can progress in society is through her personality and how she represents herself socially. These pageants help to boost confidence inspire them to represent their country nationally or internationally and bring laurels for their country and family. A woman is not just a pretty face and slim figure. She is a way of life . According to her desires and interests, she can be anything from a doctor, engineer, lawyer judge, or anything which is aspires to be. Beauty pageants are not only about the physical attributes of the contestants but also about the talents, choices, opinions of their contestants and how they showcase them and materialize them. HOW BEAUTY PAGEANTS ARE INSPIRATIONAL 1. Boosts Self –Confidence The concept of a beauty pageant is one can progress in every walk of life through the overall personality one possesses. Self-representation with believing in oneself along with honing one’s ideas, skills, and talents helps in self-grooming along with boosting self-confidence. This makes one stand a class apart from fellow contestants. 2. Women Encouraging Women Beauty pageants are a platform that is basically a feminist one. What better platform can be than a beauty pageant wherein women encourage other women to believe in their beauty, their inner beauty, kindness, wisdom, and dreams be opinionated about themselves and not be hesitant about what people will think about them. Through these beauty pageants, women encourage other women to overcome their inhibitions empower their potential, and feel good about themselves. 3. Breaking Stereotypes Married women are often thought and expected to be confined to their family responsibilities but this mindset has now been modified. Married women no longer compromise on their personal and professional achievements and endeavors. Women are now a way of life by glorifying every spectrum of life. They are focusing on their careers as well as running a successful family. Earlier beauty pageants were for young unmarried women and Miss India and Miss World were there but now there are beauty pageants such as Mrs. India and Mrs. World which help married women to showcase their beauty, wisdom, and intelligence. 4. Inspiring Plus Size Women Beauty Pageants such as Miss India Curvy are a platform for women of plus size body type to showcase their talents and feel good and confident about them. Nowadays beauty pageants are promoting body positivity. Beauty pageants have made a long-lasting impact on our society. POSITIVE IMPACT OF BEAUTY PAGEANTS ON SOCIETY 1. BODY POSITIVITY Earlier our society which was biased towards slim body types and always welcomed wide their wide arms with fair-toned beauties with slim figures have now metamorphosed dusky beauties with curvier figure and have also found their acceptance and respect in our society. People have become respectful towards body positivity. 2. WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Yet another positive impact of beauty pageants on our society is respect, acceptance, and belief in women with self-expression, self-confidence, opinions, and dreams who love to be self-dependent. Earlier women were expected to compromise on their personal and professional achievements and dreams. They were considered selfish if their focus was on dreams and plans and were opinionated about their choices, feelings, and career plans but now this has taken a 360-degree change. Women's empowerment is now accepted and respected by our society. Now people have understood if a woman is empowered financially, physically, and emotionally her entire family is empowered. The society and entire country are empowered. 3. MORE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES Beauty Pageants' success is due to the talent and efforts of an alliance of makeup artists, fashion designers, dress designers, and photographers. More beauty pageants mean more opportunities for designers, models, jewelry designers fashion designers, and photographers. Every event is an opportunity for tourists to accept the globe and promote global tourism across the globe. 4. HELPING TODAY;S YOUTH WITH FINDING NEW OPPORTUNITIES Scholarships are given as an award to contestants who do well in the competition Sponsorship, annual salary, or additional carrier-building options are given in beauty pageants at a larger scale which aid winners in paving the way to their career growth. Beauty pageants act as an opportunity to find success.

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