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  • Very Severe Cyclone Remal Threatens West Bengal & Bangladesh

    Hello, Everyone! Cyclone is churning in the Bay of Bengal and is forecast to land on the coasts of West Bengal and Bangladesh by May 27th. This is a critical situation, and in this blog post, we will have a comprehensive approach to the following cyclone. So let's get started. Landfall And Impact: ->Landfall is expected around midnight of May 26th somewhere between Sagar Island {West Bengal and Khepupara {Bangladesh}. ->Heavy to hefty rain is expected to strike against South and North 24 Parganas, Purba Medinipur, Kolkata,Howrah, and Hoogly districts of West Bengal on May 26th and May 27th. ->Impact on North Odisha is also possible on those days. ->Extremely heavy rainfall may occur in parts of northeast Bharat on May 27th and 28th. ->Extremely heavy rainfall may occur in parts of northeast Bharat. Alerts and Warnings: -> A Red alert was issued for West Bengal's coastal districts of South and North 24 Parganas, warning of extremely heavy rainfall and wind speeds reaching 100-110 kmph on May 26th and 90-100 kmph on May 27th. -> Orange alert for Kolkata, Howrah, and Purba Medinipur districts, indicating heavy to hefty rainfall and wind speeds of 80-90 kmph on May 26th and 70-80 kmph on May 27th. -> A yellow warning was issued for isolated places in Balasore on May 26th, anticipating heavy to very heavy rainfall. Rain is also forecast in the Bhadrak and Kendrapara districts of Odisha on May 26th and the Balasore, Bhadrak, and Mayurbhanj districts on May 27th. Pic Source: Jagran English Pic URL: What To Do: ->One must stay informed about the latest weather updates from IMD{Indian Meteorological Department}. ->We must follow instructions from local authorities. ->If someone lives in the coastal area, then that person has to be prepared to evacuate if needed. Current Preparations : ->The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) teams have been deployed for rescue and relief operations. ->The Army, Navy, and Coast Guard are on standby with ships and aircraft. ->The emergency teams are in place for immediate power restoration. ->District Control Rooms are activated with shelters, Medicines, and emergency services readied. Elections Update : ->The Election Commission has stated that no adverse impact of the cyclone is expected on polling stations for the May 25th elections in Odisha and West Bengal. Conclusively, we can say that on the safer side, people vulnerable to this cyclone must do tight monitoring of the weather updates and adhere to the guidelines from local authorities to ensure their safety throughout this challenging weather condition. Thank You. References:

  • Bhartiya Space Agency ISRO Marks A Landmark In Bhartiya Rocket Tech

    Hello, Everyone! 9th of May,2024 marked a landmark for Bhartiya Space Agency ISRO in the design and manufacturing of rocket engines. In this blog post, we will delve into the nuances of the technology employed for engineering rocket engines i.e. additive manufacturing and its uses. So let's get started. On the 9th of May 2024, a fire test was executed on the rocket engine consisting of liquid rocket fuel. The engine was built using additive manufacturing technology, a significant landmark made in Bharatiya rocket tech. Pic Source:TOI Pic Url: But what is additive manufacturing technology? It is also called 3D printing or additive layer manufacturing industrially. It is a computer-regulated phenomenon in which 3-D objects are created by laying down the material as a layer or in the form of a sheet. The mechanism ensures the building of objects having geometric shapes with accuracy or precision. The objects are manufactured by laying down material in layers i.e. one by one of each layer. This is opposite to the conventional manufacturing technique which demands machinery or other mechanisms for the removal of extra material. The engine is used in the 4th stage of Bharat's PSLV. The hypergolic mix of liquid rocket fuels -monomethyl hydrazine and nitrogen tetraoxide. What is a hypergolic mixture of liquid rocket fuels? The hypergolic mixture of rocket fuels is a mixture of liquid fuels that are highly toxic and react instantaneously. In usual terms, the rocket fuels employed are hydrazine, monomethylhydrazine, nitrogen tetraoxide, unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine, and oxidizer. At room temperature or ordinary condition These are employed in multiple diverse kinds of rocket engines as well as aircraft systems for the sake of propulsion and hydraulic power for instance: ->Orbitting Satellites ->Mannned Satellites ->Deep Space Probes So what did the rocket engine do? In the rocket engine, the liquid fuels -monomethyl hydrazine & nitrogen tetraoxide were burned for a span of 665 seconds -which is a big landmark. What is monomethyl hydrazine? Why is it used as a liquid fuel in rocket engines? Monomethylhydreazine is extremely poisonous and volatile -readily converts into vapor at room temperature and has a chemical formula CH6N2. It is derived from hydrazine -a colourless possessing a smell similar to ammonia and it is a form of a hydronitrogen compound. Hydrazine is employed in rockets as a fuel because it readily reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen gas and water vapor with a release of heat {exothermically}. The thrust of the rocket is offered by the heat released and the gas molecules. Monomethylhydrazine is a colorless and clear fluid and is extensively used as a missile and rocket fuel in various military applications in chemical-based power sources and as a chemical intermediate which is a compound formed during the middle stages of a chemical reaction or a series of a chemical reaction and is subsequently used up in the formation of the final product i.e. they facilitate the transformation from reactants to products. What is Nitrogen Tetraoxide? The nitrogen tetraoxide or dinitrogen tetraoxide is the PSLV storable liquid oxidizer of PSLV -the workhouse of ISRO. The chemical formula for Nitrogen Tetraoxide is N2O4. The oxidizer is a hypergolic fuel employed with a hydrazine-derived rocket fuel. About PSLV...What is PSLV and its features? The Bharat's PSLV -Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle is a maiden launch vehicle of our country comprising liquid stages. Because of PSLV's continual high performance in deploying many satellites, it is referred to as the "Workhouse of ISRO". Features Of PSLV: The launch vehicle PSLV has launched multitudes of Bharatiya and international customer satellites. 2. Owing to its unprecedented reliability PSLV is also useful in deploying many satellites into different types of orbits called geosynchronous and geo-stationary satellites. 3. The launch vehicle has a supreme potential to deploy multitudes of payloads into orbit. 4. The cascade of repetitive successes and having the potential to launch multiple satellites has earned PSLV recognition of being the most reliable, affordable, and multipurpose launch vehicle worldwide. According to ISRO, the pioneering laser power bed process has significantly reduced 14 engine parts to one piece. It remarkably ruled out nineteen welding joints and has considerably saved the use of raw material in every rocket engine. The additive manufacturing process has used 302 pounds /135 kgs of metal powder in contrast to the massive 1,245 pounds /565 Kg of various forgings and sheets which were required with the conventional technique. Besides reducing the raw material, the production time has also reduced by 60% as per ISRO and it has also posted on its X handle regarding the same. It posted that it has seamlessly conducted a long-duration fire test of a PS4 engine- upper stage /4th stage engine which has been remodeled for the sake of production through pioneering additive manufacturing process and engineered in the Bharatiya industry. But what is the laser power bed process? It is a kind of additive manufacturing process in which the parts are created by integrating materials rather than removing excess materials through techniques such as milling. The laser beam is leveraged to liquidify the powder laid in every layer. This powder is being spread by a recoater blade also called roller spreads. Owing to the combustible property of the powder, the laser power bed fusion mechanism is done under the inert gases-gases that do not undergo chemical reactions, such as argon or in a vacuum. After manufacturing the parts; they are joined by welding to the build plate and additional support structures.are employed as well. Now let us again focus on PSLV features. The PSLV having an altitude of 44 mts,2.8 mts diameter and 320 tonnes of weight having four stages is one of our country's workhouse launches apart from LVM-3. The rocket with excellent payload capability can deploy up to massive 3,680 pounds /1750 Kg of payloads to sun-synchronous polar orbits at an altitude of 370 miles /600 Km. But what is a sun-synchronous polar orbit? And what is a polar orbit? Satellites in polar orbits travel from north to south, passing each Earth's poles at low altitudes While not perfectly polar, deviations within 20 to 30 degrees qualify. A special type, sun-synchronous orbit, is like clockwork, always crossing the same spot on Earth at the same local time. This consistent view is crucial for scientists to track changes over time, like weather patterns or deforestation, by capturing images under similar lighting conditions. These speedy satellites, traveling at 7.5 km per sec at an altitude of 600-800 km, are often timed for constant dawn or dusk to avoid Earth's shadow. Conclusively, we can say that the laser bed power technique -an additive manufacturing technique has significantly reduced raw material usage and production time. References:

  • Fruits To Beat The Heatwave-Unleashing The Heatwave Diet

    Hello, Everyone! Summer is getting cruel with harsh heatwaves and the soaring temperatures and scorching heat there is a risk of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Pic Source: Business Today Pic Source: But there is no need to fear! The heatwave can be easily combated and we can stay energized with the delicious options. In this blog post, we will center on electrolytes and their significance, focusing on nature's resource of electrolytes. So let us delve right away. What are electrolytes? Electrolytes are minerals in our body that possess an electrical charge when dissolved in fluids. Common electrolytes are calcium, magnesium, chloride, and phosphate. They play a pivotal role in the proper functioning of nerves and muscles by transmitting signals between our nerves and muscles, ensuring their effective contraction and seamless functioning. What is the significance of electrolytes? They play a crucial role in the effective function of our body's nerves and muscles by transmitting signals between our nerves and muscles, ensuring their effective contraction and seamless functioning. They also assist in regulating the balance of fluids inside and outside our cell thus ensuring hydration. Besides these benefits, the electrolytes also help in regulating blood pressure as they affect the amount of fluids in our blood vessels and they help in PH balance by maintaining a healthy acid-to-base ratio which is vital for several bodily functions. Sweating is vital for regulating our body temperature but it also causes loss of electrolytes -minerals that are vital for proper nerve and muscle function. What are the symptoms of electrolyte imbalance? Various symptoms of electrolyte imbalance are: ->Fatigue ->Muscle Cramps ->Headaches ->Nausea or vomiting ->Irregular heartbeat What is nature's electrolyte powerhouse? Here are some amazing summer foods that can help you replenish electrolytes and keep you cool: Tender Coconut Water: Packed with natural electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, the coconut water hydrates, detoxifies, and ensures proper muscle and nerve function. 2. Lemon Water: This Vitamin C resource is a refreshing way to hydrate ourselves. It is a refreshing and healthy option in contrast to sugary beverages. It also aids digestion and curbs unnecessary snacking. 3. Bael or Stone Apple: Enriched in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, bael helps the body cool and combat infections. 4. Basil Seeds or Sabja Seeds: These miniature seeds have a cooling effect, suppress appetite, and aid in regulating blood sugar. 5.Buttermilk or Chach: A light and refreshing drink, perfect for soothing digestion after a hot lunch. Now, let us focus on fruits and veggies for hydration. Summer fruits and veggies are champions of hydration! Here are some superstars: Watermelon: Delicious and yummy tummy fruit, this delicious king of hydration is equipped with an intensive water content of 92%.Besides this, it is also a rich source of vitamins A and C. 2. Cucumbers: Cool and hydrate with cucumbers having 96% water content. These are also super rich in fiber content that aids in digestion and prevents constipation. 3. Tomatoes: Another superstar of hydration possessing 94% water content, tomatoes are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. They even help lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure! 4. Strawberries: These lovely reddish-hued juicy berries are 91% water and are a delicious source of Vitamin -C and fiber. Also, they are power-packed with antioxidants and improve insulin sensitivity. Conclusively, we can say that it's a good option to ditch the sugary drinks and processed snacks. Let us embrace nature's electrolyte powerhouse and stay cool, hydrated, and energized naturally! Thank You. References :

  • National Endangered Species Day 2024: An Endeavour To Protect Endangered Species

    Hello, Everyone! Annually the 3rd Friday of May marks the National Endangered Species Day. The day highlights a request for the impetus of careless human activities on our Earth's biodiversity and the significance of preventing endangered species from going extinct. Endangered species are those species that are on the brink of extinction. Pic Source: Endangered Species Coalition Pic Url: What Is The History Of The Vital Day? In 2006, David Robinson and the Endangered Species Coalition jointly initiated the National Endangered Species Day. Their objective was to draw attention to the distressing situation of the endangered species and urge people to look after them. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, a starting figure of 40% of the world's animals, plants, and insects are facing a potential threat to become extinct. It is noteworthy that with the extinction of any of the species, the delicate nature's balance gets warped which eventually harms our Earth's ecosystem and biodiversity. Who Is David Robinson? David Robinson or David Maurice Robinson is an American-based former professional basketball player. Besides being renowned for basketball, he played a pivotal role in environmental activism. He co-founded the Endangered Species Coalition in 2001 alongside others who were concerned about protecting endangered species. Pic Source: CNBC Pic Url: But What Is The Endangered Species Coalition? The Endangered Species Coalition is a group that effectively works to protect endangered species in the US. Their mission is to stop human-caused at-risk species, protect habitats, and aid in the recovery of endangered species. They advocate for reinforcement of the Endangered Species Act-A law that protects endangered wildlife and their natural habitats. It was established in 2001 by Leda Huta and others. They host events and heighten awareness regarding the potential threats faced by endangered species such as - habitat loss, climate change, and overexploitation. They also stress on policies which are for the benefit of these endangered species. What Is The Theme For 2024? : Celebrate Saving Species The theme for this year's National Endangered Species Day is"Celebrate Saving Species" which heralds all the positive endeavors done for saving endangered species. Exclusive events and programs are being organized by wildlife refuges, zoos, schools, and several other organizations. These events are aimed at heightening awareness, educating the public, and encouraging people to engage in their endeavors for the conservation of endangered species. What Is The Importance Of National Endangered Species Day? National Endangered Species Day marks a revoke to reduce careless activities and stop making choices that hurt our Earth. The day witnessed mass public involvement in events, activities, and programs and, a few people also digitally wrote Endangered Species Coalition on their official website. Small moves such as minimizing our consumption, backing the natural habitatways for the endangered species for their living, and promoting conservation efforts a great ways to protect these endangered species and thereby secure a happier and healthier future for our Earth. Thank You. References:

  • The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Will Be Back This Fall 2024 -After A 6 Yr Hiatus

    Hello, Everyone! Good news for all the fashion show fans!! The spectacular exhibition of glitz, glamour, and costly costumes is returning this fall. The first edition of Victoria's Secret fashion show started in 1995. The fashion show became renowned soon and it featured legendary fashion models like Miranda Kerr, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, and many more. A 6-Yr Hiatus: It was in 2019 when Victoria's Secret and its subsidiary L-brands planned to cease the show. The decision was during numerous confrontations owing to decreased sales, outdated image, and non-inclusivity of diverse body types. Pic Source: The Indian Express Pic Source: Welcome A Spectacular Comeback : Time has accelerated this year 2024, Victoria's Secret is now an autonomous brand from other L-brands. Furthermore, they are paying heed to their customers and bringing a promising comeback in a way to upgrade the theme to feature their present brand recognition while keeping the landmark components of glamour and entertainment that have been adorned by the fans. Conclusively, we can say that after a long wait, it will be a wonderful extravaganza of fashion, glamour, and musical performances by esteemed singers this fall. Also, let's keep our fingers crossed for the upcoming fashion show while waiting for the brand to incorporate more of body inclusivity. Thumps up for the fashion and body inclusivity !! Thank You. References:

  • Engineering Aspirants Crucial Exam -JEE Advanced 2024 Admit Cards Are Out

    Hello, Everyone! XII board results are out and now it's time to fasten efforts for all engineering aspirants aiming to get admission in our Bharat's most prestigious engineering colleges. The IIT comprises two-tier exams i.e. JEE Main and JEE Advanced executed by National Testing Agency. The exam measures the aspirants' right approach, meticulous planning, the right resources, and unwavering dedication. It is noteworthy that navigating through the testing waters of IIT is not a sprint but a marathon and the ones who are doing hard work and smart preparation will likely sail through it. The JEE Main exam was held in April, opening a gateway for the JEE Advanced. It is a second stage which is a more challenging one. The candidates who have qualified for JEE Main are eligible for this exam. Acing the JEE Advanced marks and getting admission into our country's most coveted IITs.{Indian Institute Of Technology}\ Pic Source: The admit cards of JEE Advanced were released on the 17th of May 2024. The JEE Advanced Exam 2024, will be conducted on the 26th Of May 2024 with paper-1 from 9 Am to 12 Pm, and paper 2 from 2:30 Pm to 5:30 Pm. The Key Dates To Ponder are: -> The answer key will be released on: The 2nd of June 2024 ->Closure of Objection Window: The 3rd of June 2024 ->Results along with the final answer key will be disclosed on: The 9th of June 2024 Conclusively, we can say that the JEE Advanced exam heralds a gateway for getting admission into the country's most esteemed IITs. Best of luck to all the aspirants!! Thank You.

  • NASA Appointed Its Maiden AI Officer -David Salvagnini With A Wide Goal To Keep Itself Updated In AI Tech Usage

    Hello, Everyone! Recently on the 13th of May 2024, NASA appointed its maiden Artificial Intelligence Officer to keep itself up to date with the AI realm, the technology that is transcending at an exponential rate. This is a remarkable maiden step taken by the US Space Agency. David Salvagnini has been appointed as the AI officer. Before the appointment, he worked as Chief Data Officer at NASA.His appointment was announced by Bill Nelson-Chief Administrator of NASA, on the 13th Of May,2024. Pic Source: Indian Express Pic Url: According to Bill Nelson, Artificial Intelligence has been employed for more than ten years by the agency while keeping in mind its safety norms, and; with the upheaval of this technology the rate of newest discoveries will spike up. NASA has cleared its vision to keep updated with the advancing technology and employ it with responsibility through a statement by Bill Nelson. Bill Nelson, further stated that David Salvagnini will govern the agency's endeavors to manage its mindful use of AI for the pursuit of Space and on our Earth for the welfare of mankind in his term of service in the latest role as AI officer. Bill Nelson further stated that NASA has been leveraging AI Technology on several grounds. He then supported his statement by giving an example of using AI Technology in Climate Modeling or General Circulation Models to track the effects of global warming on the environment and means to alleviate them. But what will be the course of work of David Salvagnini? David Salvagnini will plan NASA's wide-ranging goal to expand AI Technology and to leverage it along with pioneering the latest discoveries while employing AI Tech. In continuation with the above role; David Salvagnini will ensure NASA's alliance with various government organizations, educational establishments, industrial partners, and various experts to keep the agency on the leading edge of the AI Technology realm; as per the statement inked by the agency's officials. David Salvagnini has been associated with NASA since July 2023. Before that, he had worked in an intelligence community for about more than two decades.He had also worked as director of the architecture and integration group and chief architect in the Director Of National Intelligence Office. According to a statement by NASA, David Salvagnini had worked in the US Air Force too for twenty-one years and when he became a former in the US Air Force in 2005 he held a position of communications and computer systems officer. It is worth noting that, NASA did not have a void in leadership in the AI realm and Kate Calvin- NASA's chief scientist had worked as NASA's AI officer before David Salvagnini. Conclusively, we can say that the recent appointment of NASA's AI Officer-David Salvagnini heralds NASA's wide-ranging goals to build AI Technology and to pioneer the latest discoveries while employing AI Tech. Thank You. References:

  • Venezuelan Humboldt Glacier Has Been Labeled As An Ice Field Owing To Its Shrinking Size

    Hello, Everyone! The International Cryosphere Climate Initiative (ICCI) was established in 2009 at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference {COP-15}. It is an umbrella for a group of experienced policymakers and researchers who collaborate with governments and organizations to develop, design, and materialize the mapped plans to mitigate the further melting of our Earth's frozen regions-referred to as the cryosphere; has relabeled the Humboldt glacier as an ice-field as per a statement put forward on X. According to ICCI, the only glacier left in South America's country-Venezuala has diminished in size so much so that it is referred to as an ice field. As per the US Geological Survey, the usual recommendation for a glacier is about 10 hectares. However, recent research has laid out an alarming situation that the Humboldt Glacier has minimized its size of about less than two hectares. Henceforth, the Humboldt Glacier has been labeled as an ice field. Video Source: Down To Earth Video URL:,glacier%20is%20around%2010%20hectares. Unfortunately, Venezuela has been the one of its kind country that has faced the disappearance of glaciers. Earlier, Venezuela had been graced with almost six glaciers in the Sierra Nevada mountain range but, five glaciers out of the six have vanished by 2011, with only the Humboldt glacier left in Venezuela. It was predicted for the Humboldt Glacier that it would exist for about two decades but the latest studies have outlined that it melted too early than its anticipated timeline. According to the experts the rapid hike in temperatures and the EL Nino Climate Condition -which portray the unexpected heating of the Eastern Pacific Ocean's ground waters; are the two major culprits behind the shrinking of glaciers. Earlier heated political conditions in Venezuela had restrained the scientists from tracking the glacial region for several years. However, the Venezuelan government has set a thermal blanket to ensure there is no more melting of glaciers but according to the experts, the move is not a reliable one. The scientists have warned three countries -Indonesia, Mexico, and Slovenia to face absenteeism of glaciers owing to soaring temperatures occurring globally for several years. An alarming situation has been hinted at in a report by the World Meteorological Organization {WMO}. Conclusively, we can say that if we rely on expert opinions then it's of prime importance to save glaciers from melting since it's beyond repair to fix the melting of glaciers. Thank You. References:,glacier%20is%20around%2010%20hectares.

  • Wonders Raisin Water Can Do To Our Bodies -A Wonder Drink

    Hello, Everyone! We all relish raisins in our sweet delicacies like halwa, kheer, ladoo, rabri, and many more. But ever wondered what wonders it can do to our bodies and our overall well-being? Let's dive into the plethora of benefits raisin water can render us. So let's begin. But what is raisin water? Raisin water is made by dipping raisins in water and leaving the raisins dipped overnight. The sweet-flavoured drink is a powerhouse of fiber, antioxidants, iron and not to miss a multitude of other nutrients and it renders magical significant benefits to our bodies for instance by aiding digestion, boosting the immune system, and levelling up the iron gradient in our bodies. Pic Source:Her Zindagi Url: Is It A Great Option For Every Individual? Despite being an amazing reserve of a multitude of nutrients, people who are suffering from diabetes should consult the doctor first and should be mindful of its intake by taking it in moderation. What are the considerable benefits raisin water can offer to our bodies? Let us ponder over the multitude of benefits of raisin water . Hydration Wise: It is a great option to kickstart the day by drenching our throats with this wonder drink and compensating for the essential fluid intake that our body has endured overnight while we are asleep. Nutrient Hero: Raisin water is prepared by immersing it in water and leaving it as it is overnight. The nutrients get soaked in water and this phenomenon of soaking nutrients in water is called infusion -and henceforth the water becomes a great bearer of vital nutrients such as iron -great at preventing anemia, potassium-wonderful for cardiovascular well-being, calcium-amazing for bone health, and not to miss the antioxidants which are great at battling against bad free radicles. Aids Digestion: Raisin water is equipped with dietary fiber which is great at regulating digestion. Fiber regulates bowel movements by preventing constipation. The raisins are amazing for gut health too! It cleanses the digestive tract and triggers the growth of healthy bacteria which overall helps in better nutrient absorption and improved digestion Glow Glow Glow!!! : The antioxidants seeped into the raisin water help combat free radicles contributing to skin cell damage through wrinkles and aging. Aids in skin hydration which makes our skin appear fuller and plumpier.Raisin water also has Vitamin C which increases collagen levels that increase skin elasticity; and Vitamin A which promotes cell turnover and gives a smoother skin look. Promotes A Healthy Heart: The raisin water's potassium helps regulate blood pressure. High blood pressure is stressful for the heart but lowering the blood pressure can reduce this strain on the heart. The fiber content in the raisin water can help minimize the LDL{Bad colestrolelol}which clogs the arteries and thus increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Also, the antioxidants in the raisin water combat free radicals that damage the walls of the blood vessels. Lastly, the raisin water improves the blood flow which promotes faster delivery of nutrients and oxygen across the body. Stealthy Bones: The calcium content in the raisin water helps in promoting bone density and bone health. Boron -A trace mineral helps in the seamless absorption of calcium and henceforth promotes stealthier bones and great bone health. Conclusively, we can say that raisin water is a powerhouse of fiber, antioxidants, iron and not to miss a multitude of other nutrients. It renders magical significant benefits to our bodies for instance by aiding digestion, boosting the immune system, and leveling up the iron gradient in our bodies. Thank You. References:,and%20promoting%20regular%20bowel%20movements.

  • Sunset Blush-A Bold Latest Makeup Trend

    Hello, Beauties!! Who doesn't love the natural rosy flushed look? We all do !! Right! But the blushed look has gone edgy and has gone to the ecstatic dimension with the latest makeup trend of donning a Sunset Blush. The makeup look is influenced by the lively hues of the sunset sky, and it gives a unique dimension with a dash of shimmer and color on the cheeks. Apart from the usual flushed look, this latest sunset blush look is bold and the one that can mark a long-lasting statement. It is a beautiful melange of hued blush with a subtle hint of highlighter. But how can we wear this sassy look? Well, we can do this amazing look by following the steps below: STEP 1-> Application of dual shades of blush one after the other: Start with the application of fuschia blush then followed by the application of orangish blush. STEP-2 -> Shimmery Highlighter: After completing the first step, dab some liquid highlighter on the top of the blush shades by being mindful of not merging them . STEP-3 -> Blend!Blend!Blend! : Gently blend the colors on the cheeks through a medium brush. While blending the fuschia blush, gently pull it outward and slightly upward to the facial side which is behind the eyes and in the middle of the forehead and ear-i.e. the temples of the face. A holy grail of lengthening effect is created. STEP-4 -> Accomplishing the look: Finalize the sunset blush look by applying subtle eyeliner and glossy lip gloss for that sexy summery appeal. Pic Source: The Sunset Blush look is great for those who want to add a pop of color to their makeup and who want to experiment with bold looks. But what products to try to achieve the Sunset Blush look? LAKME 9 TO 5 WEIGHTLESS MATT MOUSSE, TINT FOR CHEEKS AND LIPS-BLUSH VELVET: Pic Source:Vouge This product is extremely versatile and one can wear it on lips as well as on the cheeks. Just put some dots in the half-crescent shape and gently blend them on the cheeks and a perfect sunset-blushed look is achieved. It is priced 363 INR for 9 gms. 2. Kay Beauty Creame Blush-Cosy Coral : Pic Source: Vogue Pic Url: This dream creme blush is the best to go for. With the seamless blending without the caking, it is super easy to get that sunkissed look. Just follow 1 Dab-2 Blend -3 Go to be a bold diva. It is priced at 637 INR for 10 gms. 3.Ora d'oro Beauty Aura Hydrating Cream Blush Pic Source: Nykaa Pic Url: This amazing goodie is priced at 780 for 2.5 gms. It has great color and a satin finish that is super blendable on the cheeks to get that perfect dash of hydrating color with a moisturized look. The plus point is, it does not require frequent touch-ups and is heavenly long lasting. The product incorporates hyaluronic acid and plant squalene. Hyaluronic acid boosts the moisture gradient of our facial skin as well as the plant squalene which is a lipid synthesized by plants for increased skin hydration and combats skin aging. Conclusively, we can say that the latest sunset blush look is bold and one that can mark a long-lasting statement with this sexy sassy look. Thank You. References:

  • A Spectacular Lightshow In The Sky -Aurora Observed In Ladakh & US, UK, New Zealand And Australia

    Hello, Everyone! Auroras are considered spectacular light shows in the night sky with the diverse vibrant hues of blue, red, yellow, green, and, orange. These are usually cited in the polar regions. The auroras at the north poles are called Aurora Borealis and at the south poles are called Aurora Australis. On the 11th of May,2024 the northern lights or aurora borealis were cited in the Hanle village of the Ladakh region in the early hours of Saturday morning. Pic Source: Native Planet Pic Url: These magical dancing lights-auroras were observed in various diverse locations worldwide, such as the US, UK, New Zealand, and Australia. Let us now understand what are auroras and what causes Aurora to appear in the night sky. ABOUT AURORAS: Auroras are considered spectacular light shows in the night sky with the diverse vibrant hues of blue, red, yellow, green, and, orange. These are usually cited in the polar regions. The auroras at the north poles are called Aurora Borealis and at the south poles are called Aurora Australis. In a few instances, we can also see the auroras in the mid-latitudinal regions as well for instance, North -America, some parts of Europe, and parts of Asia. Let us now understand the reason behind the occurrence of these magical auroras. UNVEILING AURORAS: These celestial spectacles occur due to the sun's activity. Our Sun releases a stream of charged particles at every instance of time (electrons and protons) and the magnetic fields, which form a solar wind. When this solar wind interacts with our Earth, our Earth's magnetic field deflects that solar wind and thereby shields us from the harmful effects of it. However, in some instances, some of these charged particles get trapped by our Earth's magnetic field and travel down following the magnetic field lines towards the north and south poles. Here, the charged particles interact with the atmospheric gases in the polar regions and henceforth we see a hued illuminance in the night sky. Collisions with oxygen create a green-hued light, with nitrogen blue and purple hues observed. MAGICAL AURORAS EXTENDING TO MID-LATITUDES: The auroras usually are cited in polar regions. However, they might extend to the mid-latitudnal regions owing to the increased activity in the sun's atmosphere leading to solar flares and the coronal mass ejections. {Solar Flares: These are explosions of EM radiation on the sun's surface. It is due to the accumulation of magnetic energy in the Sun's environment that is quickly released into the cosmos at a large scale. Coronal Mass Ejections : These are eruptions of the Sun's magnetic field along with hot plasma at the Sun's Coronal region of its mysterious environment. It consists of protons and electrons. The potent magnetic field is entailed within the ejected plasma. These are associated with solar flares of high intensity, it might be possible that the extremely large magnetic fields in the high-class solar flares might trigger the Coronal Mass Ejections. Also, the magnetic instability or sudden change in the magnetic field may lead to these ejections. Reconnection of twisted magnetic field lines might initiate such a massive explosion. We can refer to CME as the explosion of energy in the solar wind.} These potent CMS can overpower our Earth's magnetic field stimulating geomagnetic storms {temporary disturbances}and extending auroras further to the northern and southern regions. The recent occurrence of auroras is an ideal example of a geomagnetic storm triggered by CME, causing the auroras to be seen at unexpected locations. Regardless of the magical beauty of spectacular auroras, geomagnetic storms can warp human activities by disrupting GPS systems, radio and satellite communications, flight operations, power grids as well as space operation programs. Thank You. References:

  • CG4 Found In Gum Nebula-Appearing As A Mysterious Hand Elongated In The Cosmos

    Hello, Everyone! An enigmatic nebula called the Gum Nebula has been spotted with an intriguing object referred to as God's hand elongated in the cosmos. In this blog post, we will delve into the insights of the Gum Nebula and the fascinating features of the Gum Nebula-CG4{Cometary Globule 4}. So let's get started. THE GUM NEBULA: The Gum Nebula (Gum 12) is a massive emission nebula-glowing cloud of dust and hydrogen gas spotted in the sky, extending 36 degrees in the Vela and Puppis constellations. The Gum Nebula is a very mild radiating nebula to be observed with the naked eye. The Gum Nebula is approximately 1000 light years distant from our Earth, with its furthest point being 1500 light years from Earth. According to astronomers, the Gum Nebula is a remnant of the supernova explosion and not the hydrogen cloud -called the HII region VELA CONSTELLATION: The Vela constellation is observed in the southern hemisphere within the latitudinal range of +30 degrees and -90 degrees. The Vela constellation has been named after the ship called Argo Navis. A renowned France-based astronomer -Nicolas Louis has bifurcated the Vela constellation into three constellations-Vela(the sails),Carina-(the keel), and the Puppis -(the stern) which was earlier believed to be a part of a bigger constellation Argo Navis. The Vela constellation consists of comic entities such as the Gum Nebula,Ring Nebula(NGC 3132), and Vela Supernova remnant-which is believed to be a remnant of the collapsed star that was once in the same location as the remnant. and many more cosmic entities. COMETARY GLOBULE 4: A cometary globule 4-CG4 has been situated in the Gum Nebula appearing like a hand elongated in the cosmos. A cometary globule is a faded dust and gas cloud which are smaller in size and appears like a comet with the heads having a head and a tail similar to the comet. CG4 is a site where stars originate and the dimensions with the heads- having a diameter of 1.5 Light Years and a tail -extending to 8 light years. The head is much denser and is light-blocking and glows due to the star in proximity to it. The Cometary globule 4 is a dark nebula that consists of hydrogen clouds along with helium and other elements too that block light passing through it, that's why they seem dark. The tail is pointing away from the source of radiation e.g. a heated colossal star or a supernova remnant. It is believed that the shape of CG4 might be due to a supernova explosion which has extended a spherical nebula to a comet-looking shape. Another belief is that the radiation pressure emerging from the nearby stars might have exerted the dust and gas in the CG4, thereby extending its tail. Conclusively, CG4 is an intriguing cosmic entity featuring mind-blowing properties of cometary globules, a sort of dark nebula that has a unique shape and plays a pivotal role in stellar birth. In essence, CG4 showcases the fascinating properties of cometary globules, a type of dark nebula known for their unique shape and role in stellar birth. Thank You.

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