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  • Understanding Nebulas-Enigmatic Clouds Of Dust & Gas

    Hello, Everyone! Our universe is home to many enigmatic entities such as cosmic dust, cosmic matter, planets, moon, stars, nebulae, galaxies, black holes, and many more each possessing their mysteries and characteristics. One such enigma is Nebulae{plural of nebula}. But what is a Nebula and where does it exist in the universe? A nebula is a massive cloud entailing cosmic dust and gas amid the stars{mainly hydrogen}existing in interstellar space- the space between the stars. The HELIX NEBULA is the nearest nebula to our earth, and is 700 light years away from our EarthThis implies if we travel through light's speed then also, it will take 700 years to reach the Helix Nebula. Nebulae is of the following types:- -> 1. Bright Nebula/Glowing Nebula/Emission Nebulae -> 2.Dark Nebula/Absorption Nebula ->3. Planetary Nebula ->4. Supernova Remnant BRIGHT NEBULA: Nebulas that glow with their light significantly made up of gas are called Bright Nebulae. In contrast, the other nebulae created from dust are denser and hinder the passage of light through them which might be coming from far-away cosmic entities such as stars and are referred to as dark nebulae. DARK NEBULA: These are also called Absorption nebulae, they are dense clouds of dust clouds and are opaque because of the dust particles they consist of. In this nebula, the hydrogen is in its molecular form i.e. H2 molecules. These massive clouds have colossal masses- a millionfold greater than our sun's mass. They can extend up to large distances-150 light years from our Sun. These are the vital components of the interstellar medium and consist of significant hydrogen gas. The central region or the cores of these massive molecular clouds are curtained from optical observation by dust particles. The feeble microwave radiation released by these H2 molecules is observed by the telescopes that are not hindered by the dust grains. Therefore, in this way, the dark nebulae are detected. The cloud cores are immensely dense- the densities can be up to 10^5 hydrogen molecules (H2) in one cubic centimeter which is approximately hundredfolds dense as compared to the average cloud environment. PLANETARY NEBULA: These are referred to as gas and dust emanating from a dying star. However, these have a shorter life span. Stars up to an intermediate mass swell to form a red giant. The red giant expels its outer layers made up of gas and dust into space. The left-out core heats up and emits UV rays. This radiation when collides with the expelled gas atoms rips a gaseous atom off an electron, thus a cation is formed as a positive ion. {a process called ionization}These positive ions are in search of stability and regain electrons by emitting photons of light. This emitted light is what we see as glowing light. SUPERNOVA REMNANT: These are clouds of dust and gas formed from the explosion of a collapsing star a supernova explosion, along with a shockwave that glides through the nearby interstellar cosmic dust and gas. This collapse left out dust and gas glowing with radiation from the explosion is called a Supernova remnant. STAR FORMATION THROUGH NEBULAE: But how do nebulae play a vital role in star formation? The cosmic dust and interstellar gas in the nebulae are dispersed at distant sites. However, gravity pulls these clusters of gas and dust with each other making these clusters gigantic thereby possessing a very potent gravitational pull. Thus these clusters of gas and dust become extremely dense and thus the atoms collide with each other at increased speeds. Thus friction is created which converts the kinetic energy of these particles into thermal energy. Hence the core heats up with large temperatures. This high density and temperature is ideal for fusion reactions to start which marks the birth of a star. The outward pressure from nuclear fusion ultimately evens out the inward gravitational pull and henceforth a stable star is formed. How can we see these nebulae? Very powerful space telescopes equipped to capture and analyze the radiations emanating from nebulae with a technique called spectroscopy -can detect nebulae. For instance NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and Hubble Telescope. Conclusively, we can say that nebulae are enigmatic cosmic clouds of dust and gas that play a vital role in the formation of stars and they emanate beautiful radiations of colors. Thank You. References :

  • Mysterious HCO+ Splitting Robbing Water Of From Venusian Surface-According To A Recent Study

    Hello, Everyone! According to a recent study conducted by US scientists leveraging computer simulation techniques, it has been revealed that the HCO+ molecule has been found in the top atmosphere of Venus & it plays a pivotal role in the water scarcity situation prevailing on the Venusian surface. Regardless of being similar to Earth,the Venus is hot and dry. Earlier, the scientists believed that the soaring temperature of Venus-about 460 degrees Celcius might have led to the water loss on Venus due to a mechanism in which sunlight led to the splitting of water vapour leading to creation of hydrogen and oxygen,and the hydrogen eloped into the cosmos as it is light and posseses energy. But this concept cannot be applied to the absolute water loss on Venusian surface. This leaves a bit void in undertsnading how the water totally eloped. In the year 2016, scientists used computer models to observe the past climate of Venus and these computer models indicated that Venus entails shallow oceans and sustainable temperature. However, the habitable temperatures existed on the Venusian surface until 2 BN years after the origination of our solar system. However, this recent study regarding the HCO+ molecule hints that the earlier study had only a hypothetical ground and is far from reality. The recent study proposes a concept applicable to the upper atmosphere of venus,explicitly in the proximity of 150 kms from the Venusian ground surface. The fasinating part is , here the sunlight splits a duo of Water Vapour as well Carbon di Oxide. This splitting creates Hydrogen and Carbon Monooxide. These molecules unite to create an unstable ion HCO+.We can say this phenomenon as HCO+ process and this comprehensively guids us how the water had lost completely on the Venus's surface. Let us ponder over on the chemical equations to have a deeper insight of how HCO+ dissolution leads to hydrgen realease into the space. 1. Sunlight splits a duo of Water Vapour as well Carbon di Oxide. This splitting creates Hydrogen and Carbon Monooxide. H2O+CO2+Sunlight---------->HCO+ + O 2. Unification Of CO2 and Water Vapour (H2O) in the influence of Sunlight: An unstable ion called Formyl Cation {HCO+} is formed. 3.Dissolution of HCO+ into Hydrogen & Carbon Monooxide : HCO+ ion decomposes into Hydrogen & Carbon Monooxide with a realease of energy. HCO+ --------------> H2+CO 4.Hydrogen Escape Into Cosmos: Hydrogen owing to lightweight property than CO, acquires considerable amount of enrgy from the decomposition mechanism & escapes from the Venus's atmosphere into the cosmos. H2 realeased into space. Consequently,we can understand how sunlight leads to splitting of CO2 and H2O and formation of HCO+ ion and therefore further realease of H2 into the cosmos. One of the key scientists at the University of Colorado -Eryn Cangi, Boulder, and lead associate author of the study -Micheal Chaffin inked in a research journal named NATURE; had stated regarding the indisputability of water for the pursuit of life in a media interview. According to scientists, HCO+ splitting is the key factor that is robbing Venus of water of about twofolds than the earlier water loss estimate. According to scientists the HCO+ molecule has not been known to be prevailing on Venus's atmosphere irrespective of many space missions. Pic Source: However; the key scientist -Eryn Cangi along with lead associate author -Micheal Chaffin believed that there had been no clue of the HCO+ molecule by far regardless of multiple Venus missions because of the inadequate types of equipment loaded in the spacecraft to recognize HCO+ molecule. Conclusively, we can say that this latest study of HCO+ splitting will enable scientists to uncover the mystical environment of Venus and it holds solid ground in proposing the water loss at Venusian surface and consequently,we can understand how sunlight leads to splitting of CO2 and H2O and formation of HCO+ ion and therefore further realease of H2 into the cosmos. Thank You. References:

  • Enigmatic Fluffy Corona Unveiled In Video Recorded By ESA's Solar Orbiter

    Hello, Everyone! The European Space Agency had sent its solar orbiter to have insights regarding the Sun's environmental layers. However, a video recorded by the Solar Orbiter dated 27th of September has captured an intricate view of our Sun's atmospheric surface and has created a wave among astronomers worldwide. The video was publicly disclosed on Thursday, 2nd of May 2024. It has a more insightful view of our Sun's Corona outermost atmospheric layer of the Sun unveiling Corona resembling a Fluffy appearance. The video further captured the in-plasma events at various sites of the Sun's atmospheric surface emerging from the Photosphere to the Corona. In this blog post, we will delve into the solar atmospheric insights captured in the video recorded by the solar orbiter. So let us begin. -> In the video, golden-hued hair strands are apparent giving the solar corona a fluffy appeal. These golden-hued hair strands are plasma experiencing an electromagnetic force or Lorentz force which provides a thrust to drive them in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. But what is this electromagnetic force or Lorentz force? It is one of the most fundamental forces of nature, and; is the force applied on the moving charge (in this case ions and free electrons) let us say q and is in a state of motion with a velocity v through an electric as well as magnetic fields. The whole EMF{Electromagnetic force} exerted on a charged particle is referred to as Lorentz Force, having a magnitude of : F=qE+q v*B {v cross B---cross/vector product of v and B}; where E is the magnitude of the electric field and Bis the magnitude of the magnetic field. The electric part of the EMF/Lorentz Force is exerted on the charged particles (here ions and e-s) regardless of their state of motion -i.e. in motion or without motion creating an Electric field. In this electric field, these charges can either repel or attract each other. The magnetic part comes into the picture, once these charges (here ions and e-s) begin to move. The motion of the charged particles in a magnetic field is at a right angle to the motion of the charged particle-according to Fleming's Left Hand Rule and the resulting path of a charged particle is circular. The force is perpendicular to the velocity vector of the charged particle and the magnetic field vector. This force is known as Lorentz Force causes the charged particle to change its direction. Therefore, the charged particle follows a curved path. However, it is noteworthy that while the Lorentz Force is perpendicular to v and B, it does not directly translate to a perfectly circular path. The specific path depends on the charged particle's initial velocity and the strength of the magnetic field B. Also; despite of weak electric field generation in the Sun's corona , the major driving force which shapes the motion of the plasma in the Sun's corona is the magnetic field. Henceforth, the plasma particles form a loop following magnetic field lines. ->The Sun's corona is the most bizarre layer of the Sun's atmosphere with surprisingly large temperatures-1.1 MN degree Celcius, despite it being the outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere; without any clue. ->The orbiter also captured massive eruptions of gas; which are even larger than our Earth. ->Apart from fluffy-looking corona and massive eruptions on the sun's corona, the solar orbiter also captured three most fascinating events which are : Coronal Moss 2.Spicules 3. Coronal Rain Let us understand these one by one. CORONAL MOSS: It is referred to as a loop formation of a plasma under a magnetic field. This plasma is emerging from the Photosphere. The photosphere primarily consists of two gases-Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He). These gases are subjected to the immense heat generated in the Sun's most interior zone i.e. about a million degrees Celsius -THE CORE, owing to the nuclear fusion reactions there. This high heat causes the atoms in the photospheric gases to get ripped off their electron --leading to the creation of ions and free electrons. This process is known as IONIZATION. This concoction of charged ions and free electrons is referred to as PLASMA. This superheated plasma flows outward from the photosphere. Now our Sun's radiative zone consists of superheated plasma -ions and e-s constantly moving around. The Sun's rotation on its axis creates a twisted, circular movement of plasma. The hot plasma rises upward and then settles down creating a churn.The plasma particles get deflected by the Sun's rotation and this deflection leads to a particular directional flow of plasma. Now, since these charged particles -ions and electrons move within the radiative zone; a feeble electric current is produced {current is flow of electrons}. These electric currents lead to the creation of a weak magnetic field too. These generated magnetic fields get stretched and amplified by the Sun's rotation and turbulence. With time, this phenomenon becomes a self-sustaining loop. The weak magnetic fields get amplified by the rotation of the Sun and the turbulence, and these stronger magnetic fields affect the movement of plasma, thereby bolstering the magnetic fields. Therefore, a massive dynamo effect is created in the Sun's radiative zone. Once these strong magnetic fields are created ,they get themselves organized into a complex,large-scale magnetic fields which extends outside the sun ,affecting everything from the Sun's corona to the solar wind. SPICULES: These are massive explosions of gas or plasma extending upto heights of 6,200 miles,i.e. 10,000 Km. This occasional interaction between coronal moss and spicules makes the sun's outermost atmospheric surface- Corona appear fluffy. CORONAL RAIN: This marks an awe moment in the Coronal activities. Coronal Rain refers to the phenomenon when the superheated plasma moving along the magnetic loop , cools down and then condenses and eventually gravitates back to the Sun's Corona, owing to the Sun's gravitational pull. -> According to the European Space Agency, the Solar Orbiter will get in close proximity to the Sun by this October-about 26.7 MN miles / 43 MN km. The video has been recorded from a distance of 30 MN miles from the Sun. Therefore, we will be getting more closer and deeper insights of our Sun's environment. Conclusively; we can say that the video gives us a clear view of the coronal activities -coronal moss, spicules, and the coronal rain with major eruptions on the sun's Corona. Also, we are on the brink of understanding our Sun in a better way when the solar orbiter will get near the Sun's surface by this October. Thank You. References:,of%20tons%20of%20coronal%20material.,is%20circular%20(Figure%201).&text=and%20so%20you%20can%20see,radius%20of%20its%20orbit%20decreases.,of%20tons%20of%20coronal%20material.

  • Understanding Our Sun's Atmosphere & Its Layers

    Hello, Everyone! In the last post, we understood how our sun is made up of different zones, and every zone has its unique characteristics. Similarly, the Sun's atmosphere is an integration of diverse layers namely the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona. These layers are amazingly unique in their properties. Let us understand these one by one. -> 1. THE PHOTOSPHERE: this is the bottom-most layer of our sun's environment. This layer makes up the sun's surface which our eyes can perceive. The majority of the energy released is emitted from the photosphere in the form of sunlight. The sunlight takes 8 mins to reach the surface of our Earth. This layer is somewhat less hot as compared to the core of our sun. The photosphere surface has a temperature of 4,125 degrees Celsius. {As per NASA}. However, at the bottom of this layer, the temperature is 6,125 degrees Celsius. {As per NASA}. According to NASA the width of this layer is 300 miles{500 kms}-i.e. from the bottom of the photosphere to the top surface of the photosphere its width is as mentioned. The Hydrogen and Helium are the two gases the Photosphere is composed of. It is identified by the granules of the hot plasma-{ionized gas}, cooler sunspots- regions of high magnetic phenomenon on the surface of our sun. But why do sunspots seem dark? This is due to their lower temperature than the nearby areas of the sun. Scientists observe the rotation of the sun on its axis by analyzing these sunspots. The sunspots observed at the equator will move from east to west, with the sun's rotation on its axis. The sun's rotation is not uniform, but it is differential, implying that it rotates differently in different regions. It is due to the gaseous nature of the Sun which possesses liquidy characteristics i.e. it is majorly composed of gases. The outer layers of the sun's surface near the equator experience less gravitational pull due to the lower density of the gases here than the interior layer which is comparatively much denser at the poles so the equatorial areas complete one rotation at 24 hrs. However, the polar regions complete one rotation at 30 hrs. 2. THE CHROMOSPHERE: It is an extremely hot layer above the photosphere. According to NASA, the temperatures in this layer may vary from 6,000 degrees Celsius to 20,000 degrees Celsius. This layer emanates a reddish hue when the extremely hot hydrogen combusts off. The reddish surface is visible during a total solar eclipse. However, on normal days the light emanating from the chromosphere is hardly seen since it is less bright than the brighter photosphere. This layer plays a pivotal role in heat transfer from the core to the exterior of the sun i.e. the Corona. According to scientists, the sunquakes-sun's seismic waves or heat currents have been observed to be traversing from the core to the outermost layer, including the chromosphere. Through the study of these sunquakes, scientists can reveal some fascinating facts about the process by which the transfer, conversion of heat, and distribution of heat are governed. This encompasses some mechanisms such as solar flares- massive explosions from the sun emanating EM radiation and the coronal mass ejections- huge discharges of magnetic field integrated with the hot plasma from the Sun's Corona into space; that define the characteristics of the Corona. 3. THE CORONA: This is the farthest and the most mysterious layer of our Sun's atmosphere. Owing to its high temperatures - 2 mn degrees Celsius regardless of being the outmost layer, this layer is a matter of enigma and research for the scientists. According to the scientists's theory, this extreme heat may be due to the phenomena called nanoflares. The nanoflares are the small explosions in the Sun's atmosphere -much smaller than the solar flares. According to NASA, the nanoflares are 1/1000000000 th of the solar flares size. Another presumption states that this extreme heat might be due to solar campfires which are minor eruptions or small - solar flares. These were uncovered in the European-U.S. Solar Orbiter mission. These miniature flares resemble the gentle shimmer of a campfire. However, scientists are analyzing these mysterious phenomena, and all these tiny flares play a pivotal role in the high temperatures of the corona. Observations of this enigmatic phenomenon could reveal their effects on the high temperatures of the corona and their influence on the cosmic weather. Pic Source: Conclusively, we can say that the Sun's atmosphere plays a pivotal role in life on Earth. REFERENCES:,of%20hydrogen%20and%20helium%20gas.

  • Understanding Plasma- Fourth State Of Matter

    Hello, Everyone! We are all well acquainted with the three states of matter: solid, Liquid & Gas. However, there is a fourth state of matter as well called Plasma. It is a significant component of stars, nebula-gigantic clouds comprising of gas and dust , and the auroras that appear as bright lights near the poles. Pic Source: Here in this blog post, we will understand Plasma and its constituents. Plasma is a significant constituent of cosmic matter -about ninety-nine percent of the cosmos has been prevailed by plasma. The plasma is a scorching matter poised to become an ionized gas due to the stripping of electrons from its atoms forming ions. It is noteworthy that plasma's atoms are neither deficient nor surplus of electrons, but its considerable amount of atoms are ionized-i.e. they are been ripped off with a minimum of one electron. But how does this happen:- A normal atom has an equal number of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons. Thus the overall charge of an atom is neutral or zero. However, when this atom is subjected to extreme heat or a large voltage then this normal atom can lose one or more electrons. This leads to the creation of positive charge ion {due to loss of negatively charged electron} and it has a number of protons> number of electrons. This process of formation of ions is called Ionization. Now in soaring temperatures in the Sun's Corona-Outermost layer of the Sun's environment temperatures, a considerable amount of atoms become ionized. This leads to a mixture of positive ions and negatively charged electrons- called PLASMA. The overall charge of Plasma is neutral, regardless of the individual particles being electrically charged. However, it does not imply only positive ions are present in plasma. Negative ions too exist in cosmic plasma. E.g. at Saturn's largest moon -Titan large negative hydrocarbon ions were found according to a study. Also in research according to a astrophysics news , a compound called octatetraynyl had been found which is a negatively charged ion. Plasma is also formed when a gas is subjected to high heat. But how? When a gas is subjected to high temperatures the atoms in the gas gain thermal energy. This thermal energy in an atom leads to the excitement of electrons orbiting the respective nuclei and get extremely energetic. When large temperatures are applied to the gas the electrons get away from their respective atoms overcoming the electromagnetic force- force that holds the electron in its orbit and it is due to the force of attraction b/w positively charged protons within the nucleus and negatively charged electrons orbiting the nucleus. This phenomenon is termed ionization. Now since the atom has been ripped off an electron a positive ion is formed. Also, the electron which has been ripped off is now a free electron. This mixture of positive ions and free electrons is referred to as plasma. Let us now understand how the plasma is traced in the celestial world. One of the key methods to figure out plasma is by employing a spectrometer to observe the light which is emanated by the cosmic entities through a technique referred as Spectroscopy. -> Spectroscopy: This mechanism is leveraged to observe the light emanated by the cosmic entities. If the excited and energetic ions or atoms {deprived of an electron} come to their lower energy state-a relaxed state , a particular wavelength of light is emanated. Thus, by carefully studying this emitted light the astronomers can identify what are the elements which are present in the plasma and what is their charged state. Conclusively , we can say that by understanding plasma and its formation we can understand the cosmic phenomenas associated with it such as coronal mass ejections ,coronal rain and solar flares to name a few , in a better way. Thank You. References:

  • Understanding Our Sun & Its Different Zones Along With Fusion Reactions

    Hello, Everyone! The Sun is the center of our solar system and its gravitational pull keeps everything intact, i.e. all the planets, cosmic particles in its debris, moons, and asteroids in its orbits. Its association with our Earth brings different seasons, varying weather, and variating movements of seawaters and auroras-radiating light glowing in the sky in the nighttime due to ions emanating from the sun, and Earth's radiation blets-regions in the cosmos in which the energetic particles prevail entailing electrons and ions. It is the nearest star to our Earth, but still very far away i.e. 93 MN. miles far from Earth. Life is possible on our Earth due to the Sun's heat. Lack of sunlight would have led to almost no life, food, or plants on Earth. Therefore it plays a pivotal role in making our Earth a beautiful place to exist. But what is the Sun? What are the Sun's different sections or zones? In this blog post, we will delve into understanding our Sun and the different solar zones.. So let's begin. ABOUT SUN: Our Sun is a massive radiating sphere that entails hot plasma which is held by its gravitational pull. It is the star at the center of our solar system, and all the other planets orbit around it. The Sun's heat and light are cornerstones of the existence of life on Earth, its light provides the energy needed for photosynthesis in plants and regulation of climate by warming the air of Earth's atmosphere. The Sun majorly consists of hydrogen- about 74% and helium -about 24%.In the Sun's core nuclear fusion reactions take place and the energy emanated appears to us in the form of sunlight. Here two questions arise. What is plasma and secondly what are the fusion reactions which occur at the sun's core? Plasma is a fourth kind of matter that resembles gas but it has more diverse properties than gas. The plasma is a group of positive or negative ions -the particles that are deficient in electrons or have a surplus of electrons. The plasma is also referred to as Ionized gas because the charged ions have a characteristic of generating electricity. This phenomenal plasma is found in stars- our Sun, auroras-radiating light glowing in the sky in the nighttime due to ions emanating from the sun, and lightning. Here two questions arise. What is plasma and secondly what are the fusion reactions which occur at the sun's core? About Plasma: Plasma is a fourth kind of matter that resembles gas but it has more diverse properties than gas. The plasma is a group of positive or negative ions -the particles that are deficient in electrons or have a surplus of electrons. The plasma is also referred to as Ionized gas because the charged ions have a characteristic of generating electricity. This phenomenal plasma is found in stars- our Sun, auroras--radiating light glowing in the sky in the nighttime due to ions emanating from the sun, and lightning-A type of plasma in which the electricity moving in air ionizes the regions in which it is moving. Henceforth a conductor path is created of charged air in such a way. Now let us talk about fusion reactions. Fusion Reaction: 2 light nuclei merge to create a heavy nucleus. The mass of the resulting nucleus is < mass of 2 light nuclei. The difference in the mass is released as energy. A fusion reaction is the main source of energy for the sun which it radiates in the form of sunlight. Here in the fusion reaction, we mean a chain reaction of proton-proton {which are hydrogen nucleas} to get helium nuclei. Let us understand it: -> 1. Formation of a deuterium nucleus:- Two protons of hydrogen {or we can say hydrogen nuclei} fuse to get the deuterium nucleas{1 proton +1 neutron}+ byproducts{positron-positively charged electron & neutrino-minute particle with no charge} p+p→d+e++νe​ -> 2. Formation of Helium -3 nucleus: The resulting deuterium nucleus then collided with a {Hydrogen nucleas}-proton to get a Helium -3 nucleus {which has 2 protons and 1 neutron} & in this step, a gamma ray is also produced which is an electromagnetic radiation of very high energy. It is worth noting that for every collision between a deuterium with a hydrogen nucleus nucleus{proton}, a helium -3 is produced. Thus the number of Helium-3 nuclei = the number of collisions between deuterium with a proton. d+ + p→3He+γ -> 3. Formation of Helium-4 nucleus: In this step, two helium nuclei merge to form a helium -4 nucleus{2 protons+ 2 neutrons} + 2 free protons. 3He+3He→4He+2p -> 4. A small amount of mass is converted into energy and energy is released: Interestingly, whi,e these ongoing steps a tiny amount of mass is transformed into energy based on Eeinstein's equation E=Mc^2 { which means energy and mass are equivalent i.e. mass can be converted to energy and energy can be converted to mass} There is a continuous chain of fusion reactions and there is not only one but immense chain reactions that occur in our Sun's core and hence the energy is released in the form of sunlight.= Let us understand now about the solar zones. ABOUT SOLAR ZONES: Our sun has several layers or zones with every zone having different characteristics. CORE: It is the innermost zone of the Sun where fusion reactions take place {helium is synthesized by fusion of hydrogen}; releasing massive energy that eventually appears to us as sunlight-the steps which we understood above.But, why only the core has nuclear fusion reactions? It is because of the core's intense temperature and pressure the hydrogen nuclei collide with one another {since the protons are positively charged and like charges repel each other there must be a force counteracting this repulsive force. This force comes from the high pressure in the sun's core which is extremely dense preventing these protons from repelling and making them collide with one another. we know that the greater the density higher the gravitational pull }. The high temperature renders the hydrogen protons enough energy to collide with one another and high pressure due to the intense gravity of the Sun makes Sun's core dense. Sun's core has temperature soaring to 15 million degrees Celsius or 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. The density of the core is 150 gms for every cubic centimeter. RADIATIVE ZONE: This zone spans from the outer edge of the core to the interface layer which is the base of the convection zone. Here the energy released from the fusion reactions in the core is transported from one photon to the other { a photon is a particle of light to the other} as these photons bounce from photon to photon through the dense hot plasma in the radiative zone. This phenomenon is termed as radiation. But the time taken by the energy to travel by radiative zone is very large because of the bouncing of photons and dense material{hot plasma-ionized gas}. An individual photon might take millions of years to reach the tachocline/interface--> this region is based at the base of the Sun's convection zone. The density of the radiative zone follows a descending trend which implies that it decreases from the base of the radiative zone to the top of the radiative zone--the density is greatest near the core where the material{hot plasma/ionized gas} is denser as compared to the top {in the vicinity of interface layer }. The density of hot plasma in this zone is 20 gms per cubic centimeter but near the interface layer the density of hot plasma drops to 0.2 gms per cubic centimeter. A fall in temperature is also observed near the interface layer (2 million degrees Celsius) and the temperature is maximum at the bottom of the radiative zone near the core(7 million degrees Celcius). 3. INTERACTIVE LAYER/TACHOCLINE: It refers to the margin that demarcates the radiation zone and the convective zone. The area of this region is thinner when compared to the radiative and convective zones. However, it is a matter of fascination for scientists due to the discoveries. The top of this region is a bit calm owing to the slow motion of the hot gas. This layer plays a pivotal role in strengthening the magnetic field lines of the Sun as the various gases that flow through this layer stretch the magnetic lines making them potent eventually. There are changes in the chemical compositions of the material it is made up of and these changes leave behind the distinctive traits in the chemical compositions of the elements or components across the tachocline. 4. CONVECTION ZONE: It is the exterior layer of our sun spanning 2lac km beneath the surface which is visible to us. At the base of this zone, temperatures soar to 2 mn. degree celsius. The presence of heavy ions such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, calcium, and iron hold some of their electrons thus having a partial negative charge and they do not completely become cations by losing all of their electrons. This partial negative charge makes this zone opaque, because of the interaction of electrons with photons. Let us understand this. When light falls on these ions, it is either scattered or absorbed but it does not pass through the material. Therefore this zone is opaque. The heat is henceforth captured and the material begins to convect or boil. Pic Source: Let us understand this convection process: The convection process occurs due to a fall in temperature with the rise in height. The hot material rises upwards, which is hotter than its encompassing areas; causing the heat to travel to the surface of the sun. The hot gas in the sun rises upwards because with height the pressure on the gas becomes lesser and lesser and the molecules in the gas start to drift away in a way that decreases their kinetic energy. Thus the temperature of the gas falls. {According to the kinetic theory of gases; the temperature of the gases is directly proportional to the average Kinetic Energy (energy of these moving molecules)of these gases. i.e. higher the temperature higher the Kinetic energy of the gases and vice-versa. } These rising gases create specific markings on the sun's surface referred to as granules and super granules {bigger patterns than granuels}. When these gases come at the visible surface of the sun -called the photosphere their temperatures decrease and are 5,700 Kelvin but still enough high. This is due to the following: According to the kinetic theory of gases; gases are made up of molecules that are always in linear motion until they collide with one another or with the walls of the surface in which they are encased. If a collision happens then no energy is lost in the collision i.e. elastic collision happens. The temperature of the gases is directly proportional to the average Kinetic Energy (energy of these moving molecules)of these gases. i.e. higher the temperature higher the Kinetic energy of the gases and vice-versa. The pressure of the gases is due to the elastic collisions within these gases. Conclusively, we can say that our sun is a glowing sphere of hot plasma and has different zones, every zone exhibits distinct characteristics. Thank You. REFERENCES:,The%20leftover%20mass%20becomes%20energy.

  • 7 Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water Everyday

    Hello, Everyone! Summers are getting harsh every passing day with temperatures soaring high and a sweltering heat wave on the corner. Hydrating ourselves against water loss is crucial for boosting our energy, keeping ourselves active, and keeping our body functions working seamlessly. One such sought-after drink for replenishing ourselves is Coconut water. Coconut water is power-packed with hydrating and electrolyzing properties which is why it is everyone's top pick when it comes to replenishing ourselves and feeling active with its low sugar content and its considerable amount of water content -approx.95%, it's the most sipped go-to drink for almost everyone. Before proceeding further with the blog post we will understand electrolytes and their importance for our well-being. Electrolytes are minerals possessing a charge that is vital for our body functions- such as fluid balance in our cells, enhancing proper nerve & muscle function by transmitting electrical impulses through our nerves thus aiding muscle contraction and signaling between our cells hence preventing muscle cramps, maintaining a PH balance i.e. an (acid-base balance) which is vital for our complete good health. Some examples of mineral electrolytes are Sodium Na+, Pottasium K+, Calcium Ca2+, Magnesium Mg2+, Chloride Cl- etc. Minerals are not synthesized within our body and we have to rely on the food intake for meeting the requisite mineral requirements. Here in this blog post, we will ponder the amazing health benefits of drinking coconut water every day. So, let's get started. 1. Adequate Hydration : Coconut water is nature's hero when hydration is concerned. It is well-equipped with electrolytes e.g. potassium, sodium, and magnesium making it an ideal choice for rehydration especially post-exercise or in high temperatures. 2. Enriched Nutrition: Coconut water is enriched with the goodness of vital nutrients such as Vitamin C, Calcium as well as Iron that are essential for our overall well-being{which out of the 6 essential nutrients or organic materials: -> vitamins ->minerals ->Proteins ->Water ->Fats ->Carbohydrates } 3. Promoting Cardiovascular Health: According to the study Coconut water possesses properties to regulate blood- pressure and it's enriched with potassium that reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases for instance high BP and stroke. 4. Best Low-Fat Drink: Coconut water is very low in calories and sugar when compared to other beverages such as canned juice and thus it is the best sought-after drink for diabetics and health enthusiasts who are searching for no added sugar drinks as an option. 5. Promotes In Healthy Kidney: According to research, it is believed that coconut water voids out the formation of kidney stones by inhibiting crystal formation as well as enhancing the production of urine. 6. Promotes Healthy Digestion: Coconut water aids in regulating bowels owing to manganese. Thus coconut water helps in relieving constipation. Also, it is good for bringing relief in acidity and stomach discomfort. 7. Skinwise Perfect: According to a study coconut water possesses a plethora of skin benefits by aiding in hydration and being enriched in antioxidants which aid in delayed skin aging and offer a beautiful glow to our skin. It also helps in regulating the acid-base balance {pH balance } of our skin thus helpful in soothing our skin and preventing acne breakouts. Thus, conclusively we can say that Coconut Water is a natural and healthy option for hydrating ourselves and triggering our energy levels. Thank You. References:

  • Latest Analysis Details Possibility Of Large Frozen Water Below Lunar Surface-ISRO

    Hello , Everyone! The latest analysis by scientists in our country and other countries outlined proof of significant frozen water below the lunar surface. This analysis is founded on the radar data which was employed by Chandrayaan -2{Bharat's second moon exploration mission} lunar orbiter to further investigate the observations. Our country's second lunar exploration mission had an orbiter that encased scientific instruments to do many studies on the moon's surface. One of these scientific instruments was the dual frequency synthetic aperture radar which had been engineered for doing double penetration for predicting any signs of water ice beneath the lunar surface. By studying the radar data the scientists were enabled to accumulate further evidence to support the likelihood of ice deposits on polar craters prevalent on the moon. According to a study printed in the Journal namely-ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing; it can be inferred that there is a comparatively much more significant amount of ice i.e. fivefolds to eightfolds present beneath the lunar surface, than that present on the lunar surface. This was sated by our country's premier space agency -ISRO. Pic Source URL: This subsurface ice is seen as a vital source of human nourishment and livelihood for a longer duration on the moon. However; this pivotal subsurface ice, heralds many profound questions such as about its source, its availability on the lunar surface & subsurface -its distribution, and at what depths this buried ice is available. Therefore, addressing these questions will enable the scientists to effectively choose the preferable landing location and the study of that preferred location. According to ISRO 's Space Application Centre's lead author -T Chakraborty being well-acquainted with the precision of what extdent the ice is distributed and upto how much depth it is there will enable the scientists to effectively choose the landing location , which will further help them with gathering and analysing the lunar volatiles.But what are lunar volatiles?These are easily vaporisable chemical elements or even the chemical coumpounds upon their subjection to the air and various other surface environments. Examples of these lunar volatiles are: -> Water / H2O ->Carbon dioxide /CO2 ->Carbon Monoxide /CO ->Helium /He ->Hydrogen /H In 2009, the US Space Agency-NASA had launched an orbiter spacecraft-lunar reconnaissance orbiter to throughly analyse the lunar surface and environment. The mision was to get vaubale insights regarding preferred landing sites and the lunar resources for e.g. frozen ice accumulated in areas which never get sunlight (Permanently Shadowed Regions or PSR)that are at lunar pole areas significantly in craters. The scientists observed the accumulated findings which was accumulated through the help of the seven scientific instruments that was placed in the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter .The findings gave a deeper insight into the vital characteristics of moon's surface for e.g. lunar volatiles-like water ice ,lunar topography, temperature variations on the moon's surface, and the mineral composition of the lunar surface .Through these vital information ,it was inferrred that the North Pole areas has significantly twofolds more ice than the South Pole areas. The scientists consider this polar ice to be emerged from the gases released from the moon's interior during a volcanic event that might have taken place in the past, when the moon was in the young stage i.e. geologically active stage .In this stage various geological events like volcanic eruptions had occured with a flow of soaring magma on the moon's surface and thereby, redefining it. This volcanic event also triggered the realease of gases and lunar volatiles into the lunar atmosphere or even the exosphere -the outermost layer of lunar atmosphere. There could be a possibility that some of the gases might not had been realeased ,i.e. remained trapped within the lunar regolith-the loose fragmented material covering the intact rock on the lunar surface. The behaviour of this lunar regolith is smilar to that of a sponge. It holds gases at a place. However, owing to the phenomenon of migration of gases within this lunar regolith ,due to temperature variations ; there might had been a situation that these gases got concentrated under the regions where there is scarcity of sunlight-permanently shadowed regions near the polar areas of the moon.Under these cold traps the gases may had got freezed and , many ice formations had been occured such as dry ice-CO2 , water ice etc. The observations based on previous reseraches in the Chandrayaan 2 ,hinted the ice accumulations at lunar craters with the help of dual frequency synthetic aperture radar. Resonating with this thought , according to ISRO ; the latest nuanced analysis ISRO will be able to conduct direct study of lunar volatiles through either sending a spacecraft or rovers on the lunar surface itself which might be equipped with cutting-edge scientific instruments to effectively accumulate and study lunar resources-volatiles. Conclusively, we can sy that water being a pivotal resource for human livelihood,the ice mining from thne lunar subsurface could make moon an ideal exploration site with crews of astronauts and most intriguing part -inhabitation in the years to come. Thank You. References:

  • Bharatiya Environment Activist Alok Shukla Honored With Goldman Environmental Prize 2024 (Green Nobel)

    Hello, Everyone! Alok Shukla has been honored with the esteemed Goldman Environmental Prize to mark his dedicated efforts to safeguard and conserve the Hasdeo Arand forest region that is based in Bharat's Chattisgarh state, in the central part of our country. Pic Source: The forest -Hasdeo Arand beholds a diverse ecosystem and a vast expansive forest spanning over 1,70,000 ha of forest land and is known for its biodiversity as well as coal reserves. The forest is situated in the Korba, Surajpur, and Sarguja districts inhabited by the tribal people. The forest is one of the most expansive and natural forests which is undisturbed and untouched by human intervention. Bharat-based unsung environment hero has contributed largely to protecting the Hasdeo Aranda region for about more than 10 years through his basic grassroots movement- a movement consisting of common people at a localized level to address the potential threat of intrusion by the coal mines in the forest region by major corporations such as the Adani Group. Alok Shukla's grassroots movement centralizes on galvanizing communities through a proactive people-to-people approach by informing people regarding their rights and garnering support versus the potential threat of coal mining intrusion on their forest land. He has leveraged strategic approaches such as organizing protest marches, and legal proceedings, and influencing policymakers to intensify the perspective of forest inhabitants. The movement witnessed one of the meaningful milestones in the year 2021; when our government addressed their requests symbolic of taking action on their demands founded an elephant sanctuary and conserved a considerable part of the imperiled forest. This milestone is a testament to the transformative power of a unified approach and employing strategic tactics influencing policymakers in safeguarding their woodland. The environment activist Alok Shukla's efforts have not been in vain and they have garnered worldwide respect and recognition as he was honored by the Goldman Environmental Prize -also referred to as the Green Nobel Prize. This award honors individuals for their contributions to protecting and enhancing the environment through prolonged advocacy and enduring activism i.e. engaging in continuous and dedicated efforts to conserve the natural environment. But what is Goldman Environmental Prize? Also referrred to as Green Nobel; the prize honours people for their continuous and substantial endeavours to conserve and extend environment by overcoming challenges at major personal peril. This award marks grassroots environment activivists fromabout 6 continents having inhabitation. The continents are : ->Africa ->Asia ->Europe ->Island and Island Nations ->North America ->South and Central America Regardless of decade long continued efforts and significant successes ; there is still a long way to go in a journey to protest forestland , since considerable area of the woodland is still at peril of being enchroached by coal mines - as new projects have initiated with their setup or are making strategies to extend their coal mine projects over large area of forest land. The environment activist -Alok Shukla with his team of activists are not going to get stymied these challenges .They are still on a mission to protect the forest land and they are on a sit-down demonstration to stop further intrusion on forest land. Alok Shukla and his team of activists 's persistant struggle highlightes the priority struggle amid economic development and environmental conservation prevailent in our country and alsos countries like us where coal caters the energy requirements. Conclusively, we can say that Alok Shukla's tale of unwavering determination and dedication in proactively engaging in environmental conservation by employing tactics such as -grassroots movement underscores the meaningful and valuable approach of grassroots movements against authorittavtive establishment overriding the intrrests , perspectives, and well - being of inhabitants and natural environment. Thank You. References:

  • NASA's Pioneering Space Mission ACS3 Launched Into Space-Incorporated With Solar Sail & CubeSat For Generating Thrust & Propulsion

    Hello, Everyone! On the 24th of April 2024, the United States space agency NASA launched its Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3 ) Spacecraft into the cosmos from a launch site in New Zealand at 3:30 Am. This mission was launched to feature and examine cutting-edge technology of solar sailing. But what is Solar Sailing? This technology is leveraged to generate thrust from solar particles for propulsion's sake. Let's ponder over this Solar Sail Technology : The sunlight is composed of multitudes of particles referred to as photons. These Photons do not possess mass but possess momentum. Once the sunlight gets reflected from a solar sail, the momentum of the solar particles is transferred into a minor thrust providing a mere push to the spacecraft. This is a breakthrough in space technology as it's able to access those cosmic destinations that have been near to impossible by far. Also, this uses sunlight for propulsion rather than the traditional fuel-based rockets. The mission aims to showcase and test its cutting-edge solar sail. The spacecraft was launched into space by employing an electron rocket engineered by Rocket Lab. Pic Source: Let us focus on the mission -Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3 ) Spacecraft salient features: -> 1. The spacecraft was expected to rotate around our Earth at an altitude of 1000 Km from the Earth's surface. This implies that the vertical distance between the spacecraft and the Earth's surface is 1000 Km. -> 2. Once the spacecraft is successfully placed into a 1000 Km orbit, the solar sail which is a vital component of ACS3 will have a total surface area of 80 sq. meter. The solar sail is similar to a sail on a sailboat. It is vital to take note that the larger sail area of the solar sail will enable it to capture sunlight at a larger scale. The objective of the solar sail is to capture sunlight and transfer the solar particles or photons's momentum into a minor push or thrust to propel it forward into space. A larger surface area of the sail enables it with higher proficiency to attain propulsion, owing to its ability to capture sunlight at large scales. -> 3. The positioning of the solar sail into the 1000 Km orbit was planned to occur post-completion 25 minutes, after the spacecraft's liftoff. During these twenty-five minutes time, the spacecraft ACS3 was about to extend the solar sail which was primarily in a compact, or stowed shape, i.e. folded or rolled to make itself fit into the spacecraft's ACS3's storage compartment. The solar sail is a vital component of the mission spacecraft ACS3. This solar sail was planned to be placed into the designated orbit that would be the prime propulsion medium in the spacecraft's system -> 4. The mission {  Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3 ) Spacecraft} envisions carefully analyzing and observing the key properties, behavior, and performance of the physical components employed to engineer these solar sails. This mechanism includes:- ->Monitoring of the properties of the materials: Monitoring of the properties of the materials employed for manufacturing solar sails for instance their strength, flexibility, durability, and thermal properties. Careful monitoring is requisite for the pursuit of ensuring the solar sail's ability to cope with extreme cosmological situations and its propensity to effectively capture and harness sunlight for propulsion's sake. -> Seamless Deployment Of Solar Sail: This includes carefully analyzing if the deployment of solar sail from the ACS 3 spacecraft is successfully done or not i.e. confirming how the unfolding of the solar sail is done to its complete dimensions without any malfunctions. -> Evaluating Structural Integrity: This involves evaluating the structural integrity of the solar sail once placed into the orbit; including its shape, stability, and rigidity.Ensuring, that the solar sail maintains its desired form and remains stable while the ongoing mission is indisputable for the pursuit of achieving efficient spacecraft's propulsion and speed. This involves examining the shape, stability, and rigidity of the solar sail to affirm that the solar sail remains stable in its desired form during the entire mission. -> Assessment Of Thrust Generation For Propulsion Sake: This involves assessment of the proficiency of the solar sail; to transfer sunlight particles /photons momentum into thrust for seamless propulsion of the spacecraft - ACS3, into the space. Therefore; by considering all these assessment pointers we can say that through assessment of these key factors is pivotal for transcending the design and operation of this cutting-edge technology and transcending its proficiency for upcoming space missions. -> 5. The mission duration was primarily set to be two months. In this time duration, the spacecraft ACS3 will execute several operations and experiments for analyzing and assessing the performance of the solar sail system. -> 6. The most fascinating part is that; post-completion of its first leg and its key objectives, the ACS3 spacecraft is likely to re-enter or descend into our Earth's atmosphere, where the spacecraft will either combustion off after its re-entry or land into the oceanic waters complying with the mission and design requirements. -> 7. The solar sail will also descend i.e. retract or will get compacted; or will get deactivated before the spacecraft's re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere post-completion of its mission objectives. -> 8. But how will the ACS 3 spacecraft get propelled once the sunlight particles fall into the solar sail? It is done by Cube Sat which acts as an enabler for propelling the spacecraft whenever the solar particles or photons fall onto the solar sail. But what is CubeSat? It is essentially a kind of nanosatellite which are incorporated into the mission due to its miniature size and small mass that complies with a standardized shape and size based on a 10 cm cubes (1U) module. However, they can be engineered in large dimensions for instance 1.5 U,2U, 6U, or even 16 U, by integrating multitudes of 1U modules. These CubeSat are ideal for being integrated into launch vehicles and placed into space along with the larger payloads such as larger satellites, spacecraft, or scientific instruments which are key requisites for the mission. -> 9. CubeSat Upward & Downward Movement- Once the ACS3 spacecraft is launched into space, the crew members dedicated to the mission will conduct several pointing movements to examine CubeSat's potential to attain a higher orbit or come at a lower orbit according to the sunlight. The solar-sailing technology-empowered spacecraft would appear as the brightest star in the sky in the night-time, similar to Sirius. -> As per NASA's press release -In the initial mission duration of 2 months, various components of the spacecraft are examined and analyzed to ensure their efficiency. After the completion of 2 months, the Cube Sat deploys solar sail into space i.e. the solar sail will be extended from its contracted or stowed position in the spacecraft to the space. This step is a breakthrough in the mission, as the spacecraft will enter into the operational phase from the initial setup phase. In the operational phase, the solar sail will be leveraged for propulsion purposes. Thank You. References:

  • Historic Feat For Alejandra Rodriguez As She Clinched The Coveted Title Of Miss Universe Buenos Aires At 60 Yrs Of Age

    Hello, Everyone! The 73rd edition of Miss Universe is going to be held in September, in Mexico this year. The Miss Universe is a yearly celebration of beauty that marks respect for all women, including all ages, cultures, professions, backgrounds , religions, and regional and cultural beliefs. With the initiation of the Miss Universe competition in 1952 the superior age limit had been till 28 years. However; last year the autonomous Miss Universe Organization stated at the Miss Universe competition, that from this year(2024) the criteria for a superior age limit would be demolished i.e. from this year (2024) the pageant will not witness any superior age limit. Resonating with this groundbreaking announcement, a beauty pageant -Miss Universe Beunos Aires- was recently held in Buenos Aires, title holderArgentina; in the quest for the title holder of the coveted title Miss Universe Beunos Aires. The beautiful women belonging to the age group of 18 to 73 years graced the beauty pageant with their participation. Alejandra Rodriguez of age 60 years -A timeless beauty, clinched the esteemed title of Miss Univers, Buenos Aires. In an awe-inspiring triumph- the moment of her triumph had left a meaningful impact of passion, determination, and belief in oneself, in the hearts of many. The queen, is a lawyer and she opted to learn the law with a vision to be a legal advisor at a hospital; as per the New York Post report. However; the winner had opted to learn journalism post her school completion. Pic Source: New York Post URL: The transformative power of her dreams has opened a new vista for all women and has inspired those, who are pageantry enthusiasts, and her feat has created a wave in the pageantry world. Her historic triumph is symbolic of women empowerment of women of all ages, standards, and respect for them. Post clinching the coveted title, the timeless beauty had stated to the media people that her feat would revolutionize beauty pageants where all women would be an epitome of not only beauty based on physical grounds but also will be an epitome of principal virtues. Gracing the reports, she had stated that, she is extremely excited to be a trailblazer of this reform in the pageant world. Alejandra Rodriguez stated that she is gearing up for the forthcoming nominations for the renowned event- Miss Universe Argentina going to be held in May this year. The beauty queen had given the onus for her youthful appearance to her healthy lifestyle; as she stated at the American newspaper, the New York Post. She also said that by embracing a healthy life, mindful eating, and engaging oneself in physical activity, one can cater to all the prime requisites for having a healthy and youthful appearance. Conclusively , we can say that the landmark feat of Alejandra Rodriguez is a trailblazer for all women who are looking up to compete in beauty pageants. Thank You. References:

  • A Rare Celestial Phenomenon Observed On 23 April 2024- "The Sympathetic Solar Flares ": In Which 4 Solar Flares Erupted From Diverse Sunspots In a Coordinated Manner At A Close Proximity

    Hello, Everyone! On the 23rd Of April, a rare celestial phenomenon was observed called the "sympathetic solar flares" and this phenomenon had been captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory and unveiled the complex magnetic interactions. Let us delve into this enigmatic cosmic event and understand concepts such as solar flares, sunspots, Sympathetic Solar Flares and their impact on our Earth, Coronal Mass Ejection, solar cycle, and solar maximum. So let's get started. ABOUT EVENT: Four solar flares detonated in a coordinated way on the sun's surface from diverse sunspots connected through the sun's invisible magnetic loops in the sun's uppermost layer -Corona. Such an occurrence of solar flares in a coordinated way is called a super-sympathetic Solar Flare. Pic Source : Indian Express URL : SYMPATHETIC SOLAR FLARES: These are rare cosmic events in which a multitude of eruptions occur from diverse sunspots' proximity connected by the Sun's magnetic field loops in the Corona region of the sun. REASON OF SYMPATHETIC SOLAR FLARE: The instability in the Sun's magnetic field or a disruption or a change in the magnetic field is the main culprit behind this rare occurrence. An instability formed within the magnetic loops connecting various sunspots. This instability travels alongside the connected loops to further sunspots regions stimulating the discharge of built-up magnetic energy in every sunspot resulting in multiple solar flares in the proximity. IMPACT OF SYMPATHETIC SOLAR FLARE ON OUR EARTH : It is not certain by far. However, according to scientists the discharged material might stimulate CME{Coronal Mass Ejection } to the surface of our Earth. It might warp radio communication and power grids, telecommunication channels, and satellite electronics. The astronauts who are on spacewalks at the International Space Station might, be prone to hazardous radiation. Now we will understand the basics of solar events such as Solar Flares, Sunspots, Sympathetic Solar Flares and their influence on Earth, Coronal Mass Ejection, Solar cycle, and Solar Maximum. UNDERSTANDING BASICS OF SOLAR EVENTS: -> 1. SOLAR FLARES: The solar flares are explosions of EM radiation on the sun's surface. It is due to the accumulation of magnetic energy in the Sun's environment that is quickly released into the cosmos at a large scale. The type of the solar flare is based on the potency of the flare. The X-class is referred to as the most potent. After X-class; M-Class, C-Class, and B-class are in the decreasing order of their potency. The A-class solar flare is marked as the smallest one. According to the thorough analysis, these solar flares are closely linked with the 11-year solar cycle of events triggered by the Sun's magnetic field.{this we are going to understand in the below parts}. Pic Source: URL: -> 2. SUNSPOTS: These are darker and cooler areas of highly potent magnetic fields on the Sun's environment generally the photosphere. They always occur in pairs with positive and negative magnetic polarities. These are formed when large amounts of the magnetic field underneath the Sun's surface reach the topmost layer. These are comparatively darker and cooler areas in the sun's atmosphere. The much darker area is referred to as the Umbra with a temperature of 3000 to 4,500 degrees Celcius which is lesser than the temperature at the sun's surface -5,500 degrees Celcius; however, the visibly lighter region is referred to as the Penumbra. The size of these sunspots differs from several 100 km to multitudes of Earth's size. The number of times they appear and their intensity are based on the magnetic fields which hints about an eleven-year solar cycle. The highly potent magnetic fields warp the convection process in the photosphere, lowering the temperature of this region. Due to the comparatively lower temperature, we see these sunspots as darker areas in the sun's atmosphere. Pic Source: URL: -> 3. SYMPATHETIC SOLAR FLARES: These are rare cosmic events in which a multitude of eruptions occur from diverse sunspots' proximity connected by the Sun's magnetic field loops in the Corona region of the sun's atmosphere. NUANCED APPROACH TO UNDERSTAND THEM: As we have understood sunspots, are the darker and cooler areas of highly potent magnetic fields on the Sun's environment generally the photosphere. The Suns' corona and its outer layer have the property of being charged with hot plasma-ionized gas owing to the charged particles. The electrically charged ions when move, produce a magnetic field. The very potent magnetic field beneath the corona connects the numerous sunspots. The very powerful magnetic field at sunspots warps the usual flow of hot plasma-ionized particles within the sun. The instabilities {changes in the magnetic fields} might exist inside the magnetic field of the sun. Let us suppose we have a stretched rubberband, and the twists but when we let go it breaks the band. Likewise, these magnetic instabilities are similar to twists or ties in a rubber band. The magnetic field develops and increases at sunspots owing to the tangle formation in the invisible magnetic field lines at specific locations, which contribute to highly potent concentrated magnetic fields at specific regions. The differential or varied rates of rotation, of our sun make the magnetic field become twisted/ tangled. Localized regions; where these nodules of magnetic field lines snap the sun's surface mark the formation of sunspots. One reason that can raise the magnetic field is magnetic reconnection in which the twisted magnetic field lines reconnect and snap with each other similar to the rubber bands. This phenomenon is referred to as magnetic reconnection. It might lead to massive amounts of energy through heat, light, and high-energy particles. This can lead to Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections. Thus, the magnetic energy inside the sunspots peaks because they have a magnetic field thousandfold more potent than the typical magnetic field at the surface of the sun. And this field warps the usual flow of hot ionized plasma, the tangle formation also leads the magnetic fields at the sunspots to peak. Lastly, the magnetic reconnection may be the reason for the rising magnetic fields. The instabilities -changes of the magnetic fields occurring at one magnetic loop traverse across all the connected loops to various sunspot areas. This quick transfer of energy leads to an explosion of accumulated high magnetic energy in every connected sunspot, triggering a multitude of solar flares to explode in a coordinated manner. Henceforth, the invisible magnetic loops act as pathways for energy transfer causing the diverse sunspots at different locations to erupt synchronously just because of one magnetic instability. -> 4. EFFECT OF SYMPATHETIC SOLAR FLARES ON OUR EARTH: Certain effects are not authorized by far by scientists' occurrence; however, as we discussed above this might lead to the occurrence of coronal mass ejection, distorted power grids, disrupt radio communication lines, disruption of satellite electronics and pose a potential threat to astronauts at ISS-International Space Station. -> 5. CORONAL MASS EJECTION: These refer to the eruptions of the sun's magnetic field along with hot plasma at the sun's Coronal region of its mysterious environment. It consists of protons and electrons. The potent magnetic field is entailed within the ejected plasma. These are associated with solar flares of high intensity, it might be possible that the extremely large magnetic fields in the high-class solar flares might trigger the Coronal Mass Ejections. Also, the magnetic instability or sudden change in the magnetic field may lead to these ejections.Reconnection of twisted magnetic field lines might initiate such a massive explosion. Pic Source: Live Science URL: -> 6. UNDERSTANDING SOLAR CYCLE,WHAT IS SOLAR MAXIMUM & WHAT IS SOLAR MINIMUM: The solar cycle refers to the repetitive time cycle through which the sun's magnetic field undergoes about every 11 years. Our sun is a hot sphere of plasma-ionized gas. With the movement of this ionized gas, a highly potent magnetic field is produced. As the plasma moves the magnetic field is generated {because a moving electric charge leads to the creation of a magnetic field}. This created magnetic field undergoes a time cycle of 11 years, marked as the Solar Cycle. After the completion of the time interval of 11 -years, the sun's magnetic fields experience a turnover i.e. North pole comes at the South pole & vice - versa. For the magnetic poles to get back to their original position, another 11 years occur. To get an idea of the solar -cycle, the amount of sunspots is calculated. More Sunspots mean the solar cycle is increasing, maximum sunspots occur at the half of the solar cycle called the SOLAR MAXIMUM. However, the initial phase of the solar cycle is referred to as SOLAR MINIMUM. As the solar cycle increases solar events such as sunspots and Coronal Mass Ejections rise. QUICK REVIEW ON SYMPATHETIC SOLAR FLARES:- For sympathetic solar flares {Eruptions of high magnetic fields from diverse sunspots connected by the invisible magnetic field lines }, the instabilities -changes of the magnetic fields occurring at one magnetic loop traverse across all the connected loops to various sunspot areas. This quick transfer of energy leads to an explosion of accumulated high magnetic energy in every connected sunspot, triggering a multitude of solar flares to explode in a coordinated manner. Henceforth, the invisible magnetic loops act as pathways for energy transfer causing the diverse sunspots at different locations to erupt synchronously just because of one magnetic instability. Such an eruption is referred to as a Sympathetic Solar Flare. The complete understanding can be referred from the NUANCED APPROACH TO UNDERSTAND THEM section under SYMPATHETIC SOLAR FLARES HEADING. Thank You REFERENCES:

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