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  • Surprising Revelations Through ISRO Satellite - Size Of Twenty-Seven Percent Of Identified Glacial Lakes Have Increased,130 Of These Exist In Bharat

    Hello, Everyone! Due to many climate changes following adverse effects of global warming afforestation, pollution, and, increasing population, our glaciers are retreating and thinning every year leading to the creation of new glacial lakes and an increased size of the already existing lakes. This is a concern prevalent in glacial regions. According to ISRO; the images outlined by the Satellite monitoring done over the watersheds {bodies that collect water and from where the water gets into the mainstream river, it acts like a natural basin such as ridges or hills which is bounded with geographical divides}of our country's river basins in the Himalayan areas, there have been considerable changes in the river basins from 1984 to 2023. Pic Source :The Tribune There has also been a bit concerning revelation that; from the 2,431 observed from 2016 to 2017 they had a size of more than 10 hectares, and 676 glacial lakes have increased in size by the year 1984. According to a statement by our country's space agency ISRO, there has been an increase in the size of 27 percent of the glacial lakes situated in the Himalayas. But what are glacial lakes? These are water bodies created due to glacial phenomena mainly associated with the existence and recession of glaciers. They are formed due to many glacial phenomena such as glacial erosion, Glacial deposition, Moraine formation, Iceberg breaking into chunks of ice in the water bodies {called iceberg calving} and lastly melting of glacial ice. These lakes can be diverse in their looks, size, and deepness and play a vital role in the people habituating in the downstream regions and the ecosystem. According to ISRO; from 676 lakes, 601 lakes have incresed twice in size; however, 10 lakes have extended from 1.5 to 2 folds and sixty-five lakes have extended in size 1.5 folds. In line with the previously mentioned statement by ISRO, there has been other information outlined by our country's space agency that 130 of the 676 glacial lakes are based in India with 65 situated in the Indus basin and 7 located in the Ganga basin and 48 glacial lakes are situated in the Brahmaputra river basin. As per the height-based observation of these glacial lakes; the 314 lakes are perched at the height of 4000 mts to 5000 mts height range. Furthermore, 296 glacial lakes are situated at the height greater than 5000 mts. The types of glacial lakes are distinct based on how their formation has been done. The types of glacial lakes are: 1.Moraine Based: The lakes evolved the due to deposition of rocks, sediment, and debris {called Moraine} by glaciers at their edges in their way when they move ahead or when a glacial recession happens. Now this Moraine- deposits of rocks, sediment, and debris act as a natural dam or impediment to the free-flowing water, thereby creating lakes. These lakes are located in the valleys and basins where the deposits are deposited owing to the farthest end of the glacier, called as terminal moraines. When the glacier recessions the Moraine-based lakes are created. 2.Ice-Dammed : These lakes are formed when the water flow is impeded by the glaciers or ice-sheets ; particularly in the valleys or channels. 3.Erosion -Based : Erosional rivers or Erosion-based rivers are V-shaped rivers; rivers formed due to the erosion process. These rivers have attributes such as v-shaped valleys and steep gradients. The water flow is hindered due to the dips and hollows owing to erosion of deposits and hence erosion - based lakes are formed. 4.Other Glacial Lakes: These are the rivers created due to some of the geological factors, climate factors, changes in the sea levels, and glacial factors -such as erosion and deposition of glaciers. Now let us get back to the observations by ISRO:- As per ISRO, a significant number of expanding glacial lakes i.e. 307 are moraine-based glacial lakes, 265 lakes are erosion-based rivers, 8 lakes are ice-dammed ones, and lastly are the other glacial lakes which are 96 in number. These number of glacial lakes are out of 676 lakes which are increasing in their size. Our Bharatiya space agency ISRO has emphasized the permanent changes done at the Ghepang Ghat Lake situated in the Indus basin at an altitude of 4,608 meters in Himachal Pradesh. But, what are these changes which are being focused upon? As per ISRO, from the period between the year 1989 to 2022 period, the Ghepang Ghat glacial lake has expanded from 36.49 hectares to 101.30 hectares i.e. 178% peak in its size. The expansion lake is observed to be 1.96 hectares annually. Now let us focus on how the glacial lakes can be a potential threat as well in the low-lying areas such as outbursts of these lakes leading to floods. But before that let us ponder on the significant information. Last year, the month of October witnessed a burst of Lhonak Glacial Lake due to heavy rains. About 40 people lost their lives and 76 could not be found due to the outburst of Lhonak Lake. But why the Himalayan snow cover is getting influenced at large? Due to the snow cover and the presence of glaciers over the entire Himalayas, the Himalaya is marked as the third pole. The glaciers are receding owing to climate impacts such as global warming, pollution, afforestation, etc. This recession of glaciers are cornerstone for forming fresh glacial lakes and the increment in size of the already located glacial lakes. These glacial lakes are a resource of freshwater sources in the Himalayan areas. However, these glacial lakes can be a potential threat to low-lying areas. But how? The risk of floods due to outbursts of glacial lakes {GLACIAL LAKES OUTBURST FLOODS-GLOFs} does occur due to the gradual degradation of natural dams-which are deposits of rocks, sand, sediments or due to melting of glaciers which increase the size of these lakes. The natural dams may degrade due to avalanches in the snow cover. Other factors leading to the outburst of glacial lakes are intense rainfall, earthquakes, breaking of glaciers into water bodies. The major challenge in careful examination of glacial lakes is the rocky terrain and difficult-to-reach locations. Here in this difficult situation, satellite monitoring comes to the rescue. This is an ideal way to monitor these difficult terrains, glaciers, and glacial lakes owing to the ability to monitor at large distances and its ability to monitor the same location at greater frequencies-referred as revisit time of a satellite {RT}. Conclusively, we can say that tight monitoring of these glacial lakes is vital for getting a know-how of recession rates of glaciers and analysis of expansion rates of the glacial lakes. Thank You. REFERENCES:

  • How C-CAMP & BFI Biome Virtual Network Program-Partnership Will Transcend Healthcare In Bharat

    Hello, Everyone! Our Bharat is reaching new heights in healthcare through robotic surgery, leveraging cutting-edge AI technology for faster identification of ailments and many more pioneering technologies. Resonating with this thought; for our country's healthcare upheaval, C-CAMP & BFI Biome Virtual Network Program have partnered to observe a leap in innovations and transformations to improve healthcare quality. So let's get started with understanding the C-CAMP and BFI Biome Virtual Network Program and what their alliance will offer in the time to come. Pic Source: The Hindu URL of Pic Source: But; first, we will understand C-CAMP{CENTRE FOR CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PLATFORMS} ABOUT THE C-CAMP{CENTRE FOR CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PLATFORMS}: It is abbreviated for Centre for Cellular And Molecular Platforms ->It is an enterprise backed by the Department of Biotechnology and from 2009 it has been a cornerstone in providing state-of-the art analysis and advancement in the life sciences realm. -> One of the key objectives of this initiative is to encourage people to start their businesses and to shoring people up in figuring out new ideas. ->The program had been encouraging entrepreneurship with the monetary backup for the advent of new start-ups. Now let us understand about the BFI Biome Virtual Network Program. ABOUT BFI BIOME VIRTUAL NETWORK PROGRAM: BFI is abbreviated for Blockchain for impact which signifies the effectiveness of blockchain technology in healthcare. ->This program is envisioned to revolutionize our country's healthcare by fostering highly advanced biomedicine and fast-pacing the influence of revolutionary breakthroughs in improving the scenario of difficult medical situations in our country. ->The importance largely will be laid on crucial aspects, for instance, identification of transmissible illnesses, resistance to antibiotics, cancer technology, and tissue regeneration which are biological structures or materials required for repair of tissue damage such as stem cells that possess the proficiency to transform into various cell-types and aid in aid in tissue regeneration, and e-Health. Several plans for these critical issues are done with testing in hospitals or with health regulators such as the FDA. ->This program integrates the entities such as incubators and research institutes. But what are these? The incubators are those organizations that provide backing to newly-established companies by helping them with adequate resources, and training, and occasionally providing them monetary aid too. However, on the other hand, by research institutes, we understand the institutions that do research and deepen the expertise in particular sectors like biomedical research. Therefore, by co-joining the incubators and research institutes the program has a vision to formulate a shared platform where these entities can effectively co-work with both poised towards common goals of putting innovations and new research into practical use or products. This might incorporate forging alliances among the startups, researchers, and stakeholders, exchanging resources, knowledge, and ideas as well. ->Via this program, BFI; will spend $200,000 in 3 years for funding and backing new businesses that are tasked with healthcare innovations; with the help of C-CAMP mentorship. Now, we will focus on the vital alliance between C-CAMP & BFI Biome Virtual Network Program. PARTNERSHIP B/W C-CAMP & BFI: ->C-CAMP, which aims to encourage new businesses and advanced insights has allied with BFI and is willing to transform healthcare in our country. Through this impactful integration, these entities are envisioned to catalyze medical advancements in our country using biological goals. So, conclusively we can say that the partnership between C-CAMP and BFI is an impactful means of adventuring Medicare through innovative ideas and materializing them for the betterment of our country's people. Thank You. REFERENCES:

  • World Earth Day Is Observed Globally On The 22nd Of April Every Year - For 2024 World Earth Day The Theme Is "Planet vs. Plastic"

    Hello, Everyone! Today (22nd of April 2024) marks World Earth Day, committed to building recognition and showcasing the green environment of our mother Earth. World Earth Day is observed every year on the 22nd of April and this remarkable day, about a billion individuals globally unify to participate in events. These activities feature the climate crises and how to develop behavior modification to safeguard our Earth from adverse environmental habits. Taking part in these environmental activities is an ideal way to bring a healthy change in our planet's environment and is an excellent example of people-to-people environmental activism. The themes for World Earth Day are observed to differ annually featuring ways to safeguard our Earth's environment and to keep our Earth's environment eco-friendly and green. This year today (22nd of April,2024) the theme is "Planet vs. Plastic" with a vision to develop a green future - exempted from plastic for the generations to come. The criticality of this theme lies in the research conducted by the World Wildlife Fund Research which outlines that every year plastic waste production peeks by 380 million tonnes and unfortunately the majority of this waste is getting amalgamated with the landfills, waterways, and our oceans. Therefore, is envisioned to forge a planet exempted from plastic for the years to come and has stated the theme for this year's World Earth Day to be "Planet vs.Plastic".The theme underscores the possible hazards of plastic waste for our Earth's environment and how toxic plastic waste is a potential menace to human health as well. Henceforth, has urged for a complete abatement of dangerous plastic waste by asking to decrease plastic manufacturing by 60% before 2040. Pic Source: With a vision to make this possible, has featured pivotal objectives which are : ->Raising awareness among individuals on a global scale about the potential health hazards of plastic to ourselves, to the animals & biological variability; through investigating how perilous plastic waste is to our well-being by incorporating a practice of publishing any vital information for the pursuit of humans of health implications of plastic waste. ->Quick gradual elimination of plastic waste by the year 2030 and getting the agreement regarding the elimination of plastic waste by 20230 in the 2024 UN treaty. ->->Raising awareness among individuals on a global scale about the potential health hazards of plastic to ourselves, to the animals & biological variability; through investigating how perilous plastic waste is to our well-being by incorporating a practice of publishing any vital information for the pursuit of humans of health implications of plastic waste. ->Quick gradual elimination of plastic waste by the year 2030 and getting the agreement regarding the elimination of plastic waste by 20230 in the 2024 UN treaty. ->Insisting on policies for mitigating the curse of inexpensive clothing trends owing to being the largest water- -polluter due to the profound use of chemicals in dying and treatment of fabrics. It also leads to environmental resource depletion because of large reliance on major natural resources such as water, land, and energy used in its manufacturing leading to diminished resources and large-scale environmental degradation. -> Funding cutting-edge technologies and substances essential to creating a greener world that is exempted from the curse of plastic waste. For instance, leveraging pioneering technologies such as waterless dying, recycled materials, biodegradable textiles, smart fabrics, blockchain, etc. After all Happy Earth means Happy us. Conclusively we can say that we must develop environment-friendly habits, stop using single-use plastic, and focus on greener alternatives to bring an active revolution against the plastic waste curse to our planet Earth's health. Thank You. References-

  • Unveiling Why Rose Water Is The Best Natural Beauty Treatment In Summers

    Hello, Everyone! Summers have set in and with a bang. The sweat, heat, and UV rays of the Sun are irritants to our skin, which our skin cope with every day. But not to worry! Here is a natural bliss to guard our skin against the harsh summer...the blissful rosewater. Rosewater is a sweetly fragrant water that is prepared by imbueing rose petals in water making it very safe due to no chemicals present in it. Pic Source-Medical News Today Ever wondered how this simple but classy rosewater can be the solution to summer skin concerns? There are plenty of benefits of incorporating rosewater into a daily skin care regimen to achieve hydrated, moisturized, cleansed radiant, and youthful skin. Here in this blog post, we will unveil the wonderful and amazing benefits of a natural quick fix to all our summer skin concerns- Soothing & Hydrating Rosewater. So let's begin. We will start exploring these amazing benefits one by one. 1. Excellent Skin Hydrator & Skin Refresher: Rosewater is a natural resource of natural sugar as well as vitamins pivotal for maintaining and drawing moisture in our skin thereby making it hydrated and refreshed. The hydrated skin seems plumper and more youthful as the fine lines and wrinkles are reduced. 2. An Amazing Skin Toner: Rosewater possesses an amazing trait of PH-balancing since the PH of rosewater is identical to our skin which makes it an ideal choice for all beauty experts and DIY lovers. Hence rosewater is perfect for retaining the PH balance of our skin. The skin that is PH balanced can easily keep off harmful bacteria and is guarded against toxic pollutants. 3. Tightening Skin Pores: Blessed with blissful astringent characteristics this sweetly fragrant rosewater is apt for tightening and shrinking skin pores which makes our skin less prone to attacat dirt and pollution. Therefore rosewater can help reduce breakouts and acne. 4. Armed With Antioxidant Properties: Natural Rosewater, is armed with a rich source of antioxidants such as Vitamin C, a cluster of antioxidants marked as flavonoids; Vitamin A as well as Vitamin B & other antioxidants that safeguard our skin against the attack of free radicles and also play a pivotal role in boosting collagen production which is potent in providing elasticity to our skin. It also helps mitigate skin inflammation owing to it being equipped with antioxidant properties. 5. Gentle & Natural To Our Skin: This is what we all look out for! Correct? A gentle and natural way to achieve radiant,even-toned, youthful, and healthy-looking skin. Rosewater is prepared by soaking rose petals in water, which makes it a gentle and natural choice for getting skin benefits for all skin types which incorporates sensitive skin types too! This wonderful skin elixir does not possess harmful chemicals and artificially imbibed fragrances which make it perfect for everyday skincare with the skin irritation...lovely, isn't it? So conclusively we can say that rosewater provides a myriad of benefits from hydration to moisture retention making it an ideal choice to incorporate into everyday skincare regimen. Thank You.

  • An Overview Of NASA's Dragonfly Mission To Explore Saturn's Largest Moon Titan: NASA Authenticated It To Be Launched In 2028

    Hello, Everyone! Saturn's largest moon-Titan has always been an extremely important celestial body for exploration owing to its dense atmosphere and oceanic waters. But this is not just enough reason for the astronomers to drive scientists and astronomers to head for its exploration of Saturn's moon -Titan. The most fascinating part is that Titan entails water circulation identical to that of our Earth; with clouds made up of Methane, rainfall occurring, and the water rushing across its surface to our awe. The surface of Titan is enriched with organic material. Therefore a dense atmosphere, possessing oceans, possessing water circulation identical to our Earth with its surface highly enriched with organic materials are all indicators hinting there could be probable signs of life. Henceforth, Titan is perfect to be explored in a quest for discovering prebiotic chemical compounds alike our primitive Earth before it flourished. Considering all the aforementioned indicators, the United States Space agency-NASA authenticated a dragonfly rotorcraft mission to Saturn's largest moon Titan's surface as its surface is a resource of an organic compound. The budget of the mission is 3.35 bn US Dollars. The mission will commence in the year 2028. The good part is that Dragonfly has successfully pulled through the preliminary design review requisites at the start of the year 2023 but it was compulsory to formulate an up-to-date fiscal estimate and called -on to organize it in the present fiscal estimate of NASA. This up-to-date fiscal estimate was featured and was given a green flag in Nov. 2023. The Dragonfly mission was approved on the financial year 2025 estimate request made by the U.S. President with an expense to rise by twofold and a delay in its launch period of 2 –years from the earlier planned launch period in year 2019. However, to cope with the time delay of 2 years in its launching the U.S. space agency NASA is poised to render a monetary backup for a heavy-lift launch vehicle to save the time in its journey to Saturn's largest moon. Pic Source: Now, let us delve into the salient features of the Dragonfly mission. So let's get started. SALIENT FEATURES OF THE DRAGONFLY MISSION: ->The 2- year mission leverages a "dual-quad copter" measuring identical to that of the car; to fly across several kilometers or we can say tens of kilometers within 1 hour which is a large distance to traverse as far as presently accessible additional helicopter going beyond our planet Earth's boundary is concerned. ->Within 2 years many hundred kilometers will be explored by the Dragonfly rotorcraft. But here is a kicker: Why NASA has chosen flying as a great means to explore Saturn's moon. It is due to the still and dense atmosphere present in Titan with a low gravity that makes up only flying a perfect means to explore the cosmic body. The Dragonfly mission was approved on the financial year 2025 estimate request made by the U.S. President with an expense to rise by twofold and a delay in its launch period of 2 –years from the earlier planned launch period in year 2019. However, to cope with the time delay of 2 years in its launching the U.S. space agency NASA is poised to render a monetary backup for a heavy-lift launch vehicle to save the time in its journey to Saturn's largest moon. Now, let us delve into the salient features of the Dragonfly mission. So let's get started. Salient Features Of The Dragonfly Mission:- ->The 2- year mission leverages a "dual-quadcopter" measuring identical to that of the car; to fly across several kilometers or we can say tens of kilometers within 1 hour which is a large distance to traverse as far as presently accessible additional helicopter going beyond our planet Earth's boundary is concerned. ->Within 2 years many hundred kilometers will be explored by the Dragonfly rotorcraft. But here is a kicker: Why NASA has chosen flying as a great means to explore Saturn's moon. It is due to the still and dense atmosphere in Titan with a low gravity that makes only flying a perfect means to explore the cosmic body. ->The rotorcraft will conduct science measurements in the majority of the daytime on the Titan's surface regardless of it being a rotorcraft. ->Because of the foggy -atmosphere on Titan; the rotorcraft will get scarce sunlight i.e. the rotorcraft will not be able to charge itself using solar power or the sun's radiations and therefore it will leverage a radioisotope power system (RPS) as a power source to get charged. Radioisotope power system is a power source that uses the thermal energy generated owing to the radioactive decay of the isotopes i.e. radioactive isotopes of an element.An isotope is an element possessing equal number of protons and electrons but different neutrons and they represent the same attributes as the primary element. A diverse isotope of the same element possesses an equal number of protons in their respective atomic nuclei however the number of protons varies.E.g., carbon -12 and carbon -14 are different isotopes of carbon.Radioactive/nuclear decay is the discharge of surplus subnuclei particles in the form of EM radiation or the discharge of particles from the atomic nucleus which leads to the formation of diffrent element. In RPS a radioactive power source Pu-238 is incorporated to get heat from the radioactive radiation in the radioactive decay phenomenon. ->The majority of work of transmitting data will be commenced and completed in the daytime itself which implies the rotorcraft will get ample amount of the nighttime to get it charged up. ->The Dragonfly rotorcraft is a rotorcraft –i.e. an aircraft that manuvoures across an area leveraging rotor blades and not wings which are in a traditional aircraft. These rotor blades play a vital role in generating lift by rotating over a central axis, for instance, helicopters; missioned to reach Saturn’s moon –Titan by 2034. It will traverse across numerous significant places in a quest to uncover prebiotic chemical processes that are identical to our primitive Earth before it flourished. ->The Dragonfly mission is a historic mission as it is one of its kind NASA’s mission which is about to leverage a rotorcraft or we can say an aircraft over on any celestial body. Thus conclusively we can say that the Dragonfly mission is a landmark mission as it is one of its kind NASA’s mission which is about to leverage a rotorcraft or we can say an aircraft over on any celestial body. Not only that but uncovering Titan's mystery of its prebiotic chemical processes and figuring any signs of life is what everyone hopes for ! REFERENCES:-

  • Physicists Theorize Invisible Hypothetical Particles "Tachyons" Might Be Prevailing Over Whole Universe

    Hello, Everyone! The Universe encompasses many mysteries waiting to be uncovered; the two most debatable concepts are still waiting to be discovered and proven with evidence: dark matter and dark energy. However, in a quest to solve this mystery physicists have theorized a concept of invisible hypothetical particles that might significantly prevail over the entire universe. These invisible and hypothetical particles, called TACHYONS, could span the entire universe, have imaginary mass, and travel at speeds exceeding the speed of light. Fascinating isn't it? Let us have an overview of TACHYONS. About Tachyons: ->These are invisible theorized subatomic particles that travel at speeds faster than the speed of light. ->The theory of special relativity outlines that mass is equivalent to energy contained by an object. This can be understood by E=mc^2; where E=Energy contained by the object,m=mass of an object & c=speed of light. This implies that mass and energy are equivalent and are related to one another. Mass changes according to the object but the speed of light is a constant value and is the same at every point in the universe. Since the speed of light (c) is squared in the equation so the smallest mass moving with the speed of light has immense energy in it. As the object moves at high speed its mass significantly increases which is very minor at normal speeds but if the speed nears that of light the mass observed of an object gets infinitely large. According to the concept of special relativity, particles that consist of a mass are unable to move at a speed near to or greater than the speed of light in a vacuum because then in that case they would consist of infinite energy. However w.r.t tachyons; these particles are believed to contain an imaginary mass which implies their if their mass is squared then we have a negative value of their mass. This can be understood in the picture of the note below: This means tachyons can travel at speeds greater than the speed of light without disrupting the fundamental concepts of physics. ->According to the second law of Newton in Newtonian mechanics: We have Force=Mass* Acceleration=>F=m*a ; where F is the Force on an object,m is the mass of an object and a is the acceleration. Thereforea=F/m i.e. acceleration is inversely proportional to mass for any given force which implies an increase in mass would lead to a decrease in acceleration & decrease in mass would lead to more acceleration for any given force. However, when we talk about the relative effects of acceleration, we must analyze the increase in mass with velocity according to the special relativity theory that if the mass of an object moves at a speed faster than that of light then it immensely gets massive. {E=mc^2} i.e. since Energy and mass are equivalent. Thus , when an object travels at a speed near to speed of light, its mass increases, and henceforth its acceleration decreases. Because high energy would be needed to accelerate an object with such a high mass as per E=mc^2. ->Several observations have been done using CERENKOV DETECTOR{ equipped with the proficiency to calculate the speed of a particle traversing across a medium} to trace tachyons. ->In a vacuum it is impossible for a particle to traverse at a speed greater than that of light; however, the speed of a particle may become greater than the speed of light in other medium. Interestingly; if a particle traverses with a speed higher than the speed of light in a medium then a CERENKOV RADIATION is observed. Now let us have a deeper analysis of TACHYONS: Pic Source: New Scientist According to a recent paper which is yet to be reviewed by other physicists, the physicists presumed that the entire universe entails Tachyons -invisible and hypothetical particles that travel at speeds exceeding the speed of light. This theory might revolutionize our concepts regarding -causality and time dilation. Let us explain it one by one. What is causality and how do tachyons traversing at the speed of light disrupt the concept of causality? According to causality law which is one of the primary concepts in philosophy and science, outlines that the preceding event is the reason behind any event to take place. More easily, we can say this in cause and effect equivalency i.e. every effect has a cause which had led to this effect, similarly every cause will bring about an effect. Now to understand how it will get disrupted if tachyons travel with the speed of light let us have a quick overview of a few concepts. Time Dilation According To The Special Theory Of Relativity: The special theory of relativity on time dilation stated by Albert Einstein details that time is not a constant and is relative according to the relative motion between the observers. The time for a moving object moving relative to an observer will seem to be passing slowly to an observer. This gets more dominant when an object moves with the speed of light relative to an observer. This implies that if an object or a particle moves at or greater than the speed of light the time passing for that object or a particle to an observer will appear to be passing very slowly. We can further understand this by a basic quantity in special relativity called LORENTZ FACTOR /GAMMA FACTOR represented by a symbol γ which is observed in different equations outlining the relative effects for instance time dilation. There are other relativistic effects too such as relativistic mass and length contraction. Here firstly we will understand time dilation. The Lorentz factor is defined by : γ =1/√1-v^2/c^2 ; where v=velocity of an object relative to an observer c=speed of light in vacuum. For the pursuit of analyzing time dilation the Lorentz Factor describes the relative motion b/w:{as described in the pic of the notes below} Thus as the object or a particle approaches the speed of light, it appears to be moving very slowly to the stationary observer. Hence we can say that the time is dilated. How Causality Is Disrupted Due To Time Dilation: Now in extreme time dilation the cause and effect relation gets disrupted as the object traveling at a speed faster than light may appear to be moving backward in time to a stationary observer which ultimately disrupts our understanding of the fundamental concept of Causality, that every cause results in an effect in which chronologically cause is before effect. But if an object or a particle is moving faster than the speed of light then this chronology is broken making the effect to be occuring before the cause, leading to inconsistencies in logic. Tachyons are hypothetical particles and do not exist however if they exist and move faster than the speed of light our fundamental concepts of causality are violated. However, the physicists are still intrigued by tachyons regardless of whether the causality principle is violated. Scientists believe that tachyons may be similar to dark matter, the matter that is prevalent in every object existing in the universe. Though scientists have been in a dilemma about dark matter till now, they keep coming up with notions to ultimately better understand dark matter. As per scientists' observations, the tachyons prevalent in the universe could make the expansion rate of the universe slow down prior to getting accelerated. The current expansion rate of the universe is accelerating due to an anti-gravitational force that pulls the universe away called dark energy, the tachyon universe framework can significantly make us understand dark matter as well the dark energy at the same instant of time. To validate the conventional universe model consisting of dark matter and dark energy, the model was applied to the findings of Type 1a Supernova {a kind of highly potent explosion which occurs generally in binary star systems} to forge a relation amid distance and rate of expansion of the universe by the physicists. By findings from Type 1a supernovas scientists explored that the universe was expanding at an accelerating rate during the end of the 1990s. The mind-blowing part is according to the physicists the tachyon cosmological model significantly clarifies the supernova findings similar to the conventional cosmological model incorporated with dark matter and dark energy. This is the most intriguing part for astronomy and astrophysics enthusiasts, hinting that the tachyon concept is so radical. As per the physicists, the data is available to them in large amounts i.e. the cosmic microwave background which is a left-out radiation emanating after the Big Ban explosion & data about how the galaxies are existing at very far-off distances. The next step as per the physicists is to validate this radical Tachyon universe model against the data about the wide-ranging universe. There is a possibility that the Tachyon Universe model might not be able to pull through the careful analysis and tests. However, physicists believe that radical cosmological ideas are essential to be poised towards developments in the cosmological realm. The results of the physicists' team are safely stored in the computer system arxiv which is getting printed in advance. Thank You. References:

  • Chandrayaan Series To Be Continued-Until A Bhartiya Steps On The Moon According To ISRO Chief S.Somnath

    Hello, Everyone! On 23rd of August 2023, Bharat witnessed a historic moment with a successful soft-landing of the Vikram lander near the south pole of the moon thereby triumphing in the Chandrayaan -3 mission in a vision to explore the moon and henceforth making our Bharat the first country to accomplish this triumph. Now our country is on the brink of sending more moon missions unless a Bhartiya lands on the moon as stated by Isro Chief S.Somnath during a program arranged by the Astronautical Society of India in Ahmedabad. According to a statement by the ISRO chief, the Chandrayaan -3 mission has been a great success and the accumulation of data has been done and its printing has been initiated. However, the ISRO space agency is interested in carrying out a series of Chandrayaan missions envisioned to eventually make a Bhartiya step on the moon. Till then these lunar missions will be carried out as there is a lot more to achieve perfection in technological terms for instance going to the moon and coming back to Earth safely which will be accomplished in the next mission. Pic Source: NDTV ISRO Chief S.Somnath Take On Gaganyaan Mission:- He also detailed that ISRO is poised to carry out an unmanned Gaganyaan mission, a test vehicle flight mission, and lastly an airdrop test this year. The Gaganyaan Mission is ISRO’s first manned mission and it envisages launching a crew of 3 members to an orbit of 400km for about 3 days mission and also to bring them back to Earth with extreme caution, by landing in Indian Sea Waters. Numerous tests have been conducted by the Indian space agency ISRO to prepare for the flight. According to S. Somnath the airdrop test will be commenced on April 24. Apart from this two unmanned missions will be carried out next year and eventually a manned mission will be commenced after the successful accomplishments of the unmanned missions. Let us understand about the airdrop test. The airdrop test is done to ensure the design as well as the proper functioning of vital systems such as a parachute, a landing gear, and various deceleration mechanisms vital for a safe landing. In an airdrop test a replica of the actual spacecraft or a payload from an aircraft to imitate the descent and landing phase of a real space mission. ISRO Chief ISRO Chief S.Somnath Take On Carbon-Carbon (C-C) Nozzle Engineered By ISRO:- He stated that the indigenous nascent C-C Nozzle recently engineered by ISRO will enhance the payload capacity owing to its lightweight property and it will be incorporated in the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). But what is C-C Nozzle Technology? It is an enabler of the rocket propulsion systems i.e. it will tremendously transcend the rocket propulsion systems due to the properties of a composite material known as Carbon-Carbon. Carbon-carbon has the property to withstand heat at extremely high temperatures and it is extremely lightweight when compared to other metallic components such as steel and aluminum. Thus leveraging Carbon -Carbon in rocket nozzles renders many advantages such as reduced weight, high-temperature operability, and better thermal efficiency of the propulsion system. March 19, 2024, witnessed an enthralling triumph for ISRO when it successfully tested the C-C nozzle divergent, a 60 hot test second was commenced at the High-Altitude Test(HAT) provision in the ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC) situated in Mahendragiri testifying the successful performance of the system and significant integrity of the hardware. According to a publication on April 16, ISRO ensured the feat in cutting-edge rocket engine technology through the engineering of a lightweight Carbon -Carbon Nozzle to be integrated into rocket engines, by significantly improving the payload capacity of launch vehicles. Thank You. References:

  • A 3-D Map Of The Universe Has Been Released -To Understand Dark Energy & Measure Expansion Rate Of The Universe

    Hello, Everyone! As per the observations, our Universe is consistently expanding at an accelerating rate and it is believed that the key reason for the universe's expansion is the dark energy. But what is dark energy? It is the prime factor; i.e. the most potent energy having a nature of anti-gravitational effect which pushes the universe away and leads to the expansion of the universe at an accelerating pace. However, the dark energy has remained an enigma for the scientists and observers. But not anymore. A team of international researchers along with an Indian team headed by Shadab Alam from the Tata Institute of International Research have come up with the most nuanced and intrinsic three-dimensional map of the universe that could unveil the mysteries of this dominant cosmos dark energy. A report has been published by these researchers detailing the results from the initial year of observations through DESI{Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument}, which is a special component of an instrument having a uniqueness that if integrated into the telescope can garner light emanating from whopping 5,000 galaxies at the same instant,i.e. simultaneously. Amazing isn't it? Let us understand how DESI{Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument} has played a pivotal role in forging a 3-D map of the universe. It has helped to curate a 3-D map that has given concise information regarding the distance between the galaxies; by leveraging it upon a MAYALL telescope having a height of 4 meters in Arizona state of the United States. By incorporating DESI scientists have been enabled to measure light emanating from 6 million galaxies; some of the galaxies are as old as 11 billion years. This 3-D map of the universe is predicted to render hints regarding the cosmos' dark energy, which is anticipated to form 70 percent of the universe; however, there is nothing known by far. According to Shadab Alam, leveraging the 3-D map the researchers have successfully measured the distances among these galaxies with extreme precision as can be predicted through the map name. Elsewise they have a list of objects in the universe which are in multitudes of tens and billions. The researchers have estimated a majority of these cosmic entities however their farness from Earth is still unknown. Being well-acquainted with the accurate farness between these colossal galaxies from the Earth is extremely vital for measuring the expansion rate of the universe. Pic Source: Science News The speculations of the dark energy have been done owing to the observation of the universe's expansion at an accelerating rate. The empty gaps amid these galaxies and the stars are fastly drifting apart which is a mystery as this expansion is an anti-gravitational pull phenomenon, the gravitational pull that keeps objects with each other. There has been no explanation observed by scientists as to why there is an accelerating expansion of the universe. Therefore, they were compelled by this enigma to preassume dark energy leading to such expansion. Comprehending the behavior and nature of dark energy is one of the challenging scenarios in Science as of now since it can render the intricate details of the universe's emergence and evolution and its future. Also, it can uncover unknown forces and energies playing a vital role behind the universe's current behavior and nature, the intriguing entities entailed in it as well as the mysterious occurrences of events in it. But bizarre is, the first mystery of dark energy is still waiting to be discovered. However, the details offered by DESI are giving us hope and keeping us enthralled. Thank You. Reference:

  • Stellar Mass Black Hole "Sleeping Giant" Discovered By Scientists In Our Milky Way Galaxy

    Hello, Everyone! The universe is huge and mysterious owing to the enigmatic gases, dust,dark matter, stars, neutron stars, black holes, and galaxies present in it, and extends every moment with billions of events occurring in it at every instance. One such mystery is a black hole which is a Black Holes as the region of space with an extremely potent gravitational pull that even light cannot escape from them and they come into existence once the dying stars shrink due to the gravitational pull of the dying stars poised toward the death of their life cycle. The gravitational pull is strong due to the concentration of mass in a tiny space, called Singularity making a black hole a region with infinite density and therefore possessing an extremely powerful gravitational pull. Pic Source:Indian Express According to the European space agency, scientists have unveiled a black hole named "Sleeping Giant" in our Milky Way galaxy of stellar origin and having a mass of thirty-three folds of our Sun's mass. It is estimated to be about 2,000 light years from our Earth. The stellar mass black holes are the very basic types of black holes that evolve as a result of the death of colossal stars. Their mass ranges from several multitudes of the Sun's mass to about twentyfold the mass of the Sun. Steller Black Holes occur when the core of a colossal collapsing star shrinks towards itself. Since the core is shrunk to a high level this catalyses a supernova explosion in which the dying star gets rid of its exteriors in space. The gravitational collapse of the core gives way to an array of events responsible for the supernova explosion such as Core Collapse, Rebound, Supernova Shockwave, Ejection of Material, Neutron Star, or Black Hole Formation. The intriguing part is for the first time such a massive stellar-mass black hole has been uncovered in our Milky Way galaxy. However, such colossal black holes have been figured out in extremely distant galaxies and this new mysterious black hole "sleeping Giant" challenges the notions of the scientists for the pursuit of their origin and extension. As we know in the black hole, the matter present is of extreme densities in nature making them regions of extremely potent gravitational pull that even light cannot escape from it. We can understand it from the Universal law of gravitation outlined by Issac Newton, the gravitational force is directly proportional to the masses and inversely related to the square of the distance between their centers which implies if the density is higher then the gravitational force will also be greater, and also more the gravitational pull means denser will be the body i.e. more compact the body will be i.e. that mass will be encapsulated in a more compact dense body or within a smaller volume. This also outlines that more denser body will have greater gravitational pull and may be therefore more compact or condensed. Therefore the concentration of mass in a tiny space makes it denser eventually attributing to possessing a very powerful gravitational pull. The majority of the stellar mass black holes identified by scientists are gulping in the matter from the star nearby; this matter is gulped at extremely large speeds in turn getting heated up at very large temperatures which eventually radiates X-rays. The black hole, when it attracts gas from the star (a process called accretion) in its vicinity forms a disk of gas circulating about the black hole. This disk of gas is called an Accretion Disk which is the most fascinating part of a black hole. Interestingly, it is a somewhat flat circulating disc of gas that surrounds a black hole, newborn star, or any such colossal object that gulps matter. At such high temperatures, these accretion disks glow brightly. When this gas gets heated up to large temperatures, it emanates X-rays which are then traced by a telescope. Amazingly by leveraging predictions of such X-ray binaries, the scientists have recognized 50 anticipated or predicted stellar Mass Black Holes within our galaxy-Milky Way Galaxy. Although there may be 100 million stellar-mass black holes concealed in our galaxy awaiting their discovery by scientists and astronomers. In a few instances, there is no star in the vicinity of the black hole and they are not able to grasp the matter which implies there is no accretion disk and, in simple terms no light. These are "dormant Black Holes" according to the astronomers. Scientists carry out complicated tests on the stars orbiting at the vicinity of such black holes; to identify such dormant black holes. During the quest for such orbiting "odd -stars" by the scientists and the researchers, the researchers discovered an old-giant star in a constellation called AQUILA.A constellation is a cluster of stars present in the universe in a specific pattern. The researchers observed an unsteady movement in the discovered star's path that it was in a loop orbiting a dormant black hole; discovered by the Gaia Space Observatory of the space agency. This discovered dormant black hole has been named"GAIA BH3". The observations of the study are outlined in the journal "Astronomy and Astrophysics". Thank You. References:

  • Deciphering Mysteries Of Black Holes: Delving into the Depths of Black Holes Beyond the Event Horizon -Part 1

    Hello, Everyone! The universe is constantly expanding and it entails millions and billions of galaxies, Stars, Gas, dark matter, dark energy, and Dust. It is estimated that; we came to know only about 5% of the Universe by far. But in this constantly expanding universe there lies a mystery of specific regions of space with extremely potent gravitational pull so much so that even light cannot escape from it. These regions are black holes that come into existence once the dying stars shrink owing to their gravitational pull toward the conclusion of their life cycle. But why is the gravitational pull of a black hole so powerful? It is due to the concentration of mass in a tiny space, called Singularity. According to the Universal law of gravitation outlined by Issac Newton, the gravitational force is directly proportional to the masses and inversely related to the square of the distance between their centers which implies if the density is higher then the gravitational force will also be greater, and also more the gravitational pull means denser will be the body i.e. more compact the body will be i.e. that mass will be encapsulated in a more compact dense body or within a smaller volume. This also outlines that more denser body will have greater gravitational pull and may be therefore more compact or condensed. Therefore the concentration of mass in a tiny space makes it denser eventually attributing to possessing a very powerful gravitational pull. Pic Source: Adobe Stock Black Holes exist in varied sizes i.e. from small ones that form due to the explosion of stars to the supermassive ones which exist at the center of the galaxies. These dark and mysterious regions have always been an area of thorough research for scientists and astronomers for decades because of their peculiar characteristics inclusive of their potential to distort space-time and their enigmatic interiors believed to hold a point of infinite density. So, let's delve into the cosmic mystery of Black Holes from their origination and to the framework of their origination in this blog post. Now let's get started. Origin Of Black Hole:- Black holes originate with the shrinking of a star's core, which gets heated up and causes an explosion called a Supernova in which the outer layer of the star explodes into space and the core shrinks inward owing to gravitational force. Here the question arises to what extent will this collapse of the core extend? The answer is that the inward collapsing of the core is due to the strong gravitational pull on its mass. If the core is significantly massive i.e. having a mass of a minimum of three times the mass of the sun then it will continue to shrink indefinitely leading to a point of Singularity at the center of the core. Therefore Singularity is a point of infinite density and this infinite density leads to zero volume because the volume of any given mass is inversely related to its density(V=m/p; where m is the mass of the body, V is the volume of the body and p is the density of the mass of a particular body). Also, the most intriguing part is that at Singularity the laws of physics known to us stop working. Singularity is surrounded by an imaginary boundary beyond which nothing,i.e. not even light can escape called Event Horizon. In the formation of Event Horizon, the star is recognized as a black hole. From the point of the event horizon, the gravitational pull is immensely powerful and this potent gravitational force distorts the region of space-time and creates a region of space-time from where there is no escape. Origination Framework:- How black holes came into existence is a question that has fascinated scientists and researchers over a long time and a consistent study is being conducted to unveil the mysteries of black holes. Some of the origination frameworks are as follows:- 1. Stellar Origination Theory: This origination framework details the formation of a black hole owing to the depletion of nuclear fuel of a star and the star then experiences a supernova explosion. Owing to the strong gravitational pull of the shrinking core the core gets shrunk to a point of singularity by overcoming neutron degeneracy (According to the Universal law of gravitation the gravitational force is directly proportional to the masses and inversely related to the square of the distance between them which implies if the density will be more then gravitational force will also be more; and secondly more the gravitational pull denser i.e. more compact the body will be i.e. that mass will be encapsulated in a more compact dense body or within a smaller volume ). But what is Neutron Degeneracy? It can be answered simply. In a star that undergoes a supernova explosion the electrons and protons get combined to form neutrons due to being exposed to extreme heat and pressure; this process is called neutronization. Now in neutronization, the neutrons are tightly packed overcoming the gravitational pull by a neutron degeneracy pressure which we can say is a repelling force exerted by the tightly packed neutrons to prevent the star from shrinking more and more under its gravity. Neutron degeneracy implies that the pushing force from the tightly packed neutrons is lesser than the gravitational force which leads to further shrinking of the core of a star. Simply put in neutronization, the neutrons are densely packed, resisting further gravitational collapse due to neutron degeneracy pressure. Neutron degeneracy occurs when the pressure from packed neutrons balances the gravitational force, preventing the star's core from collapsing further. 2. Supermassive Black Hole Origination Theory: According to this concept with the gradual accumulation of matter for some time the Supermassive Black Holes come into existence. Black holes exhibit a peculiar characteristic of Accretion in which the matter falls into a black hole eventually aiding in its incresed mass and increased gravitational pull. The accumulation of matter in a Supermassive Black Hole might result from the accretion of dust and gas or the unification of two black holes smaller in size. 3. Hawking Radiation Theory: Proposed by renowned Physicist Stephen Hawking; this theory details that black holes emanate radiation called Hawking Radiation; and the mass of the black hole is lost with time finally resulting in evaporation of its mass. Another aspect of this theory is that the black holes are not completely black-coloured regions and they emit thermal radiation. 4. Black Hole Mergers: This theory plays a pivotal role in the formation of Supermassive Black Holes and the origination of Black Holes. The unification of two black holes results in the formation of very extremely massive black Hole due to the integration of masses of two black holes that had unified. The occurrence is anticipated by Einstein's General Theory Of Relativity and is indirectly detected through Gravitational Waves. Conclusively, we can say that the origination of black holes has been a topic that calls for delving deep into the mysteries and characteristics of the Universe's enigma. Thank You. Black hole types, anatomy, and detection of black holes; meanwhile unlocking the concepts of escape velocity, gravitational lensing, gravitational waves, theory of relativity, the fabric of space-time, and time dilation effect will be illustrated in upcoming parts of this blog post. References:,the%20galaxy%20they%20are%20in.,pull%20of%20a%20Black%20Hole.,mass%20of%20the%20black%20hole.,Albert%20Einstein's%20Theory%20of%20Relativity.,The%20denser%20an%20object%20is%2C%20the%20stronger%20its%20gravitational%20force,to%20objects%20with%20lower%20densities.


    Hello, Everyone! On Friday, PM Modi attended COP-28 Presidency’s session on “Transforming Climate Finance” on 1st Dec 2023, in Dubai. In COP-28 conference, in Dubai on 1st December 2023. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will have seven bilateral meetings, deliver four speeches, and be part of two special initiatives on climate events during his stay in Dubai for around 21 hours, officials said. PM Modi proposed India host the United Nations sponsored-COP in 2028 in front of all parties in the conference and said we are ready to host COP-33. He further said that if India gets a chance to host the COP conference it will be much better than G-20. The 28th edition of the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 28) will run till December 12. PM TAKE IN THE SUMMIT: · PM Modi addressed the opening along with the COP –28 President Dr. Sultan-Al-Jaber, UNFCCC executive secretary Simon Steill, and UN General Assembly President Dennis Francis in a testament to close ties among host country UAE and India. · COP-Presidency rotates between different world regions and India will get this honor in 2028, when Asia gets in turn. All the countries in the group must unanimously accede to PM Modi’s bid before it is confirmed. · He further stated that we have to overcome previous mistakes and we have less time. As per the PM’s statement, the world will have to unite and collaborate to overcome previous mistakes. · Irrespective of having India’s share of 17% of the world population, our share of the carbon emissions is only 4%. Also, he stated India aims to lower its carbon emissions by 45% by 2030. ·He proposed that India is likely to achieve net zero emissions by 2070. ·He called for all developed countries to lower their carbon footprint by 2050. ·The developed countries said in 2009, that they will collaboratively contribute about 100 billion US dollars by 2020 and will aid this contribution to help the developing countries dealing with the adverse effects of Climate Change. · He said every country should work on achieving climate targets. All the developed countries should equitably contribute to the global carbon budget. · He urged countries to rise above self-interest and deliver on all their climate commitments, he said that the developing countries must get appropriate access to the remaining global carbon budget. PM’S CALL FOR THE GREEN CREDIT PROGRAMME:-PROMOTING ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIONS · Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of UAE, co-hosted the High-level event on the ‘Green Credits Programme’ at COP-28, on 1 December 2023 in Dubai. · The event saw the participation of H.E. Mr. Ulf Kristersson, Prime Minister of Sweden, H.E. Mr. Filipe Nyusi, President of Mozambique, and H.E. Mr. Charles Michel, President of the European Council. · The Prime Minister invited all nations to join this Initiative. The Green Credit Initiative has been analyzed as a mechanism to promote voluntary pro-planet actions, as an effective response to the challenge of climate change. For the rejuvenation and revival of natural ecosystems, the Green Credit Initiative visualizes the issue of Green Credits for plantations on waste/degraded lands and river catchment areas. · This global initiative aims to facilitate global collaboration, cooperation, and partnership through the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices in planning, implementation, and monitoring of environment-positive actions through programs/mechanisms like Green Credits. GREEN CREDIT REFERS TO A PROGRAMME IN WHICH THE PEOPLE, INSTITUTIONS, ORGANISATIONS ENGAGED IN IMPROVING EARTH’S ENVIRONMENT ARE FELICATED. THE GREEN CREDIT PROGRAMME ENGAGEMENTS ARE AFFORESTATION, WATER MANAGEMENT, MITIGATION OF AIR POLLUTION. In his speech he proposed a Green Credits program, he said we have to be more people-oriented than the current system of Carbon Credits that are only money-oriented. · At the summit, PM Modi accredited India’s efforts to mitigate emissions. · He said, “From this platform, I am calling for another pro-planet, pro-active and positive initiative and that is the Green Credits Programme. This is a mass campaign that goes beyond the commercial mindset associated with the carbon credits. It focuses on creating carbon sinks through people’s participation and I invite all of you to join this initiative ”. ·About the Green Credit Programme of COP-28, he said the way we think about our health in the same manner we should think about our environment. We should also think of adding positive points to our Earth’s health Card. ·He said India has perfectly exemplified balance of ECOLOGY and ECONOMY to the world. He said that India has achieved its emission intensity related targets, 11 years ahead of the committed timeframe. ·India is among of those few nations who is on its way it’s National Determined contribution (NDC)) targets. LEADIT2.0 LAUNCHED BY PRIME MINISTER NARENDRA MODI: As a sideline to the COP-28 IN Dubai, PM Modi launched LeadIT2.0, with an emphasis on comprehensive and equitable fair industry transition. He referred to LeadIT, that it will focus on the collaborative development of energy and the transfer of low-carbon technology and financial aid to developing countries. Earlier, addressing a session on Transforming Climate Finance, Modi urged developed countries to completely reduce carbon footprint intensity by 2050. At the opening session of the summit, Modi said India


    Hello, Everyone! As we know French President and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi were about to have extensive talks on key aspects of consolidating bilateral relationships among the two countries. Without further ado let’s have a deeper insight of what all talks were expected to be held among the two leading dignitaries. Bolstering cooperation in broader aspects spanning over defense and security, trade, climate change, clean energy and migration of students as well as professionals were about to be crosshairs of official talks between Modi and Macron. Also, the two were expected to ponder over widening maritime cooperation. The prime delegates from both countries were eyeing finalizing two major defense deals for India’s ownership of 26 Rafale-M (marine version) fighter jets and three French-designed Scorpene submarines. Last year on 14 July 2023-Bastille Day {National Day of France}, India and France conceded to firm a roadmap to build a pathway for the defence industrial partnership till 2047 to celebrate a hundred years of India’s independence and Indo-France bilateral diplomatic relationship to recognize 25th anniversary of Indo-French relationship. The strategic partnership between India and France was embarked on in 1998 which is symbolic of their converging views spanning over a wide range of international matters on the sidelines of emerging friendly ties. Twenty-five years after the launch of their strategic partnership, India and France have launched new common objectives for the subsequent twenty-five years. According to a French Readout, the reciprocate invitation is remarkable and acts as a testament of immense trust and steady friendship which acts as a cornerstone of Indo-French ties. The official talks between President Macron and Prime Minister Modi will be in congruence and were envisioned to progress both countries’ cooperation and clinching on new initiatives defined under the three pillars of Roadmap to 2047 namely:- 1.    Partnership for security and sovereignty 2.    Partnership for the planet 3.    Partnership for the people The French readout also mentioned strengthening of trust-based cooperation between India and France which to attain reinforcement of strategic autonomy that is exemplified by co-development and co-production of advanced defense technologies. The readout said that both countries looking forward to working together in opening a gateway for international peace and security, primarily focusing on the Indo-Pacific region under the Indo-Pacific Roadmap under the Joint Strategic Vision of India-France cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region adopted in 2018. The joint cooperation between the two countries is focused to combat the problems faced by our planet including climate change, terrestrial and marine biodiversity loss, abolishment of poverty, and technological changes. Regarding the Mobility of students and professionals President Macron’s visit was targeted to lay special focus on generating new opportunities for Indian students, artists, investors as well as tourists. France is about to welcome 30,000 Indian students as stated by President Macron, also an ambitious plan has been set forth by him. Under the banner of the “Make it Iconic” nation branding campaign, business ties and cross investments were to be promoted. REFERENCES:-

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