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  • Transcend Of AI Market Wave In India -Expected to Reach Its Crest Of $17 bn By 2027:As Per Report

    Hello, Everyone! Investments in Enterprise Technology are touching heights because more and more organizations are willing to invest in Enterprise Tech to enhance their business activities and purposes there is a transcending of India's AI market. The leading IT firm Nasscomm and Advisory firm BCG stated that there had been anticipation for India's AI market estimated to leap by 2027 reaching a mammoth figure of $17 Billion by 2027; by increasing at a pace of 25% to 35% in this year till 2027; by referring to a collaborative report reviewing AI-driven technology within our country. But before going into the intricacies of the report let's first have a one-by-one overview of some imperatives such as AI, Enterprise tech, respondents in larger and mid-tech companies, and Generative AI. AI(Artificial Intelligence): AI refers to the duplication of cognitive functions and intellectual tasks performed by humans; by machines or devices specifically computing devices. Several uses of AI include digital personal assistants, cybersecurity solutions, web search, online shopping, and advertising, customer relationship management in sales organizations, Business Integration and analytics in many business organizations, and many more. Artificial Intelligence works by accumulating data from many sources and the Internet and then by organizing this data i.e.removing errors from the data collected. Then the AI models or the computers are trained by leveraging specific algorithms to analyze the collected data and deliver insights. After the training is done these computers use their expertise to perform human responsibilities without any human involvement. Pic Source:Freepic Enterprise Technology(Enterprise Tech): Enterprise Technology or Enterprise Tech refers to IT solutions leveraged by enterprises (organizations) to back their business functions and purposes. Comprehensively, Enterprise Technology covers a broad range of hardware, networks, and services engineered to provide and advance many business responsibilities. Some of the examples of Enterprise Technology are : Enterprise Resource Planning Systems refer to the comprehensive management of imperative business processes and are used by many industries such as pharmaceutical, healthcare, manufacturing, E-commerce, and many more. Customer Relationship Management used by sales enterprises Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics Tools to analyze and visuali9ze data to render insights about business performance and trends Cloud Computing Services Cybersecurity Solutions to protect against data theft and breaches by many organizations and many more. About Respondents in larger and big-tech companies: These are employees interviewed for the pursuit of conducting research, market research specifically zeroing in the companies in the IT sector and these employees detailed insights, facts, and experiences in their respective firms. Generative AI: Generative AI is a kind of AI technology that can generate diverse content such as text, images, different kinds of music, and many audio and videos by incorporating cutting-edge computational methods which are algorithms to analyze collected data, do decision-making, and sort out problems. They act as extremely smart computers that can understand the problems just like humans but at a faster pace and a larger scale.GI performs functions by incorporating cutting-edge algorithms such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) or variational autoencoders (VAEs) are subjected to large amounts of already existing data, generally comprising of the examples of the data to be generated by Gen-AI.For instance, if the image of the cat is to be generated then the algorithm will be subjected to a large number of different images of cats. In training the algorithm learns different structures, expressions, and attributes prevalent in the collected data to which the algorithm is subjected to generate similar content. Now let's just quickly get back to the insights regarding AI market growth in India by 2027. As discussed earlier India's AI market wave is poised to reach its crest with reaching a big figure of $17 Billion by 2027. The IT firm Biggie Nasscomm and renowned Advisory firm BCG stated regarding the leap in the AI market before the issue of the report on Wednesday and stated that the leap is due to rapid growth in the investment done in enterprise tech; a growing AI workforce and an increase in AI funding. About 4,20,000 employees in India's AI workforce are designated over different positions and according to the report India has the optimum adoption of AI skills. About 65 respondents employed in well-established cooperations (Large-tech), employed in companies functioning in intermediate-level technology, and employed in enterprises functioning in business process management and global capability centers were interviewed to integrate their opinions, and experiences in the report issued. The report has been issued because the IT companies have allocated the imperative financial plan useful for providing training to their respective workforce, contributing to entrepreneurial ventures, and further enhancing skills in emerging technology. For Instance, an IT firm like Wipro had proclaimed $1 Billion to be invested in AI in a span of three years. According to the report, the demand for India's AI-skilled workforce by an annual rate of 15% is expected to happen, due to the large number of investments in AI. The report stated that of 25 major service providers in AI who provide a wide- range of AI services like AI-based analytics, AI-powered automation solutions, and many more; about 90 percent of them have contributed to Generative AI training. Therefore, conclusively we feel that India is on the verge of AI upheaval by 2027 due to large investments in Enterprise Technology and India's booming AI workforce; which would result in incresed requirements for AI AI-skilled workforce. Thank You. References: .

  • Madagascar President Andry Rajeolina & India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi Held Bilateral Talks

    Hello, Everyone! Adjacent to the significant World Government Summit held in UAE happened the premier meeting of India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President of  Madagascar Andry Rajeolina; they acknowledged the robust cordial diplomatic ties and historic geographical connections. The communication held regarding strategies to extend bilateral connections marked the robust ties in multilateral conventions inclusive of the UN in line with the MEA official text. In the next meeting of India’s PM with Madagascar president Andry Rajeolina, PM Modi reiterated India’s resolve to bolster the bilateral collaboration and aid in the progressive course of the Island nation. In resonance with the MEA official text; PM Modi reassured resolve to further bolster the bilateral collaboration between India and Madagascar as well as a vision of SAGAR-Security and Growth for all in the Region. The MEA official text further added that; PM Modi also communicated to President Rajeolina that India will continue to be a dedicated ally in the evolutionary path of Madagascar. References:'s%20New-,Prime%20Minister%20meets%20President%20of%20Republic%20of%20Madagascar%20on%20the,Governments%20Summit%20in%20Dubai%202024&text=Prime%20Minister%20Shri%20Narendra%20Modi,World%20Governments%20Summit%20in%20Dubai.,journey%20of%20his%20island%20nation Thank You.

  • Bilateral Dialogues Held Between Amir Of Qatar And India's PM Narendra Modi On 15th Feb 2024: PM Modi's Official Visit

    Hello, Everyone! To extend bilateral cooperation between India and Qatar, PM Modi visited Doha on 14 February 2024. This visit marked his second visit after his earlier visit in the year 2016. He was welcomed by Qatar's state minister for Foreign Affairs Mr.Soltan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi . PM Modi was given a royal reception at the Amiri palace on 15th February 2024, after which both the leading dignitaries had confidential dialogues spanning economic cooperation, investments, energy alliances, space cooperation, urban infrastructure, cultural ties, and people-to-people ties. Both high-level delegates also shared perspectives on regional and global matters. As per the information inferred from the MEA official text, both exchanged dialogues on the current scenario prevalent in the West Asia region and stressed the significance of keeping peace and stability over there and the region beyond. During the official meeting dialogue, PM Modi expressed his gratitude for looking after 8 lakh, the robust Indian community in Qatar, and communicated India's pledge to extend and consolidate its alliance with Qatar. He extended an invitation to Amir for an expedited trip to India. Amir replicated PM Modi's sentiments and lauded India's significant contribution to the Gulf region. He also marked the significant engagement of the dynamic Indian community in numerous global gatherings convened in Qatar. A banquet lunch was arranged succeeding the official meeting to mark the Prime Minister's visit. Thank You. References:

  • Featuring MethaneSAT -Trace And Quantify Methane Emissions For Combating Climate Change

    Hello, Everyone! With every year global warming is on the rise due to greenhouse gases such as Methane, Water Vapour, HFCs, Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3), Sulphurhexaflouride, and Nitrous Oxide leading to the greenhouse effect out of which Methane is the chief contributor. Therefore to curtail methane emissions here's featuring methaneSAT - a satellite to trace and quantify methane emissions. But before moving on to Methane Sat one question strikes us right away what are greenhouse gases, what is global warming and why is methane so potent at causing global warming? Therefore it is imperative to delve into the fundamentals of it. Greenhouse Gases: These are the gases existing in the Earth's atmosphere that trap heat. They allow the sunlight to transit the atmosphere and retain solar heat by stopping the heat from further leaving the atmosphere. The primary greenhouse gases are:Water Vapour,Carbondioxide(CO2),Nitrous Oxide(N2O),Methane(CH4),Hydrofluorocarbons(HFCs),Sulphurhexaflouride(SF6),Nitrogentrifluoride(NF3) and Water Vapour. Greenhouse Effect: It is a process through which solar heat originating from sunlight is prevented from getting reflected into space by getting absorbed by the greenhouse gases and thereby heating the Earth's surface. Methane (CH4): It is a highly potent greenhouse gas 80 times more powerful than CO2 at global warming. Besides that Methane is also a chief contributor to the formation of an airborne toxin as well as a greenhouse gas, the ground layer of Ozone. According to a report by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), Ozone contact causes about 1 million premature deaths annually. Methane has led to about 30% of global warming since pre-industrialization and is increasing at a faster rate by the time the record-keeping started in the early 1980s. Lastly, we should be well acquainted with why the rise in Earth's temperature is a matter of global concern. Well, it has various devastating effects on climate as it contributes to climate change by increasing the temperature of the Earth's surface; and on the environment such as melting glaciers and polar ice, global warming leading to an increase in sea levels causing hurricanes and floods, and harm to terrestrial and marine biodiversity; global warming disproportionately affects marginalized people and developing countries who already are dealing with limited resources to combat the consequences of climate change. Therefore there is a dire need to trace methane emissions and the leading source i.e. fossil fuels owing to 40% of all the emissions which are human-based emissions. So here's featuring MethaneSAT a satellite that will trace and quantify methane emissions. It will gauge the amount of methane emissions, and the emission point, inform the emitters, and keep a tight vigil on the trend of the emissions,i.e. are the emissions rising or decreasing, aiding policymakers, researchers, and well public to make enlightened decisions regarding the emission mitigation strategies.MethaneSat was deployed on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from California on March 4, 2024. Pic Source: EOPortal The satellite is designed by EDF(Environmental Defense Fund- a noncharitable organization) in collaboration with prestigious scientific institutions like Harvard University, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and the New Zealand Space Agency. Now let's uncover the features of groundbreaking MethaneSAT. Even though the satellite gives the impression of a satellite, it is not the maiden satellite launched into space; it holds its uniqueness by not only providing details but also posing a wider span of view than any satellites previously launched into space. While carefully monitoring the oil and gas sector, the satellite will orbit around the Earth 15 times. A generous amount of data will be generated by it which will detail the quantity of methane emissions originating, what is the source point of the emissions, and the higher and the lower trend of the emissions. The trove of data archived by Methane SAT will be made accessible to the public in the near time aiding stakeholders, and policy regulators to imply rigorous methodologies to curtail methane emissions. As time has gone by, it's been demanding work to trace the source point of the methane emissions and quantify the methane emissions. Diverse experiences have been witnessed for satellites orbiting in space to furnish us with the data of the sites or sources of emissions regarding the measure of emissions and the analytics of the emissions trend, we mean if the emissions are on a higher scale or they are decreasing. Few satellites can supply high-definition or high-resolution data but are confined to only pre-targeted sites while as per the EDF, some satellites can trace broader areas and spot large emission occurrences but cannot trace minor sources that contribute significantly to emissions in a multitude of regions if not widespread. Due to this inconsistency, there has been a rise in amounts of methane emissions by 70% than figures provided by the national governments. But this inconsistency can be addressed by MethaneSAT effectively. It is provisioned with a high-resolution sensor and spectrometer which enables it to diligently recognize methane levels as minute as three parts per billion by bridging vital data gaps, because of which it outshines other satellites by tracing smaller emission sources. Installed with a camera of dimensions 200 by 200 km it spots larger emissions -super emitters. MethaneSAT is highly committed to transparency. The data archived will be further examined by leveraging AI technology and cloud computing engineered by Google, which is an allied partner in the mission, and the data examined will be made accessible to all through the Google Earth Engine platform as per the report by the New York Times. By far we are well acquainted with all the intricate details in the pretext of its features. Now we will be concentrating on the significance of transparency to which MethaneSAT is committed: One of the most captivating features of MethaneSAT is it will embark on openness and accountability. By giving open access to its data through platforms like Google Earth Engine, MethaneSAT aids governments, stakeholders, and others to take responsibility for ebbing methane emissions. This open accessibility not only allows adhering to global agreements such as the Global Methane Pledge inked by 150 countries in 2021 to curtail global emissions by 30% and the Global Methane Pledge at COP-28 held last year in Dubai signed by 50 companies belonging to the oil and gas sector like Saudi Aramco and 29 others aiming to curtail carbon emissions by 2050 and to mitigate their methane emissions to net -zero by 2030. However, Methane SAT accessibility's impact on polluters remains uncertain. So, conclusively we feel that although MethaneSAT does not guarantee the mitigation of emissions by emitters still it is a great initiative towards fighting climate change by encouraging the ebbing of methane emissions globally. Thank You. References:

  • Miss World 2024 -Krystyna Pyszkova from Czech Republic clinched Miss World Title

    Hello, Everyone! March 9, 2024, witnessed the finale of the 71st Miss World event hosted by India in Mumbai's Jio World Convention Center in BKC. Being one of the most long-standing and esteemed events it proposes observing beauty, skills, and brainpower along with featuring social causes. This year Krystyna Pyszkova from the Czech Republic was honoured as winner of Miss World. She is the second Miss World from the Czech Republic with the maiden Miss World from Tatana Klecharova in 2006. Pic Source-NDTV Miss Lebanon, Yasmin Zaytoun was designated first runner-up in the Miss World event. The current titleholder from Poland, Karolina Bielawska bestowed the title to reigning titleholder at the glittering culmination. Pic Source: Times Now As per the official website of Miss World, Pyszkova is a Czech fashion model and is simultaneously earning unique degrees in law and business administration. During her youthful decade, the Miss World champion established Krystyna Pyszkova Organization. She has eloquence in many languages like English, Polish, and Slovak as well as the German language, and supports sustainable development through education. According to the official Miss World website the crowning queen had her proudest moment while opening an English school for deprived children in Tanzania where she contributed too. The beauty has a unique taste in music and art and she finds joy in playing the transverse flute and the violin, furthermore has a strong connection, enthusiasm, and dedication towards arts and music. She has studied art at an arts academy for nine years. India being the host country of the global event after 28 years was represented by Mumbai native Sinni Shetty. Mumbai-based Sinni Shetty had proved herself in Femina Miss India World 2022, by being the titleholder but she could not be among the top-four contestants of this year's Miss World pageant. India has bagged the Miss World title six times as six-Indian beauties have claimed the Miss World title namely Reita Faria in the year 1966, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in the year 1994, Diana Hayden in the year 1997, Yukta Mookhey in the year 1999, Priyanka Chopra Jonas in the year 2000 and Manushi Chillar in the year 2017. The 71st edition of the competition, held at Jio Convention Center in BKC, Mumbai, attracted the participation of many contestants from 112 countries around the world. The panel consisting of 12 jury members includes famous filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala; Many actors like Kriti Sanon and Pooja Hegde; popular cricketer Harbhajan Singh; famous journalist Rajat Sharma; social worker, businessman, actor and singer Amruta Fadnavis (Amruta Fadnavis); Vineet Jain, Indian businessman, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Limited Manager, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Limited, The Times Group, one of India's leading newspaper publishers; Julia Morley, Director and CEO of the Miss World Organization; Council Member and Miss World Member Jia Morley Jamil Saidi; and Manushi Chillar with the first three Miss Worlds. The event was hosted by a duo of world-renowned filmmaker Karan Johar and ex-Miss World Megan Young. The event started with a bang with energetic musical performances by talented singers Shaan, Neha Kakkar, and Tony Kakkar. A video message by India's former Miss World and well-renowned actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas took a wave as the message focused on the significance of "beauty with a purpose"; a tagline linked to the Miss World Pageant. There was a phenomenal spectacle one of its kind which by -far had never occurred on the global stage, the song had been released on the global stage. The cast of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's first web series "Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar" along with the 13 winners of the fast-track talent round featured rich Indian culture and heritage and imbued themselves with the realm of Sanjay Leela Bhansali narrative. Pic -Source: Bollywood Hungama The entire cast of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's maiden web series "Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar"-Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Richa Chadha, Sharmin Segal, and Sanjeeda Sheikh along with 13 winners of the fast-track talent round graced the stage on the release of the song "Sakal Ban". Pic Source: Bollywood Hungama The Miss World Event lasted for a month and showcased a cascade of tough competitions such as talent showcases, sports challenges as well as charitable initiatives all to feature the attributes of all contestants which make them stand out by being the ambassadors of change. Lastly, we feel that this year's Miss World event holds a unique place in our minds because it marked getting back an opportunity for India to host the Miss World event after 28 years and the release of an Indian song Sakal Ban on the global stage. Thank You. References:

  • International Women's Day: Celebrating Gender Equality And Multiple Perspectives

    Hello, Everyone! The 8th of March 2024 marked International Women's Day dedicated to observing women's accomplishments and challenges and pitching for global endeavors to make the world a more fair and righteous place for women worldwide. The concept of International Women's Day is stemmed from the 20th century which evolved from labor movements, in North America and Europe. In 1908 New York, the garment workers objected to the working conditions and the socialist party of America premiered Women's Day on 28th Feb 1909 to mark the objection raised by the 1908 garment workers. The world-renowned German Feminist, socialist as well as socialist leader Clara Zetkin appealed for Women's Day at the International Women's Conference held in Copenhagen in 1910 and the concept gained consensus resulting in the premiere of International Women's Day in various European countries, with more than a million participants appealing for women's rights. Since its inception, International Women's Day has evolved into a day of honor and jubilance worldwide. In 1975, the UN marked the day as Women's Day, and in 1977, the member states were called to declare the 8th of March as the United Nations Women's Rights and Global Peace Day. This year the theme for International Women's Day assigned by the UN was 'Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress' and it features the requirement for businesses to invest in women centering on the economic disparity while making them a significant part of their working team to shoring up the concept of innovative notions and diverse perspectives. If businesses acquire this concept then they can reach new heights by flourishing within every realm. Also, the campaign theme ' Inspire Inclusion ' showcases the significance of gender inclusivity envisioning gender equality by encouraging multiple perspectives in the management and decision roles. In our society, women are always celebrated for their persistent efforts and hope for themselves and their families. But there is so much more to them. A woman is a foundation of our society, her consistent efforts to make the world, a place to live with calm and happiness have always inspired every one of us. A woman is a perfect exemplification of : W: Wonderful O: Original M: Mesmerizing E: Empowering N: Nature's gift and she owns a unique place in this world. A woman has always been herself without any pretense by staying true to herself, her values, and her beliefs despite facing societal pressure or expectations. Every woman has her individuality in terms of her diverse talents, wide-ranging experiences, and multitude of perspectives. A woman is on an eternal journey toward excellence in every walk of life. She always displays her best endeavors in succeeding in every possible realm, be it science and technology b or politics, or even arts or literature and there is always so much more to her. Women have been torchbearers in carving a path for gen-next by their sheer courage determination and resilience to win against all odds have been truly remarkable and inspirational. Women uplifting women is the most crucial step towards women's empowerment. If we talk about the challenges, gender inequality is still a matter of concern for every one of us globally. Women are still fighting their battle against threats such as discrimination, violence, and disparity towards access to education, health services, and employment possibilities. Lastly, we can say that International Women's Day reminds us of her continuous struggle for gender equality and the significance of a unified call poising towards a more righteous and fair world . The day always has become symbolic of observing women's accomplishments and hopes along with envisioning advancements toward the coming time when women can flourish and achieve their potential. Thank You.

  • India Outclass England By 4-1 In The Fifth Test Match

    Hello, Everyone! India's striking impressive presentation of remarkable cricketing prowess resulted in India's triumph in the fifth test match by securing a 4-1 series today. Let's go over the key highlights of the test match. Here are the key highlights of the test match:- Ravichandran Ashwin, India's right-arm off spin bowler displayed his stellar bowling skills in his 100th test match resulting in India's victory over England in the fifth test match between India and England. The match happened in Dharamsala, with India already in a forefront position taking the lead by 3-1. Ravichandran Ashwin's unparalleled performance garnered all the attention and love of all cricket fans, as he took an iconic five-wicket spell in his 100th test in England's second innings. His nine-wicket spell in the test match was pivotal in India's triumph. In the first innings, England was struggling for runs, facing a shortfall of 259 runs against India's bowling lineup. The England team failed to come up with a challenging score regardless of England team captain Joe Root's spirited performance with a score of 84 runs. India's spinners took charge of the proceedings, with the leading of India's spinners by Ravichandran Ashwin and complemented by Kuldeep Yadav. England batsmen, despite displaying attacking intent struggled to counter India's spinners. Their careless strategy resulted in continuous falling of wickets with Ravichandran Ashwin and Kuldeep Yadav creating chaos in the England batting lineup. The consistent efforts by Indian bowlers to keep continuous pressure on England's batting unit throughout the match eventually dismissed England's batting lineup and made India win with an innings with 64 runs. Lastly, India's thorough outperformance in the fifth test match clinched a 4-1 series triumph showcasing their unparalleled cricketing prowess and asserting their dominance over England. Thank You.

  • Breakthrough In India's Genetic Prowess: Advancement In Genome India Project

    Hello, Everyone! In an era of technology and innovation, India's Genetic Prowess has upsurged and reached a landmark with the accomplishment of 10,000 genome sequencing under the Genome India Project. The achievement marks a landmark in deciphering an all-encompassing source archival of genome sequencing featuring the Indian diaspora. So what is the Genome India Project? The project commenced in the year 2020 by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and ISRO, envisioned to have an insight into genetic divergence for prognostic diagnosis and individualized medicine of India's diverse diaspora. The project incorporates more than 20 institutions for compiling the genomic specimen and establishing a repository of the genome specimen for conducting exhaustive research regarding advanced health care and the diseases prevailing in India. India's stride of accomplishment of 10,000 genome sequencing under the Genome India Project witnessed its first landmark in the year 2006 when an entire genome mapping of an individual was done. Therefore, let's delve into the insights of the concept of genome sequencing. But before that let's understand the fundamentals of primary imperatives for the Genome India project such as the DNA, RNA, gene, and genome of the human cells. Alright, so let's get this done one by one. DNA(DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID):- In a human cell DNA(DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID) is located in the nucleus of a human cell. In simple words, DNA is a molecule possessing genetic instructions regarding the growth and life processes of an organism. The shape of DNA is of a dual stranded with the two strands coupled around one other similar to a helical structure typically a double helix. Out of the two strands, each strand has a foundation comprising alternating sugar (deoxyribose) which is a 5-carbon sugar molecule, besides that the foundation comprises phosphate groups. The four nitrogenous bases are bonded to each sugar namely: Adenine(A) Cytosine(C) Guanine(G) Thymine(T) Also, the two strands are bonded by the chemical bonds between the bases. The fundamental principle of DNA structure also termed complementary base pairing states that Adenine is always bonded to Thymine (A=T) and Cytosine is always bonded to Guanine(C=G). The arrangement of these nitrogenous bases adjacent to the DNA framework holds the genetic details including the instructions for protein production or RNA molecule. RNA(RIBONUCLEIC ACID): In contrast to the DNA double-stranded structure present in the human cell's nucleus, the RNA (Ribonucleic acid) is a single-stranded molecule and it can be located either in the cell's nucleus or cytoplasm which is a jelly-like substance within a cell that fills up the space between the outer cell membrane and the nucleus where most of the vital cell processes occur; where it does its functions.RNA aids in doing functions as per the instructions present in the DNA i.e. decoding the genetic information into the functional proteins. The building blocks of RNA structure contain the bases : Adenine(A) Uracil(U) Guanine(G) Cytosine(C) The RNA is accountable for numerous functions within a cell which are: Messenger RNA(mRNA): mRNA acts as a carrier of information out of DNA located in the cell's nucleus to the ribosomes in the cell's cytoplasm, and the proteins are produced. Transfer RNA (tRNA): It aids in protein production by transferring the amino acids to the ribosomes, the site where proteins are being manufactured. The amino acids in the ribosomes accumulate as polypeptide chains as per the mRNA information. We can say that amino acids are the fundamental units of proteins. Every amino acid comprises an amino group(-NH2), a Carboxyl group(COOH), and a side chain (R group ) covalently bonded to the central carbon atom. The side chain (R group ) of an amino acid is different for every amino acid and based on the attributes of the side chain such as polar, bipolar, acidic, and basic there are 20 types of amino acids. Amino acids are vital for protein production, the functioning of enzymes as well as neurotransmitter signaling. Each tRNA is unique for a specific amino acid and has an anticodon region having the set of three building blocks of RNA matching completely with the particular set of letters on the m RNA called a codon. This matching phenomenon is vital for protein synthesis as this process aids in convening the requisite building block of a protein called the amino acids to the protein synthesis site called the ribosomes. Therefore, the anticodon region ensures that the requisite amino acids are correctly accumulated into the building protein. Ribosomal RNA(rRNA):rRNA is an important part of ribosomes in a cell, where proteins are synthesized and it aids in triggering the establishment of peptide bonds among amino acids during the decoding of genetic information from mRNA. rRNA ensures that the genetic details encoded in the mRNA are precisely translated in the form of a particular sequence of amino acids, eventually leading to protein development. GENE: In every human cell gene refers to a particular segment of DNA(or RNA in a few viruses) holding the vital instructions for synthesizing a functional product which can be a protein or an RNA molecule. This particular segment of DNA is the fundamental entity of genetic predisposition, passing the distinctive features from maternal and paternal figures to their children. These distinctive features are eye pigment, tallness, and the conditions to are prone to specific diseases. The variations in genes often lead to some disorders or alterations in the distinctive features. GENOME: A genome is a complete collaboration of the genetic details of a human encased in a human cell primarily DNA in the majority of organisms or RNA in a few viruses. These genetic details are vital for the growth and life processes of a human being. The genome is an integration of all genes along with segments of DNA that do not have information about protein synthesis or the RNA molecule, to make proteins and do vital functions by leveraging the encoded information present in our genes, genes also have structural elements that aid in controlling in what manner the genetic details are deciphered and at what instance the details should be deciphered. Along with all genes, non-coded sequences of DNA, structural elements, and genome also have repetitive sequences. The structural elements are as: (i)Promotor: Promotor acts like an On button for a gene. It directs the cell from where to start going through the genetic instructions. (ii)Enhancer: They help in shoring up a gene's functioning and help optimize the functioning of a gene. (iii)Transcription Start Site: At this site the genetic instructions are cloned or we can say duplicated to form a new RNA molecule. (iv) Transcription Termination Site: Here the duplication of genetic instructions is completed. (v)Introns and Extrons: The introns are the non-coded regions are the junk DNA that are excluded and exons are essential parts that are included to process the final product (vi)Polyadenylation Signal: It conveys the cell to include a string of adenine nucleotides(or we can say Adenine(A) bases), making a polyadenylate (Poly-A) tail 3' to the end of the RNA molecule. This signal helps add a special tag to the end of the RNA molecule to help in its stability and its proper relocation within a cell. (vii)Regulatory Sequences: These pose as the traffic signals guiding the cell when to speed up or slow down making the gene's product. Now let's delve into the insights of the concept of genome sequencing. GENOME SEQUENCING: Genome sequencing is figuring out the entire set of genetic details within an organism's DNA. It comprises figuring out how the four nucleotide bases Adenine(A) Cytosine(C) Guanine(G) Thymine(T) are arranged or sequenced within a DNA. An individual genome might consist of approximately 3 billion of these four genetic nucleotide bases but the next-generation sequencing might alone address short fragments at a single time. It is intriguing that even though the human genetic blueprint incorporates DNA, the viruses might consist of any one of the DNA or RNA. Especially the Coronavirus owns RNA-based genomes. Every organism holds its specific genetic detaials therefore genomic analysis plays a pivotal role in having genetic insight present in the form of DNA or RNA. RESULT OF THE GENOME INDIA PROJECT: We can infer the result of the Genome India Project by emphasizing two factors such as the diverse diaspora and Pathogenic Anomaly. DIVERSE DIASPORA: The multitudes of the Indian diaspora feature 4,600 discrete demographic segments showcasing the substantial variation due to contributors such as endogamy which means marrying within a group. PATHOGENIC ANOMALY: Some of the pathogenic anomalies are higher in specific demographic segments underscoring the relevance of studying India's genetic topography. FUTURE RAMIFICATIONS OF THE GENOME INDIA PROJECT: The Genome India Project is a symbol of India's endeavors to comprehend the genetic heterogeneity and medical requisites of the Indian diaspora along with the ability to modify health services and biological research in our country. The implications of this initiative are: Better Understanding Of The Diverse Diaspora: The purpose of the Genome India Project is to have a better understanding of India's genetic disparity, enabling advanced diagnostic techniques and medical guidance. Individualized Medicine: Deciphering genetic tendencies to diseases and innovating personalized treatments are objectives of this initiative which will improve medical treatments. Foundation Of Biobank: A biobank will be established housing 20,000 blood -specimens stationed at the Centre for Brain Research IISC, enabling endeavors towards genomic sequencing. Data Repository: IBDC(Indian Biological Data Centre )set up by DBT(Department of Biotechnology) at the Regional Centre for Biotechnology(RCB), Faridabad; is India's leading national repository for life science data having a data preservation capacity of four petabytes along with Brahm supercomputers with a data recovery site at National Informatics Centre, Bhubaneshwar. Data Preservation at IBDC highlights the project's pledge for transparency and collaboration. So, with the completion of 10,000 genome sequencing a gateway for advanced healthcare and medical guidance has opened which will help in detecting diseases owing to genetic variation and diseases that are more prevalent in specific demographic segments. Thank You.

  • Why Complete Reliance On AI Tools Makes Creative Writing Deprived of Creative Skills Of A Writer

    Hello, Everyone! We all know that today is an era of Artificial Intelligence with improved traveling to text editors, with chatbots to digital assistants it has surely leaped. Artificial Intelligence is a replication of human activities by machines, specifically computer systems. The upsurge of Artificial intelligence is so much so that it has taken a human spot in identifying patterns, making decisions, and making an act of judgment just like we humans, and to our awe the list is endless. But is Artificial Intelligence taking the onus of our day-to-day activities, our decisions, and our lives? Surprisingly, the answer is a big yes! It has and it is having a hold of our processes and our life. What about creative writing... Artificial Intelligence is slowly taking the creative skills of writers to a lower denominator. The reason is complete reliance on Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for writing, selecting the topic, and generating content. Nowadays bloggers, content writers, and ebook writers take the help of many AI tools to get their work done in less than no time despite using their own natural talent and creative writing skills which in turn makes them deficient in thinking ability, vulnerable because of lack of words and lack of good content the reason being good content requires our traits such as experiences, personality, creativity which an AI tool cannot compensate or go to that extent. So let's delve into the reasons for not being completely reliant on AI tools and why they are danger to creative writing: The thorough in-depth concept knowledge required for writing technical or research-based articles is a challenge with AI tools. The nuances of the research topics and proper detailing of intricate concepts in a to-the-point manner a limitations of AI tools. Furthermore, the right balance between thorough understanding, knowledge, writing tone, and the right words requires meticulous planning and a blueprint for forging sentences into explanatory diagrams, especially for technical content writers. With Artificial Intelligence shining bright, there is a constant threat to human writers of being into melancholy chambers by being replaced by AI tools and dealing with the repercussions of the same in the form of unemployment and sustainability issues. This is a major risk that many bright human writers might face shortly. Artificial Intelligence has a limitation over specialized or exclusive content because its algorithm produces general or generic content in multitudes but it struggles with exclusive or specified topics. This makes readers seeking detailed analysis or a comprehensive approach fall short of exclusive content. Violation of ethical protocols of content writing is also a major disadvantage of using AI tools because AI tools algorithms may cause biases and robotic tone leading to misleading analysis and might lead to plaguarism. So we can say that indeed Artificial Intelligence has completely revolutionized healthcare, travelling, entertainment, and many realms but complete reliance on AI-based tools must be avoided and our work should be more human-centric. A perfect balance must be maintained between the human approach and the rising AI technology in many domains, with more focus on a human-centric approach then only we can hone our creative skills of content writing to a completely next level. Thank You.


    Hello, Everyone! Today’s era has its ground standing on improved telecommunication. Over the years, the way we communicate across various areas, telecommunication has been a cornerstone and played a pivotal role in revolutionizing communication. But what is telecommunication? We can understand telecommunication or telecom as the channeling or we can say transmission of information through a range of technologies over wire, radio, optical, or other electromagnetic systems. But the era of telecom has witnessed a leap in recent years, completely changing the way we keep contact worldwide post the developments in communication satellites. A satellite is an object which revolves around a larger object. For instance, Earth is a satellite since it revolves around the Sun. Various types of satellites meet the requirements of different organizations. Depending upon the purpose of communication satellites, these satellites have different onboard technology, equipment, and orbital paths. Geostationary Satellites are indispensable for the pursuit of improved communication which includes television, radio as well as satellite phones. Let’s delve into the intricacies of the geostationary satellite and have a detailed overview of the same. About Geostationary Satellite: The geostationary satellite revolves around the Earth in a curved path called an orbit due to the gravitational force of the Earth, placed at an altitude of 22,300 miles or 35,800 Km above the equator. 1.    The Geostationary satellite revolves in the direction of the earth's rotation i.e. from West to East. 2.    They appear stationary in the sky to an observer based on the ground that’s why the name Geostationary satellite. 3.    They complete one orbit in 24 hours, the same time Earth takes to rotate once on its axis. Since the satellite moves in perfect sync with the Earth’s rotation therefore it appears as a stationary object to an observer from the ground. About Geostationary Orbit: The Geostationary Orbit or the geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO)is a circular geosynchronous orbit having an altitude of 35,800Kms above Earth’s equator, a radius of 42,164Km from the Earth’s center, and the same direction as Earth's rotation. Another major advantage is that the orbit is about 99% of times the orbit is Sunlit With an altitude of 35,800 km, the altitude is quite above the high-intensity radiation belt and above the most intense region of the significantly milder outer belt. Therefore enough protection is obtained with marginal weight. Geostationary Satellites Provisioned With: The Geostationary Satellites have transponders and it does amplification of the received radio signal and also the frequency translation. A radio signal or we can say a wave is somewhat electromagnetic radiation having a frequency of 300 GHz (Gigahertz) and below. These waves possess the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum. An amplification of a received signal, also called increasing the power of a received signal happens when the signals are received from the Earth which are by nature very weak due to the large distance involved. The amplification is done by a low-noise amplifier (LNA). Post that the received radio signal (uplink) undergoes a down-conversion, by a carrier processor. Lastly, the power of the frequency down-converted signal (downlink) is amplified to a desired level by a power amplifier. The final power-amplified downlink signal is retransmitted back to the satellite antenna by a duplexer. A wide range of applications are possible with these signals such as telecommunications, broadcasting, remote sensing as well as navigation. Pic Source: Working of the Geostationary Satellite: A satellite is first launched into the transfer orbit which is an elliptical orbit, enabling the satellite to move to its final high altitude by using comparatively little energy deriving out of the inbuilt motors. The transfer orbits are required so that there is a need for the launch vehicle to completely go to the final altitude. Thrusters and reaction wheels help keep the satellite maintain its position in space relative to the rotation of the Earth by enabling the satellite to make little adjustments to its position as required to maintain its orbit at the same speed as the Earth’s rotation and also in the same position above the Earth’s equator. Here the altitude of an orbit of a satellite plays a vital role. An altitude of 22,300 miles is what is required by a satellite to achieve a 24-hour orbit. The orbit at such altitude keeps the satellite fixed over one longitude at the equator. The satellite seems stationary at a fixed position in the sky to the ground observers. Longitude or the meridians are the vertical lines from the East or west of the prime meridian at Greenwich or 0-degree longitude. Pic Source: Line of Sight of Geostationary Satellite: The line of sight of a geostationary satellite is a path between the satellite and the ground station. About one-third of the earth's surface is covered by a single geostationary satellite. The GeoSat orbit gives the information from 20 degrees north to 20 degrees south latitude. We can say that the satellite can see one-third of the earth’s surface wherever it is kept above the equator. Therefore we can infer that about 3 GeoSats are needed with each separated by 120 degrees of longitude to have an entire plane coverage, excluding the circular regions over the north and the south geographic pole. Uses of Geostationary Satellite: They are used to: 1. Study meteorological events, 2. Understand the topography 3. Weather prediction 4. Explore the outer space 5. Surveillance 6. GPS 7. Communication 8. Monitoring of Power Lines 9. Useful in studying radiation of cosmic rays Limitation of Geostationary Satellites: Although Geostationary satellites have a wide range of advantages still there are some limitations associated with them such as 1. A smaller number of satellites can be placed at an orbit of 0 degrees from the equator as the orbit is a narrow ring which might result in conflicts or collisions. 2.    The circular regions over the north and the south geographic poles are left out by them. 3.    These are high on expenses as launching them into high altitudes requires large fuel and energy. 4.    An electromagnetic signal of exactly 71,500 Kms is a pre-requisite for it to be sent to and fro from these satellites. A slight variation in the wavelength can lead to breakdown or delays. 5.    There is a high probability of electromagnetic radiation noise if the satellite is near the Sun as the Sun is the prime source of electromagnetic radiation. Thank You. References:


    Hello, Everyone! It’s going to be a transcending of ISRO’s space exploration efforts as on Monday (26th Feb 2024), Indian Space Research Organization ISRO Chief S. Somnath stated that the agency intends to land an Indian on the Moon by 2040. He also detailed the technology science roadmap for a zero-gravity environment, doing space exploration in the long run by setting up the Indian Space Station by 2035, with its first phase to be launched in 2028. The project Bhartiya Antariksha Station is in the last leg of its design stage. He detailed that the humans could be launched to the moon after the completion of its first phase. Apart from this he also mentioned the interplanetary missions on Venus and Mars. Pic Source:ONManorama Link of Pic Source: Technology Science Roadmap As per ISRO chairman, a technology science roadmap for a zero-gravity environment has to be created. According to him, there should be an expanded capability for the moon mission and we must have persistent access to the moon. He also said that the vision of landing an Indian on the moon would require a continuous implementation of missions to the moon and that scaling up knowledge on the moon in a meaningful way. Adding to his statement, he said that the implementation of missions to the moon will not be economical or low cost. The launcher capabilities, laboratories as well as the Lander missions have to be developed. He said that the exercise needs to be done several times and not just once to finally send an Indian to the moon. The ISRO Chief stated regarding the renaissance of the moon missions globally and there are many countries such as the U.S., China, and many others heading to the moon. Long-Term Vision For Space Exploration Emphasizing the long-term plans for space research,  the ISRO chief calls for advancement of the human access to the moon. He also detailed the need for Bhartiya Antrarisha Station or Indian Space Station. He described the mission to be executed in two stages. In the first stage or module the Indian space station should be stationed in orbit by 2028 and in the second stage is expected to be completed by 2035 during which human habilitation for a longer period is possible. The space station hardware would be developed at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre(VSSC) and the electronic components would be made at the UR Rao Satellite Centre (URSC) stationed in  Bangalore. The project Bhartiya Antariksha Station is in the last leg of its design stage. He detailed that the humans could be launched to the moon after the completion of its first phase. Interplanetary Missions The Isro chief also discussed the future plans for exploring other planets such as Venus and Mars. According to him, the plans for interplanetary missions for example Venus Orbiter Mission and the Mars Lander were discussed and he is quite intrigued by Venus‘s atmosphere, its topography, the dust over there, its volcanoes, its massive clouds as well as the lightning. As per him, even Mars holds a much greater possibility of landing. Lunar Sample Return Mission This mission is under discussion by the space agency as pointed out by the Isro Chief, and the mission purpose is to bring together the samples from the lunar or the moon’s surface which is a permanently shadowed region in the lunar South Pole, and then handover the samples once landed back to Earth with caution for scientific studies. Thank You. References:


    Hello, Everyone! The names of the four astronauts who will fly to the lower –Earth orbit as a part of ISRO(Indian Space Research Organization) Gaganyaan, which in particular will be the first of its kind crewed space mission of India were announced on 27th Feb 2024, Tuesday by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The names of the selected astronauts are:- 1.    Group Captain Prashanth Balakrishnan Nair, 2.    Group Captain Angad Prathap, 3.    Group Captain Ajit Krishnan, and 4.    Wing Commander Shubanshu Shukla They all are either wing commanders or group captains in the Indian Air Force (IAF) and in addition to that, all of them have vast experience working as test pilots, which signifies that they are already well trained to be proactive to respond in any problematic situation. The announcement was made when PM Modi visited the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.PM Modi hails them and marks them as ”Four Forces” who represent the aspirations hopes and confidence of 1.4 billion Indians. Pic Source: The four astronauts went through extensive training at the space agency’s astronaut training facility in Bengaluru. At The IAF’s Institute of Aerospace Medicine, the selection of the astronauts took place. Out of these four astronauts, only three of them will get an opportunity to be in space as members of the Gaganyaan mission. MoU BETWEEN ISRO AND GLAVCOSMOS IN JUNE 2019: In June 2019 a memorandum of understanding was inked between ISRO and Glavcosmos intended for training of the four astronauts. Glavcosmos is a subsidiary of the Russian space agency Roscosmos. The training of the four astronauts happened at Russia’s Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre. TRAINING BY AN AMERICAN SPACE AGENCY NASA : In 2023, the head of America’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Bill Nelson visited India to strengthen the India-U.S. space cooperation in outer space. During his Delhi visit in 2023, Bill Nelson stated to train an Indian astronaut for a mission to ISS(International Space Station) by the end of 2024, who would probably be out of the four astronauts gearing up for the Gaganyaan mission. The Gaganyaan Mission is ISRO’s first manned mission and it envisages launching a crew of 3 members to an orbit of 400km for about 3 days mission and also to bring them back to Earth with extreme caution, by landing in Indian Sea Waters. Numerous tests have been conducted by the Indian space agency ISRO to prepare for the flight. Now let’s have an overview of the Gaganyaan mission for a better understanding of the mission. ABOUT GAGANYAAN MISSION: The Gaganyaan Mission is ISRO’s first manned mission and it envisages launching a crew of 3 members to an orbit of 400km for about 3 days mission and also to bring them back to Earth with extreme caution, by landing in Indian Sea Waters. Numerous tests have been conducted by the Indian space agency ISRO to prepare for the flight. PREREQUISITES FOR GAGANYAAN MISSION: The Gaganyaan mission essentially requires the development of vital technologies such as: · Human-rated launch vehicle for taking crew members with safety to the space ·        A Life Support System for provisioning an Earth-like environment to the crew in space ·        Crew Emergency Exit will be provided to ensure an emergency exit if required. The CES or Crew Escape system is actually the emergency exit option for the crew in case of any emergency occurring either at the launch pad or during the time of the ascent phase. The crew module is essentially a capsule in which the astronauts will be seating themselves. ·        Advancing crew management particularities needed for training, recovery, and rehabilitation of the crew THE DEMONSTRATOR MISSIONS: Numerous preliminary missions were planned for showcasing or we can say demonstrating the measure of technology preparedness before executing the actual Human Space Flight mission. The missions which were demonstrated are:- ·        AirDrop Test (IADT), ·        Pad Abort Test (PAT) and ·        Test Vehicle (TV) flights HUMAN RATED LVM3 - HLVM3: LMV3 ROCKET: It is a completely reliable and well-tested heavy lift launcher of ISRO, and is symbolized as the launch vehicle for the Gaganyaan mission. It has three stages namely solid stage, liquid stage, and cryogenic stage. The entire systems in the LVM3 launch vehicle are modified to meet the human requirements and designated or named as Human Rated LVM3. The HLVM3; will have the capability of launching the orbital module (OM), to a required low-Earth orbit of 400 km. BREAKTHROUGH The final tests on the cryogenic engine, known as CE20 were performed on 14 Feb 2024 and the engine passed the test successfully and was well-proven for missions that would take humans to space. The Vikas engine has qualified for the mission which will be leveraged in the liquid stage and its addition the solid booster, a part of the solid stage too has been certified for the mission. Apart from this, the special flight engine, which ignites as the rocket lifts off, has also cleared the acceptance tests. These tests testify to the test performance of the hardware in tandem with the mission requirement. The technology is henceforth applied in the final mission. ORBITAL MODULE (OM): It will be orbiting the Earth and it consists of two modules namely Crew Module (CM) and Service Module(SM). The orbital module is decked up with advanced avionics systems with requisite redundancy to serve as a backup for the main operating system having the exact replication of all extremely important components and functions, taking into account human safety. CREW MODULE (CM): The Crew Module is a sustainable space having the environment just as Earth in space for the crew. Features of Crew Module: ·        It has a double-walled construction with having pressurized metallic Inner Structure and an unpressurized External Structure with a Thermal Protection System (TPS). ·        It encases features such as crew interfaces, human-centric products, life support systems, avionics, and deceleration systems. ·        The most unique part is it is designed for re-entry as well to affirm the safety of the crew during the time of descent till touchdown. SERVICE MODULE(SM): Its function is to provide the requisite support to Crew Module CM so long as CM is in orbit. Being an unpressurized structure it contains the thermal system, propulsion system, power systems, avionics systems as well as the deployment mechanisms. On July 19,2023 the ISRO tested the Gaganyaan Service Module Propulsion System (SMPS) which provides adequate support to the Crew Module. Tests were conducted at the ISRO Propulsion Complex stationed in Mahendragiri, Odisha. Through the test five liquid apogee motors (LAM) with 440 Newtons of thrust and sixteen reaction control systems (RCS) with a thrust of 100 Newtons were validated. ISRO’S MAJOR PLANS: ISRO envisions setting up its very own space station - 'Bharatiya Antariksha Station' by 2035. The second target is to send the first Indian to the Moon by 2040. GAGANYAAN-1 MISSION: Numerous preliminary missions were planned for showcasing or we can say demonstrating the measure of technology preparedness before executing the actual Human Space Flight mission. The preliminary mission such as Gaganyaan -1  will be an unmanned demonstrator mission to test the technology soundness for the final mission which will be the first manned mission. The Gaganyaan Mission is ISRO’s first manned mission and it envisages launching a crew of 3 members to an orbit of 400km for about 3 days mission and also to bring them back to Earth with extreme caution, by landing in Indian Sea Waters. The Crew Module of Gaganyaan-1 will be unpressurized and also will abstain from Environment Control and Life Support System which is needed for the sustainability of the human-centric final mission. ISRO is as of now developing and testing many components of the system at its labs. A pressurized Crew Module will be leveraged in the second unmanned flight. The second unmanned flight will test the entire Life Support System. The interesting part is that this flight will take a robot named as VYOMMITRA, to measure all the parameters for studying the influence of flight on people. The timeline for these missions is not finalized by far. The initial test of the basic crew module and crew escape system (CES) occurred in October previous year. The CES or Crew Escape system is actually the emergency exit option for the crew in case of any emergency occurring either at the launch pad or during the time of the ascent phase. The crew module is essentially a capsule in which the astronauts will be seating themselves. The test also featured the success of the positioning of the drogue chute –a conical ribbon-type parachute having a diameter of 19 feet(5.8 meters) consisting of mortar. These have a vital role in having the  Gaganyaan crew module back to the ground with utmost safety as well as in stabilizing the spacecraft and mitigating its velocity during its re-entry to the atmosphere. They help bring the crew module from an altitude of 17 km and a speed of 150 meters/ second to 2.5 km from the sea surface and a speed of 63 meters/ sec. Various experiments have been conducted by ISRO with a crew module uprighting system which helps to make sure the module stays standing while plunging into the sea. TRAINING OF THE ASTRONAUTS: The Scientists are for the time being undergoing training at ISRO’s Astronaut Training Facility stationed at Bengaluru, we can say Regular training. They are presently trained on subsystems and working on many subsystem simulators. Thank You. REFERENCES:,tests%20on%20February%2013%2C%202024.

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