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    Hello, Everyone! In this era of Space exploration and technology, many satellites have been launched into space to explore outer space and the objects in space and to do a comprehensive study of it. There have been many lunar and solar missions carried out by many space agencies of the part of the world in a quest to understand the moon and sun and their influence on Earth. THE BUZZ: Now the buzz is, that we have seen scientists and astronomers making a mark in space and building their homes and living with their families in space only in Sci-fi movies. A company named Space Perspective established in Florida, is poised to turn a fictional Sci-fi movie into truth by exhibiting its luxurious space capsule having luxuries that will surely take a breath away! Source of pic: HT Tech Though the space capsule's purpose is to take humans to the verge of space, the trip can be afforded only by the extremely affluent. The most intriguing part is, that the capsule will not require a space flight but will leverage a space balloon. In volume, the balloon is 18,000,000 cubic feet if fully expanded. PRICE DETAILS AND DETAILS OF THE AMENITIES OF THE SPACE BALLOON: 1.    The report details that, in the space capsule the travelers will reach up to an altitude of 100000 feet above the Earth, beneath an enormous balloon. 2.    The trip in the space capsule will be $125000. 3.    About eight passengers can travel in it as it has 9 extremely comfortable reclining seats. 4.    The complete trip will have lavish facilities such as; the space lounge facilities will have a WI-FI, fine dining, sound systems, a bar, and much more. 5.    The passengers will witness the beautiful space views from the biggest window set into space. 6.    The space capsule will have a proper restroom, called a space spa. 7.    In diameter the space capsule is 16 feet and the space balloon is double the size of the space capsule though. 8.    The most unique feature of the space capsule is the entire space capsule will be incorporated with telescopic cameras which will allow the passengers to have a glimpse of Earth. The first of its kind space capsule is named Spaceship Neptune-Excelsior inspired by late balloon space jump Joe Kittinger. Some more interesting facts about the space capsule:- 1.    The one of its kind commercial flight is poised to fly by late 2024. 2.    The price per seat is USD 125000 per explorer. 3.    A deposit will be needed for a space trip via this space capsule. A refundable USD 1000 is needed to ensure your position on one of their flights. 4.    The deposit will be 100% refundable until the time such as the final payment is yet to be paid-around 12 months before the planned flight. 5.    The payment options will be through Credit Cards, wire transfers, and specific cryptocurrencies. 6.    Once the payment has been made by the explorer then, the explorer will be a part of the Space Perspective Community and furthermore will get notified by regular updates such as email, and social media as well as exclusive event invitations for example major milestone celebrations and private tours of Space Perspective facilities and not only that, the passenger will have the likelihood to meet the accompanying space explorers. 7.    The flight will take about six hours from launch to landing. Thank You. REFERENCES:


    Hello, Everyone! In the 21st century, today our India is at an upsurge of its strategic development and it extensively focuses on all-inclusive development widely spread over economy, energy, financial technology, defense, climate, space, digital and trade, and investment, people’s interests and health especially focusing on women’s overall development. Our country not only focuses on its self-development but its development has also transcended globally in terms of it being the fastest global economy and is poised to become a developed country by 2047 as per Roadmap to 2047. To forge and deepen strategic ties and to review bilateral cooperation with UAE, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the country on (13-14) February 2024. His visit also marked the inking of seven agreements on 14th Feb 2024 during an official dialogue between him and UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. On 14TH February 2024, PM Modi also met Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, PM, and Defense Minister of UAE in Dubai.PM Modi also participated in the World’s Government Summit this year upon his invitation. The summit is held annually in UAE, and Dubai featuring a union of global leaders in government for a global dialogue regarding the process and policies of the government emphasizing the future, technology transformation, and various other matters. Let us just ponder over the address of PM Modi at the World Governments Summit:- Source of Pic: 1.    PM Modi in the World Government Summit; while praising UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, by calling him a leader of vision, resolve and commitment also said that Dubai is evolving as an epicenter of global economy, commerce and technology. As a testament to his statement, he gave examples of EXPO-2020 during the COVID period and COP-28 which were superbly hosted in Dubai, by calling them excellent examples of the “Dubai Story”. 2.    According to PM Modi the world’s progression towards modernization and the challenges faced in its process, are going in parallel. As the world is proceeding towards modernization so is an increase in the challenges of the previous century such as Food Security, Health Security, Water Security, Energy Security, Education, and making a society that includes people of all races, gender, class, generation, and geography having equal opportunities while abating discrimination, and to overcome these challenges is the responsibility of every country’s government for its diasporas. 3.    PM Modi addressed the technology in positive or negative terms; as a disruptor which means a well-established technology is greatly affected on its respective industries eventually replacing it with a new one. Some of examples of disruptive technology are 5G and its improved connectivity, AI , Automation and robotics ,Cyber security advances, and many more. PM Modi raised his concerns over terrorism and climate change by calling them the major challenges faced by humanity. 4.    PM Narendra Modi also calls for an all-inclusive government; which means a government that significantly takes into consideration serving and participating all people of all races, gender, class, generation, and geography having equal opportunities while abating discrimination, and urges inclusive government to be transparent and corruption free. He also stressed that governments to be more environment-centric; focusing on aspects of environmental challenges. According to PM Modi governments should prioritize that its diasporas are living with ease through government’s schemes and programs for renovation and development of providing required infrastructure and services in the cities, have ease of justice which is the right of every individual by government’s persistent efforts to streamline laws and regulate them as per the current scenario, ease of mobility by forging new policies according to the future needs in the mobility sector, there should be ease of innovation by centering on research and development and by supporting adoption of technology in all sectors, and ease of doing business by fostering schemes and policies which are gender inclusive; to serve public. 5.    PM Modi stressed that his mantra for governance has always been “minimum government, maximum governance” furthermore as per him there should be least intervention of government in the lives of people. He further stated that in the previous years, the trust of the country's people in the government has significantly become greater and, they completely trust the government’s purpose and undertakings because the government has kept the citizens’ needs and dreams as its topmost priority. 6.    While addressing the summit, PM Modi said that government has always emphasized growth headed by women, moreover consolidating the political, social and political backgrounds of the Indian Women. To exemplify this, sanitation drives and campaigns to promote girl education or digital literacy to name a few. 7.    Furthermore social and financial inclusion has always been his government’s preference. About 50 Crore citizens have been unified with the bank, who have been lacking the facility of having a bank account and accessing it. 8. Stating on transparency PM Modi stated the importance of digital identity and the interconnection of this digital identity with the banks of the respective people having this digital identity. As a testament to this he said about 1.3 billion-plus, people have their respective digital identities which have, in the last decade aided $400 direct money transfer to the respective bank accounts of the individuals a proven groundbreaking solution to corruption. 9.    The Sabka-Saath Sabka–Vikas model of PM Modi’s government has left no stone unturned in ruling out discrimination and corruption. Signifying the importance of this government model he said that the model is based on “Last Mile Saturation” where saturation refers to, no citizen being left out from accessing the benefits of government schemes, furthermore, as proof a study had been conducted which outlays, in India about 250 million people have been uplifted from poverty from the last decade in which this government model had been the cornerstone to achieving this. 10. The Sabka-Saath Sabka–Vikas model of PM Modi’s government has left no stone unturned in ruling out discrimination and corruption. Signifying the importance of this government model he said that the model is based on “Last Mile Saturation” where saturation refers to, no citizen being left out from accessing the benefits of government schemes, furthermore, as proof a study had been conducted which outlays, in India about 250 million people have been uplifted from poverty from the last decade in which this government model had been the cornerstone to achieve this. 11. Regarding clean energy, PM Modi hailed an India-led mass movement called “Mission Life-Lifestyle for Environment”, which aims to endorse and encourage a viable and environment-centric way of living. He also discussed the Green Credit which was detailed in COP-28, in Dubai. 12.  PM Modi, also pitched for marking the opinions of the Global –South and also promoting Global-South engagement in the interests of the developing world and in global decision-making. 13. PM Modi calls for forging global protocols to combat the complexities popping up from AI(Artificial Intelligence), cryptocurrency as well as cybercrime. 14. Lastly PM Modi focused on the importance of international law, in the process of emphasizing our own national sovereignty. Thank You. References:


    Hello, Everyone! In today’s times, skin care and nutrition have made their ground-standing in our mind for the pursuit of young, healthy, and radiant skin, furthermore, it has revolutionized the way we perceive food. With people getting more and more intrigued about the latest food and nutrition trends to significantly attain healthy and young skin they are increasingly focusing on skincare natural practices and products for the same. A study shows that skincare-related supplements are not as beneficial as the naturally occurring nutrients in foods, such as fruits and vegetables. According to nutritionists, including nature-based food i.e. lots of fruits, and vegetables in our eating regime is the key to having ultimate young and radiant skin. So as per the nutritionists Eat Healthy ...Look Great .…Feel Great is the only beauty mantra. Plant-based foods have no dearth of options for getting essential nutrients for youthful skin. Pic Source: The antioxidants have created a buzz in the beauty world, when as per the research it was figured out that they help protect our cells from oxidative stress, a process corresponding to aging. In simplified terms, we can say that antioxidants are molecules that have a pivotal role in defending cells against oxidative stress or we can say aging. Nutrient antioxidants such as Lycopene, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C are to name a few, which help prevent skin cells from oxidative stress. Apart from these, some minerals such as copper, zinc, and selenium are also great defenders against skin aging. Pic Source: Lycopene is a highly potent antioxidant that can lessen sunburn by 40% and acts like a sunscreen for our skin, according to research by nutritionists. It is found in fruits and vegetables of red, pink, and orange color, like tomatoes, apricots, watermelon, cranberries, grapes, peaches, and melons. Omega-3 Fatty acids are nutrients found in certain foods like flax seeds, chia seeds, and soybean oil, which aid in balancing the overall oil production of the skin, help in required hydration, reduce breakouts on the skin, and decrease signs of aging. Vitamin –E is a key requisite for proper vision, reproduction, healthy blood, and brain, and strengthening of our immune system. It is a potent antioxidant, and extremely necessary for protecting skin against premature aging. Some of the best natural sources of vitamin E are Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Pine Nuts, Avocado, Peanut Butter, Wheatgerm oil, and Red Bell Pepper. Plant–based compounds such as Isoflavones, especially Soy Isoflavones help fight hyper-pigmentation by mitigating Melanin transfer from melanocytes to keratinocytes which are primary types of cell found in the epidermis, the outermost layer of skin. The Isoflavones, help in reducing fine lines and wrinkles, leading to a firmer and youthful-looking skin. They also aid in brightening skin complexion and its even–toned texture. The Isoflavones also have the power to nourish, and properly hydrate our skin which helps in reviving our skin’s youthful radiance and natural glow. Foods that are the highest sources of Isoflavones are legumes; especially soybeans are a prime source of isoflavones in our diet. References:,skin%20a%20soothed%2C%20glowing%20appearance.,you%20achieve%20smooth%2C%20clear%20skin.&text=A%20skin%2Dprotecting%20antioxidant%20that,is%20the%20%E2%80%9Cmoisture%20maven.%E2%80%9D


    Hello, Everyone! As the world of food and nutrition has evolved with time, our mindsets and perceptions regarding what we are having and what we should have too have become more focused on what is contributing to our health and what is harmful to overall health. Is the food which we are having, contributing nutrition to our body or being a potential threat to our health. One such food that always has been in the spotlight regarding its potential health dangers is All Purpose Flour –Maida and there have always been a lot of misconceptions about it. Many of us believe that it gets glued to our gut lining after having it, leading to digestive problems. But we can say not really! According to nutritionists it does not get glued to our gut despite it being sticky and it undergoes proper digestion and will get converted into carbohydrates. But we have to be mindful of how we have it in our diet. Since Maida has lesser fiber content and does not hold water that’s why having it regularly can lead to constipation and other digestive ailments. So including Maida intermittently is not harmful but having it regularly is unhealthy for us. There is no sudden harm Maida does to our bodies but it poses a threat to us in the long run. Due to its lesser fiber content, it is very low in nutritional value and does not add any nutrients to our body, it has a high glycemic index (an estimate of food causes our sugar levels to get spiked) which might lead to a risk of diabetes and the major problem with it is its considerable amount of gluten content. Basically, gluten is a protein naturally found in some grains such as wheat, barley, and rye and triticale(a hybrid of wheat and rye) which can lead to autoimmune disorders such as celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, an autoimmune disorder called Gluten ataxia and wheat allergies to some of individuals. Therefore All-Purpose Flour –Maida is harmful to our gut health, and can lead to diabetes as it can lead to an immediate insulin hike. It has a high glycemic index (therefore releases sugar into the blood & spikes blood sugar levels), leading to increased inflammation and might cause type-2 diabetes. Another health issue it can cause is problems related to the heart as Maida causes bad cholesterol (LDL-Low Density Lipoprotein) to rise, which furthermore can cause stroke. Thus we can say that although Maida does not get glued to our gut exactly we should opt for grains high in fiber such as whole wheat and millets such as bajra and jowar, eat fruits, and practice yoga and meditation for healthy body and mind. References:,is%20triggered%20by%20eating%20gluten. Pic Source: Shutterstock


    Hello, Everyone! A robust Strategic Partnership between the countries is built on their long-standing cooperation to interchange common objectives inclusive of economic, political, defense, and security realms. The bilateral corporation between India and UAE has taken a leap with time and India is leading in establishing strategic partnerships with UAE which is a cornerstone for India’s relationship with the Middle East. The long-standing bilateral relations between India and UAE have spurred the reciprocation of high-level bilateral visits periodically. AN UPSURGE OF INDIA-UAE TIES The India-UAE ties had surpassed in 2023 with the disclosure of India Middle East Corridor and the furthering of the BRICS bloc to encompass the Gulf Nation in the fifteenth edition of the BRICS Summit hosted by South Africa, in Johannesburg held on (22-23)August 2023. The new members of the BRICS block are namely Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Their full membership has been assumed on 01Jan,2024. The integration of UAE in the BRICS group and the disclosure of the India-Middle East Economic Corridor (IMEEC) at the G-20 Summit held in Delhi in September were prime features of the level of cooperation. The BRICS expansion from five to eleven countries was the main feature of the 15th BRICS Summit The 15TH edition of the BRICS Summit marked a transcend in its global position by the synergetic endeavor of all countries inclusive of the bloc to elevate BRICS’s global position against the foreground of the Western dominance in global matters. There has been an upsurge in the bilateral relationship between India and UAE due to the consistent efforts by Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding consolidating India’s relations with UAE and marking paramount of India’s leadership. The integration of UAE in the BRICS bloc marks a significant enhancement of its strategic cooperation in strengthening its economic affairs through its bilateral trade deal and partnerships and diplomatic affairs worldwide through negotiations on ways to strengthen it. The hosting of COP-28 by UAE, on 30th November 2023 is an example of how UAE inclusion in BRICS has led to more chances for UAE to host the global summit and will aid in stepping up its global –standing and framing diplomatic ties. HIGH-LEVEL MEETING OF PRIME MINISTER NARENDRA MODI AND UAE PRESIDENT SHEIKH MOHAMED BIN ZAYED AL NAHYAN Prime Minister Modi had a diplomatic visit to Abu Dhabi, UAE on 13th February 2024. On 14th February 14, 2024, Prime Minister Narendra  Modi visited Abu Dhabi for an official meeting in UAE. He was welcomed by UAE President Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The Prime Minister was greeted solemnly. The day marked a high-level dialogue between India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UAE President Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The two leading dignitaries had acceded with an inclusive partnership covering trade and investment, digital infrastructure, fintech, energy, infrastructure, culture and people-to-people ties, and also regional and global concerns. SEVEN AGREEMENTS INKED BETWEEN INDIA AND UAE The leading dignitaries of both countries i.e. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UAE’s President Sheikh Mohamad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, reviewed the International promotion agreement so that the investment in both countries progressed. India entered into two agreements: ->Bilateral Investment Treaty and -> Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) 1. Bilateral Investment Treaty:- Under this agreement investment in both countries is encouraged. India has inked two agreements: a bilateral investment treaty and a comprehensive economic partnership agreement with the UAE. To promote bilateral relations in the economic and trade arena, in Feb 2022  a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)was signed between India and UAE which resulted in a 15% hike in trade. The two countries enjoy blooming trade ties with a bilateral trade of about US$85 billion in 2022-2023. Besides that UAE is one of the prime investors in India regarding foreign direct investments. In 2022, the maximum imports were petroleum crude and petroleum products and the maximum exports were petroleum products.UAE holds for 9% of its foreign trade and 14% of non-oil export sectors such as agricultural products or crops, manufactured goods, tourist services/receipts, solid minerals, telecommunication services, environmental services, ICT services, financial services, and other exports. The two countries, India and UAE had also signed the Local Currency Settlement (LCS) System in July 2023, to encourage using Indian Rupee and AED for cross-border transactions. The Local Currency Settlement (LCS) is a process of a bilateral transaction between two countries (here it is India and UAE) which lets trading entities from the two countries make payments in their national currencies. This process includes all current accounts and working capital allowances. The LCS system will allow importers and exporters to issue invoices and make payments in their national currencies, facilitating the development of the INR-AED currency code. 2. MOU on cooperation in the field of electricity interconnection and trade: This opens a door for both the countries to associate in the energy sector which further includes energy security and energy trade. 3. Intergovernmental Framework agreement concerning cooperation for the empowerment and operation of the India-Middle East Europe Economic corridor: The will be founded on the specifications of the agreement of MoU announced on Sep 9, 2023 committing to collaboratively work to forge a new economic corridor (IMEC)by leaders of India, European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Saudi-Arabia, UAE, and the US on the sidelines of the G-20 Leaders Summit and promote India-UAE cooperation for the expansion of the regional connectivity. The India-Middle East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) was previously detailed to have two exclusive corridors, the East corridor linking India to the Gulf and the North corridor connecting Gulf to the Europe. The corridor will foster credible and economical global shipping to rail transmits to fortify current maritime routes. The corridor is aimed to improve productivity, minimize costs, safeguard the regional supply chains, step up trade possibilities, enhance trade cooperation, generate job opportunities, and phase down greenhouse gas emissions. 4. MoU on cooperation in Digital Infrastructure projects: This will carve the possibility for comprehensive partnerships covering investment partnerships in the digital arena as well as covering the exchange of technical cognizance, prowess, and proficiency. 5. Cooperation Protocol between the National Library and Achieves of UAE and National Achieves of India: This protocol will build a comprehensive bilateral corporation in historical documents or we can say the records which consist of restoration and safeguarding of historical documents. At the International Council of Achieves Congress 2023 in Abu Dhabi, the delegates from India and the United Arab Emirates allied for an important step to consolidate their collaboration in preserving their shared archival heritage. The official meeting was held between Director General Arun Singhal of the National Achieves of India (NAI) and Director General of the National Library and Achieves Abdulla Majid Al Ali centering on consideration of provisions regarding achieves under the Executive Programme on Cultural Exchange (EPCC) between India and the UAE. In the course of the meeting, Director General Arun Singhal disclosed an assortment of important documents backdated more than a century from the National Achieves of India. These important documents highlighted the forbearers and rich heritage of UAE fostering a vital part of the nuanced historical tapestry that links the two nations. DG Arun Singhal detailed NAI’s inclusive strategy for the entire digitalization and preservation through the whole group of NAI headquarters and its localized centers. Besides preserving historical documents, Director General Arun Singhal underlined that all digitalized documents can be refereed easily through NAI’S centralized site, Abhilekh-PATAL, which is readily accessible for one and all free of cost. The historical trade relations have been in prime focus by DG Arun Singhal which have lasted for centuries between India and UAE. He talked about getting a replica of one of the documents about the trade relations which may have a possibility of being found in the National Library and Archives of the UAE or its regional archives. While the commencement of official dialogue a renewed commitment to consolidate cooperation between India and UAE related to shared archival heritage was approved. 6. MoU on development of National Maritime Heritage Complex (NHMC): The National Maritime Heritage Complex,(NHMC)is situated near Lothal in the Bhavnagar district of Gujarat and is a world-class facility complex that will feature the Maritime heritage of India. The plan for the development of the complex was introduced in March 2019. The objective of the National Maritime Heritage Complex (NHMC) is that the complex will be an illustration of India’s rich and diverse maritime heritage and will feature objects having to do with ships and sails on navigable waters. The complex shortly also aims to showcase ancient shipbuilding and navigational technologies devised by India. The MoU on the development of the National Maritime Heritage Complex (NHMC) will bolster the collaboration of India and UAE for endorsing the National Maritime Heritage Complex at Lothal. 7. Agreement on interlinking instant payment platforms: UPI (India) and AANI (UAE): This agreement is based on the MoU on interlinking payment and messaging systems inked in July 2023 and furthermore will aid in ideal cross-border transactions between India and UAE. In July 2023 an MoU was inked by India and UAE, on linking of Unified Payments Interface and Instant Payment Platform of UAE (UPI-IPP LINKAGE) to transcend economic collaboration. This would let the users in either of the country to make fast, convenient, safe, and cost-effective cross-border funds transfers. The Central Bank of UAE (CBUAE) has introduced AANI, an instant payment platform operated by Al Etihad Payments with the topmost security level for offering a swift, easily accessible, and assured method to transfer funds instantly. 8. Agreement on interlinking domestic debit/credit cards: RuPay(India) with JAYWAN(UAE) This agreement will have a pivotal role in furthering collaboration in financial matters by raising acceptance of RuPay throughout the UAE. As per the MoU signed in July 2023 on UPI-IPP Linkage, it would enable the link to respective card switches (RuPay Switch and the UAE Switch). As per the RBI, the linking of the card switches would allow mutual acceptance of domestic cards and processing of card transactions. The linkage of messaging systems was deemed to allow bilateral financial messaging between the two countries. PRIME MINISTER NARENDRA MODI AND UAE PRESIDENT MOHAMAD BIN AL NAHYAN OBSERVED TRANSACTION DONE FROM THE UAE JAYWAN CARD: PM Narendra Modi was grateful to the UAE President Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan for the launch of UAE’s domestic card JAYWAN which is predicated on India’s RuPay credit and debit card stack. The two leading dignitaries observed a transaction done from the UAE JAYWAN card. THE DIGNITARIES HELD A DIALOGUE ON CONSOLIDATING THE ENERGY PARTNERSHIP: The dignitaries also held a dialogue on consolidating the energy partnership and recognized the fact that besides UAE being the leading crude and LPG reserve, India is also stepping ahead for long-term contracts regarding LNG. UAE has a vital role in India’s energy security, through strategic oil reserves stored in India. The agreements such as the investment in the strategic crude oil storage facility in Mangaluru emphasize the ultimate cooperation in this key sector. AGREEMENT BETWEEN RITES LIMITED AND ABU DHABI PORTS COMPANY SIGNED BEFORE PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICIAL VISIT TO UAE Before the Prime Minister’s official visit to UAE, an agreement was inked between Rites Limited and Abu Dhabi Ports Company and Gujarat Maritime Board with Abu Dhabi Ports company. It is hoped that the agreement will aid in the construction of port infrastructure which will in turn shore up the India-UAE alliance. BAPS TEMPLE AS A SYMBOL OF UAE-INDIA FRIENDSHIP PM Modi and the UAE President recognized the BAPS temple as a reason to rejoice in friendly ties between India and the UAE, furthermore, it symbolizes long-standing regional ties as well as both the countries’ synergetic undertaking to world peace, cordiality, understanding, and pacifism. The Prime Minister appreciated President Shiekh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s individual aid and compliance in rendering the land for the construction of the BAPS Temple in Abu Dhabi. REFERENCES,is%20conducted%20within%20their%20jurisdiction.


    Hello, Everyone! As we all know French President Emmanuel Macron visited India to grace the Republic Day celebrations as well as to have talks with the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday (25th January 2024). Both leading dignitaries held talks on Thursday (25th January 2024) and Friday (26th January 2024). So let’s have a detailed analysis of the official talks between the two leading dignitaries. But before focusing on the prime talks let’s just first have a background of the same. THE BACKGROUND HORIZON 2047{PATHWAY FOR CONSOLIDATING BILATERAL RELATIONS BETWEEN INDIA AND FRANCE}:- Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Paris on (13th July 2023 -14th July 2023) a post invitation by the French President Emmanuel Macron as a chief guest at the Bastille Day Parade. The year 2023 was symbolic of 25 years of India-France strategic partnership. Last year Prime Minister Modi held official talks with President Macron and to signify the 25th anniversary of the India-France strategic partnership, both countries collaborated to go ahead with a roadmap to pave the way for the bilateral relationship up to 2047 namely Horizon2047. Under this roadmap, there are ways and initiatives to further strengthen strategic partnerships and strengthen cooperation in various aspects of the future such as defense and security, International peace, trade, clean energy, migration of students as well as professionals, and ways to combat problems faced by our Earth i.e. climate change, terrestrial and marine biodiversity loss, poverty and changes due to emerging technologies. The Horizon 2047- The roadmap for bilateral relations has three pillars: 1.    Partnership for security and sovereignty 2.    Partnership for the planet 3.    Partnership for the people Let’s have a look at the key takeaways of the first pillar of the roadmap i.e. Partnership for security and sovereignty. 1.    For the expansion of the autonomous defense and technological base France is one of India’s primary partners. 2.    Both countries are dedicated to helping with co-development, and co-production of advanced defense technologies which are incorporated for the advantage of third countries. 3.    Resonating with the remarkable partnership in military aviation lasting from five decades India and France accepted delivery of 36 Rafael in time. 4.    The countries will co-develop combat aircraft engines which will symbolize their advancement in remarkable defense cooperation in advanced aeronautical technologies. 5.    India and France will shore up industrial cooperation for the motorization of heavy-lift helicopters under the Indian Multi-Role Helicopter (IMRH) Programme with Safran Helicopter Engine, France has agreed to engine development. 6.    India and France marked the successful accomplishment of the maiden Scorpene Submarine Program(P-75 Kalvari) which is a model of the Make In India initiative, and also the exchange of naval prowess between the companies of the two countries. 7.    For the expansion of the Indian Submarine fleet and its performance India and France are all set to pioneer more challenging projects. 8.     The contract has been inked between Safran Helicopter Engine and HAL for the transfer of technology of Forging and Casting of the Shakti engine which symbolizes the French undertaking to boost technology transfer and    Make in India. The contract is an illustration of a defense industrial partnership firmly established in mutual trust. Another instance of a defense industrial partnership is the MoU between Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd. (GRSE), and Naval Group France, a frontrunner in the European Naval Defense Industry.This partnership envisions collaborating in Surface Ship Development , addressing the requirements of naval forces in India and worldwide. 9. To increase the defense industrial partnership between the two countries India is setting up a Technical Office of the DRDO at its Embassy in Paris. Now without further ado let's have a detailed analysis of the talks held. MRO FOR LEAP ENGINE BY SAFRAN AND MRO FOR RAFALE ENGINE To further strengthen defense industrial partnership India and France on Friday (26th January 2024) sanctioned advancement in the MRO(MAINTAINENCE REPAIR OVERHAUL) facility for LEAP (Leading Edge Aviation Propulsion) engines in India to ascertain safekeeping, productivity and robustness of the aircraft for its sound operation and addition of MRO for Rafale engine are in both countries’ line of action as stated by the joint statement proposed by the two countries. MULTI-DISCIPLINARY HELICOPTER PARTNERSHIP WITH A JOINT VENTURE FOR IMRH ENGINE BETWEEN HAL AND FRANCE-BASED SAFRAN The joint statements further detail a multi-disciplinary helicopter partnership with an affiliation for the Indian Multi-Role Helicopter(IMRH) engine between HAL and France-based Safran helicopter engine, and SCORPENE Submarine made in India, using indigenization- the potential of building and manufacturing any defense equipment within the country to achieve self-dependency and to minimize the burden caused by imports. A self-reliant defense industrial and technological base is what India envisions developing with France’s partnership. {HAL on Nov 10, 2023, quoted that it has established an affiliation can say a joint venture (JV) with France–based SAFRAN HELICOPTER ENGINE under the name ”SAFHAL HELICOPTER ENGINES PRIVATE LIMITED”. According to a statement from HAL, the JV will design, develop, certify, produce, sell, and support helicopter engines.} The joint statement was released after the official talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President and guest of honor for the Republic Day Celebrations Emmanuel Macron. Link for the joint statement:- JOINT STATEMENT KEY TAKEAWAYS:- 1.    DELIBERATIONS BETWEEN DRDO AND DGA AND MOU TO BE INKED WELL IN TIME In line with the joint statement, India and France also gave a green signal for the deliberations between India’s DRDO – (India’s premier agency under the Department Of Defense Research and Development in Ministry of Defense of the Indian government) and France’s DGA-(French Procurement agency which pioneers in the building of defense systems and armament missions by leveraging its testing and expertise test centers spanning across France) and aim to ink an Arrangement MOU well in time. 2.    ROADMAP ON DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION ASSENTED AND PM MODI’S PLEDGE TO STRENGTHEN TIES BETWEEN DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL SECTORS OF INDIA AND FRANCE Also, the two countries have assented to a roadmap on Defense Industrial Cooperation, which was furthermore detailed in the joint statement saying that President Macron and Prime Minister Modi restated their pledge to strengthen the ties between both the country’s respective defense industrial sectors and collaboratively work to discover challenges for collaboratively plan, build and manufacture to accommodate defense requirements of the Indian Armed Forces and also to help with a legitimate and credible reserve of defense supplies to other friendly countries as well. 3.    ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT MISSION POISED FOR SUCCESS BY DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION FROM THE DESIGN LEVEL As per the joint statement, PM Modi and President Macron agreed with the fact that collaboration in the defense and industrial sector particularly from the design level will mark effective job opportunities for the young generation and a great development in the science, technology, digital, and material data science realms to attain the goals of Viksit Bharat by 2047. 4. THE INDIA –FRANCE PARTNERSHIP IN THE INDO-PACIFIC REGION HAS GROUNDS FOR A DEFENCE AND SECURITY PARTNERSHIP According to the joint statement India-France partnership in the Indo-Pacific region has an all-encompassing sector of bilateral, multinational, regional, and institutional initiatives; has its foundation laid on the defense and security partnership, particularly in the Indian Ocean. 5.    STRENGTHENING INDIA-FRANCE COOPERATION IN THE SOUTH WEST INDIAN OCEAN AND ALSO GIVING A GREEN SIGNAL FOR THE EXTENSION OF BILATERAL DIALOGUE President Macron and Prime Minister Modi acceded to boost their cooperation in the Southwest Indian Ocean, furthermore noted to build joint surveillance missions deployed from the French La reunion (An island in the Indian Ocean which is an Overseas department and region of France) territory in 2022 and 2022  by the time both the countries welcomed the breakthrough in bilateral dialogue (official talks between the two countries)and to figure out distinct opportunities for the manufacture of defense equipment indigenously and export of defense equipment for friendly countries in the region. An example of common –monitoring missions carried out from the French Island territory of La Reunion is when both countries co-monitored under which Indian Navy P-81martitime surveillance aircraft were stationed to the French Island territory of La Reunion. 6. INDIA AND FRANCE PLAN TO SPAN THEIR COOPERATION IN THE INDIAN MARITIME NEIGHBOURHOOD In line with strengthening India-France cooperation in the South West India Ocean both countries considerably plan to span their cooperation in the Indian Maritime Neighbourhood which will play a pivotal role in safeguarding strategic seaways of communication. 7. INDIA AND FRANCE’S COLLABORATION ON ENGINE DEVELOPMENT FOR FIFTH GENERATION AIRCRAFT-THE ADVANCED MEDIUM COMBAT AIRCRAFT Under the pillar Partnership for security and sovereignty of The Horizon 2047- The roadmap for bilateral relations, India and France in the future will take their unparalleled defense cooperation to a new level. Last year PM Modi visited France and had details regarding the joint development of the engine development of the aircraft. At that time, the two countries also stated that India and France would shore up industrial cooperation for the motorization of heavy-lift helicopters under the Indian Multi-Role Helicopter (IMRH) Programme with Safran Helicopter Engine, France has agreed to engine development and also added that a Shareholder’s agreement had been inked between India’s HAL and France’s Safran Helicopter engine for engine development. In a view to making this happen India and France had a dialogue over the co-development of the engine for India’s fifth-generation Advanced Medium Combat aircraft. US FIGHTER JET ENGINE DEAL WITH INDIA’S HAL AND US’S GE AEROSPACE TO COMMENCE THIS YEAR India and the US are all set for the co-development of the F-414 engine having to do coating for the hot end of the engine, crystal blades, and laser drilling technology. The engines will enable the Mk2 version of the Light Combat Aircraft as well as initial batches of AMCA. REFERENCES:-,solutions%20for%20global%20challenges%2C%20reinvigorate


    Hello, Everyone! French President Emmanuel Macron is the chief guest at the Republic Day celebrations in Delhi on 26th January 2024 and visited Jaipur on Thursday(25th January 2024)around 2:30 Pm a day before the Republic Day parade in Delhi. The French delegation was welcomed at the Jaipur airport amidst stringent security by external affairs minister S Jaishankar, Rajasthan governor Kalraj Mishra, and Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma. Let’s delve into the key events of the Emmanuel Macron visit in the Pink City. VISIT TO THE AMBER FORT President Macron's initial stop was a two-hour trip of the sandstone rock splendor Amber Fort which was built in the 16th century and placed over Aravelli hills overlooking Rajasthan. The Amber Fort is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is an India’s architectural marvel. The fort’s architecture exhibits a captivating mélange of Mughal and ingenious style. French president Emmanuel Macron was accompanied and taken around by Rajasthan deputy chief minister Diya Kumari who belongs to the royal family of Jaipur. He then meets schoolchildren from various cities like Jaipur,Jodhpur,and Kota assembled at the fort to greet him. The school children questioned him in French and he replied in French too. He also demonstrated a robust water harvesting system, which plays a pivotal role in coping with the fort's water requirement. The water from the Maota Lake is distributed and kept in six underground water tanks and is brought up to the fort via a Rehat or Persian wheel system. He then enjoyed the “Kutchi Ghoda” folk dance of Rajasthan where the folk dancers wore turbans, kurtas and dhotis and imitated to ride an imitation horse and recreated a dramatization of mock battles. While enjoying the folk dance President Macron also communicated with handicrafts, artisans, painters and blue pottery workers. PRIME MINISTER MET FRENCH PRESIDENT MACRON AT JANTAR MANTAR ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY Prime Minister Narendra Modi landed in Jaipur by around 4:30 pm and then greeted President Macron at Jantar Mantar ,astronomical observatory constructed by Sawai Jai Singh who was a ruler of the Rajput State of Amber in 1730. Jantar Mantar was enlisted in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2010. ROADSHOW “SHOBHA YATRA” President Macron with Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a 1.7 Km roadshow in an open SUV where they were greeted by multitude of people. The roadshow commenced from Jantar Mantar to Sanageri Gate with a stoppage at Hawa Mahal. PRESIDENT MACRON GETS AYODHYA RAM TEMPLE MOMENTO President Macron and Prime Minister Modi visited a handicrafts shop nearby Hawa Mahal where the Prime Minister Modi presented President Macron a momento of Ayodhya Ram temple for which 500 Indian Rupees were paid through a UPI transaction. VISIT THE ALBERT HALL MUSEUM Prime Minister Modi and French President Macron visited the Albert Hall Museum which was built by British Army Officer and engineer Samuel Swinton in 1887 from Hawa Mahal. VISIT TO RAMBAGH PALACE HOTEL FOR TALKS The dignitaries then poised for official talks at Rambagh Palace Hotel where they had official talks on all essential elements of India-France ties. PM Modi organized a dinner for President Macron before they aimed for Delhi for Republic Day celebrations. REFERENCES HINDUSTAN TIMES NEWSPAPER ON 26TH JAN 2024 –NEWS TITLE: MACRON SOAKS IN SIGHTS, AND SOUNDS OF PINK CITY AHEAD OF DELHI VISIT


    Hello, Everyone! PM Modi addressed Indians in the 108th episode of the monthly radio show Mann Ki Baat today (31 December 2023) aired on Akashvani. He greeted country people by saying Mann ki Baat as an opportunity to connect with them. He then said that when we meet our family members it makes us feel so nice and contended. In an open-air broadcast PM Modi cited several accomplishments of the country spanned over sectors such as space, sports, art, mental and physical fitness, Innovation, economy, and governance and pushed individuals of the country to get motivated and take honor from the country’s successes and make new resolutions. In his speech, he said that the country is beaming with high morale and self-dependence pervading in every part of the country tinted with the essence of prosperous India and said we have to maintain the morale and pace in 2024. In his speech, he addressed the feeling of elation and fervor with the inauguration of Shri Ram Temple in Ayodhya on Jan 22, 2024, and said it to be a  “historic moment” for the entire country. He also asked country people to post their artistic and musical compositions on social media under a common hashtag Shri Ram Bhajan(#Shri Ram Temple). He stated that garnering all these artistic and musical compositions would be an exemplification of a cascade of sentiments and faith in which everyone will be tinted and soaked with the ethics and morals of Lord Shri Ram. PM Modi also referred to himself posting some of his songs and bhajans on his social media accounts. In his speech, he said that for several days he has been posting devotional songs and divine bhajans made on Lord Ram and holy Ayodhya. He then appealed to people to unanimously come on social media to share their respective creative masterpieces on social media with the hashtag(#Shri Ram Bhajan). The Nari Shakti Vandan Act{Women’s reservation law}, India’s appearance as 5th largest economy, and the triumph of the G-20 summit were among the crosshairs of PM Modi’s speech. He also talked about Chandrayaan-3's remarkable landing on the south pole of the moon and said he along with country people exalted and took pride in the scientists, particularly the women scientists. Praising the Oscars glory for the Naatu-Naatu song and Oscars glory for the best documentary short “The Elephant Whisperers” he mentioned that the talent of the country and creativeness had been witnessed globally and saw the relation of the country’s talent and creativeness with the environment. PM Modi also made his remarks on the remarkable performance of athletes of the country in the Asian games bagging 107 medals and the great performance of Indian athletes in the Asian-Para games bringing home 111 medals. Referring to the country’s cricket players PM Modi said that the Indian players have captured the hearts of one and all because of them showcasing the best of cricket in the Cricket World Cup. He also said that India’s win in the under-19 T-20 Women’s World Cup has been motivating for every individual. He further addressed the country's people within his speech regarding the Paris Olympics that the games will be held in 2024, and said for the forthcoming multi-sport event the entire country is keeping –up the morale of players. According to Prime Minister Modi, the prosperity of the country comes to a standstill if not given significance to the innovation. He said that India's emergence as an innovation hub is an exemplification of the country’s endless possibilities in terms of innovation. Referring to the country’s position in the Global Innovation Index, he said that the country was ranked 81st in the year 2015 and currently the country is in 40th position. Adding to his speech, PM Modi further emphasized the legal rights of India’s intellectual property and said the year 2023 has witnessed large number of patents filed in India, of which 60% were from domestic funds. Pointing out the QS Asia University Rankings, the Prime Minister mentioned that the maximum number of Indian Universities have been comprehended in the QS Asia University Rankings. The QS Asia Ranking is derived from several indicators, which include academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty-student ratio, international-student ratio, and research output. These indicators are measured to frame a compound score, which is then used to position the universities. PM Modi spoke while taking into account the glance of the country's accomplishments in 2023, that if a record is made of the country’s accomplishments it will be on and on and on. He said this is just a brief look at how powerful the country’s caliber is. While stating the significance of physical fitness for a “Fit-India” he said that there are many vocalizations on lifestyle-related diseases and it is critical for one and all, particularly teenagers. He also underscored the call to pay attention to mental health. He greeted country people as family members and said that there has been a discussion on the aspiration and zeal about India pervading in every corner of the country and the aspiration and zeal is just great. Laying importance on vocal for local he said that great business on Diwali showed that Indians are giving significance to the mantra for vocal for local. PM Modi remembers that 2023 was being celebrated as the International Year of Millets and has opened a gateway for enterprises working in the same domain. While speaking on the prospects of Artificial Intelligence, he recalled the way the ingenious AI tool Bhashini translated PM Modi’s Hindi speech into Tamil in real-time. He pushed the youth to do research on AI tools and figure out how the country would benefit if this technology was utilized in a wide range of sectors such as schools, hospitals, and courts. PM Modi also remembered the pivotal role of one of the first female teachers in India who was also a social reformer and a poet Savitribai Phule in education and social reform, and then he remembered the vital role of Rani Velu Nachiyar also called Veeramangai was the queen of Ramnad Kingdom of Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu, was the first queen who revolted against the British colonial power. PM Modi urged the country's people to keep India’s benefit central in every decision we make and whatever we do. Rashtra Pratham –Nation First should be the cornerstone of every decision and work we do. Abiding by this rule will build India as developed and independent. REFERENCES:-

  • About The Havana Syndrome "A Set Of Unexplained Health Symptoms" Associated With Russian Intelligence-Experienced By US Officials

    Hello, Everyone! US officials inclusive of US diplomats and spies across various nations in the year 2016, complained about mysterious health symptoms such as hearing unusual sounds, feeling disoriented, suffering from headaches, memory lapses, and experiencing difficulties with balance and they suspect the involvement of Russian Military Intelligence Group 29155 by leveraging "directed energy" weaponry. However Russian spokesperson denied the accusations put against them by saying that no evidence has been found by far. The Inquisition was done by a German Weekly Magazine named The Insider, Der Spiegel, and CBS News 60 Minutes. But before going further let us first understand the Havana Syndrome. As can be inferred from the syndrome's name; the syndrome was rooted in Cuba in the year 2016; a year after the inception of the US embassy in the capital city of Havana. It is not a disease or an explicit medical condition but a set of symptoms experienced by the United States intelligence and embassy officials in various countries; which entails bloody noses, headaches, vision problems, hearing certain sounds without any outside noise, nausea, vertigo, memory loss, and balance issues. Pic Source: Now let me decipher the findings that came in the investigation at the regions where the Havana Syndrome incidents had been reported and we will figure out if such incidents had been reported in India or not. Investigation Findings:- -> The Investigation inference that members of 29155 -Russian Military Intelligence Unit, may have intentionally harmed the brains of US officials with the use of "directed energy" weaponry. -> Unit 29155 has been functioning for more than 10 years and has been accused of engaging in some inhuman acts such as foreign assassination, subversion, and sabotage, which involve violence, manipulation, and destruction. ->The investigation indicates having proof against the Russian Unit members of being present at the locations where alleged assaults on American government personnel and their families. ->The investigation findings cited the first occurrence of such an incident in Germany and after 2 years the symptoms of the syndrome were reported in Havana in the year 2016. Countries Where Havana Syndrome Reported:- The Havana syndrome occurred in several other countries following the Cuban incident reported by US intelligence and Diplomatic Personnel. -> China: In China in early 2018, US diplomats had put identical charges with the first such incident at the Guangzhou consulate. ->Uzbekistan: In September 2017, a USAID employee at the US Embassy also suffered from this syndrome. ->United States: In the years 2019 and 2020 several incidents occurred within the United States specifically in Washington DC; which includes one incident close to the vicinity of the White House. ->About 130 occurrences of this syndrome have been reported globally by US officials; some of the countries are Moscow, Russia, Poland, Georgia, Taiwan, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Austria. ->United States: In 2021 an American Newspaper reported about the delay of three hours experienced by US Vice-President Kamala Harris during her visit to Hanoi, Vietnam because a US official suffered symptoms of the syndrome. ->India: In India, the first reported case occurred when a US intelligence officer traveling to New Delhi with CIA director William Burns experienced symptoms of Havana Syndrome. What Triggered Havana Syndrome:- ->There is no solid proof regarding the reason behind the triggering of Havana syndrome. However, Cuba which has cold ties with the US; had been charged with an alleged Sonic attack. But what is Sonic Attack? It is an assault done to harm the health of people through sound waves or sonic devices. ->Profound research by a team of scientists along with the healthcare checkup revealed that there might have been exposure to high-power microwaves which has probably tampered with the well-being of the US officials. The high-power microwaves are believed to be the culprit behind Intracranial pressure because of which the US officials had a sound sensation in their ears. Exposure to high-power microwaves is believed to affect balance, leave a bad impact on memory, and can even lead to irreparable brain damage. ->Although low-power microwaves emanate from mobile phones too; they are not intentionally directed. ->Microwaves have been used since the Cold War as a part of a counterintelligence strategy to prevent espionage, sabotage, or other intelligence activities from foreign governments and organizations with bad intentions; and both countries US and Russia have been using this technology as a part of smart weapon. ->The US embassy officials deployed in Moscow had reported tampered health due to possible use of Microwaves in the year 1970. What Acquaintance Do We Have In The Context Of Havana Syndrome In India:- ->By far only a single had been noticed in the year 2021 since 2023. ->In the year 2021; the sources within the Indian Security Apparatus detailed that they were not acquainted regarding any weapon predicted to cause any such damage. ->Although if supposedly such a weapon existed, the government would not proclaim such counter-espionage technology owing to their nature of involving information, strategies, and planning which play a pivotal role in the national security. Thank You. References:

  • Turmeric Benefits For Healthy Skin-Turmeric An Ultimate Skin Elixir !

    Hello, Everyone! There has been a craze for flawless, glowing, and youthful skin through the ages, and we all long for it. Turmeric is one such beauty enhancer that we must include in our daily diet to have wonderful skin. With countless health benefits like reducing chronic inflammation, combating hyperlipidemia-increased levels of fats or lipids in the blood, and helpful in liver detoxification by enabling bile production; it also helps to counter free radicles thereby leaving a youthful glow on our skin and lightening skin tone. Turmeric has a compound called Curcumin which possesses anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties making it a star performer in contributing to skin benefits and powerful dermal recovery. So let's delve into the skin benefits of having turmeric in our diet or applying it on our skin as homemade masks or lotions: Loaded with antioxidant properties it helps reduce pimples and fine lines by protecting skin from collagen loss. Our body naturally makes proteins such as Collagen and Elastin. Collagen is the most highly found protein in our body and aids in the generation of connective tissue which binds other tissues. Also, Collagen is a key component of our skin, bones, muscles, tendons as well as cartilage. With age, this collagen production starts to get degraded. But turmeric intake catalyzes collagen production and aids in the production of healthy tissue. Manganese- a trace mineral requisite for normal body function our body, leads to collagen synthesis. We call it a trace mineral because our body requires a small amount of it. According to a study,1 tablespoon of turmeric helps in the generation of 26% of the everyday amount of Manganese needed for our body. Besides collagen, our body synthesizes another protein called elastin cited in the dermis layer (middle layer) of our skin, which aids in the elasticity of our tissues and organs; but as we age, elastin production decreases. Elastase is an enzyme that reduces the body's ability to synthesize elastin but surprisingly turmeric inhibits the production of these enzymes and thus the elasticity of our skin is secured. It helps aid in lightening of skin complexion by restraining melanin production -which is a pigment responsible for the color of our skin hair as well as eyes thereby aiding in the reduction of dark spots, sun damage, and discoloration of our skin. We can mix turmeric with fresh cream and apply it to our face for an immediate cleansing and lightning complexion of our skin. If one's skin is normal to dry types, then one can use this homemade method for attaining and maintaining fairer skin. If one has an Oily skin type then one can mix turmeric with yogurt to reduce skin pigmentation. Turmeric intake also aids in scar reduction since it enhances the healing of skin wounds and tissue regeneration and therefore it can reduce scars and blemishes on the skin. Blessed with anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric helps minimize skin inflammation -which leads to acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea(a chronic inflammation of the skin). It may help relieve redness and irritation associated with these severe skin diseases. Turmeric is great for skin moisturization, thanks to the natural oils and fatty acids present in it which are essential for skin moisturization and hydration. It can be used in multiple ways while making homemade face masks and moisturizers to get optimum benefits. Lastly, we strongly feel that the everyday inclusion of turmeric in our diet contributes to amazing health benefits for our body as well as turns out to be an ultimate skin elixir. Thank You.

  • India's Rasmalai Garnered All The Love:2nd Best Dessert Featuring Cheese Globally

    Hello, Everyone! Indian sweets and desserts are perfect for all occasions and essential to the Indian food ethos. They are relished by food fanatics worldwide and have garnered all the love because of their supreme taste. Ras-Malai, an Indian dessert having its roots in Bengal has clinched 2nd place out of all the world's cheese desserts in a catalog of cheese desserts by Cuisine and destination discovery platform- called Taste Atlas. Sernik, a dessert from Poland sealed 1st place and Greece's Stafkianopita marked 3rd place furthermore Melopita again from Greece made it to the 10th position, making Greece the only country having two sweet dishes making their mark in the top 10 globally. Ras-Malai is a melange of two words i.e. Ras which is juice and Malai signifies cream. The Indian delicacy has flat cottage cheese(chenna) cakes imbued with a dash of cardamom or at times saffron in sweetened milk, also called Rabdi. Pic Source: Shutterstock History Of Ras-Malai: The Ras-Malai traditionally called Rosh-Malai stemmed from the Bengal region, and is a collaboration of two Bengal-based words i.e.Rosh (symbolizing Juice) and Malai (symbolizing Clotted Cream). It evolved as a festive dessert in the 17th century, as part of the Janmashtami celebrations observed by Bengali Hindus. The sweet delicacy marked extensive acknowledgment when the Sen Brothers disclosed their recipe at the Mathri Bhandar situated in Comilla, Bangladesh. As the years passed by, the dish became famous across South Asia with versions such as K.C Das's Ras Malai, from Kolkata. The Sen Brothers proclaim to be the original initiator of Ras-Malai. Presently, Bangladesh is figuring out geographical indication recognition for Ras Malai from Comilla. The top 10 cheese-based desserts are: 1 Sernik from Poland 2 Rasmalai from India 3 Stafkianopita from Greece 4 New-York style Cheesecake from USA 5 Japanese Cheesecake from Japan 6 Basque Cheesecake from Spain 7 Rakoczi turos from Hungary 8 Melopita from Greece 9 Kasekuchen from Germany Conclusively, Indian Ras-Malai is a relished treat globally signifying the rich diversity of Indian sweets gaining worldwide recognition. Thank You. References:,-The%20original%20term&text=The%20sweet%20became%20popular%20and,South%20Asia%20apart%20from%20Bengal.

  • Catastrophic Earthquake In Japan, Taiwan: What Triggered It & Its Latest Updates

    Hello, Everyone! On Wednesday 3rd April 2024 early in the morning a catastrophic incident happened in Japan, Taiwan. A severe earthquake of magnitude 7.2 as per the Taiwan Geological Survey and according to the US Geological Survey the magnitude observed was 7.4 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan which led to aftershocks of severity having a magnitude of 6.5 on the Richter scale as per the US Geological Survey. It was the most severe earthquake in 25 years resulting in the death of 9 individuals and injury to 800 individuals. The epicenter of the massive catastrophe is positioned at 18 kilometers south-southwest of Hualien County in eastern Taiwan. This is not the first unfortunate incident of earthquake that occurred in Japan. The country is prone to frequent earthquakes as it is one of the countries situated on the Ring Of Fire along the Pacific Ocean. As per Japan's meteorological survey, the country faces tens of thousands of earthquakes every year; however, the majority of them are of very little intensity to be felt by people. Pic Source: A report by a US news agency since 1980; Taiwan, an island on the western side of the Pacific Ocean, and its adjacent water bodies have experienced around 2,000 earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.0 or more, and approximately 100 earthquakes or more having a magnitude above 5.5, according to the USGS(US Geological Survey). About Ring Of Fire:- Now the question arises what is Ring Of Fire? Conceptually Ring Of Fire, also marked as Circum - Pacific Belt, is a group of volcanoes and regions of seismic activities along the perimeters of the Pacific Ocean; about 90% of all earthquakes happen to occur here and this string is host to 75% of the entire active volcanoes i.e. around 450, globally. As inferred from the name Ring of Fire the first thought that strikes into our minds it must be a circular ring; however it resembles more of a horseshoe and has a perimeter of 40,000 Km (25,000 miles) and more than 15 countries and regions are situated in the Ring Of Fire namely:- 1.Indonesia 2. New Zealand 3. PapuaNew Guinea 4. Philippines 5. Japan 6. United States (including Alaska and Hawaii) 7. Chile 8. Canada 9. Guatemala 10. Russia(particularly the Kamchatka Peninsula) 11. Peru 12. Solomon Islands 13. Mexico 14 Antarctica 15. Costa Rica 16. Ecuador 17. El Salvador 18. Nicaragua 19. Tonga 20. Fiji 21. Vanuatu 22. Kiribati 23. Samoa 24. Tuvalu The Ring of Fire features most of the seismic activity as it is perched on the meeting of the tectonic plates and these plates move and interact with one another(like colliding and sliding against each other), causing several volcanoes and earthquakes. The Ring of Fire defines the edges of several tectonic plates, for example, the Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, Indian-Australian, Nazca, North American, and Philippine Plates. About Tectonic Plates:- The tectonic plates are fragments of Earth's uppermost layer(Crust) and the upper part of Earth's middle layer(Mantle) which are jointly referred to as the Lithosphere which is mainly the rigid outer part of the Earth. The plates are 100km(62 mi) thick and comprise primarily two types of material: 1.Oceanic Crust or Sima {Abbreviated for Silicon and Magnesium} 2. Continental Crust or Sial {Abbreviated for Silicon and Aluminium} Now let's focus on how these tectonic plates move. What Causes Movement Of Tectonic Plates:- The tectonic plates move due to the circular movements of the molten rock (called magma)beneath the Mantlle; called Convection Currents. The Mantle is a semi-solid layer of molten rock called Magma comprising Silicon, Iron, and Magnesium which can flow slowly with time. The heat generated due to high temperatures in the Earth's core causes the Mantle's rock to be hot and liquid i.e. less dense. The hot molten rock rises towards the Earth's surface while the dense and comparatively cooler rock sinks to the core. This circular motion of rising and sinking rock is known as convection currents. These convection currents exert force on the tectonic plates and cause them to either come closer or drift away. When the hot molten rock rises beneath the tectonic plate, it exerts an upward force on the tectonic plate and gets it pushed from the rising area. However, when the hot molten molten rock cools down the tectonic plates are pulled towards it. This continuous movement and interaction of the convection currents with the tectonic plates cause the plates to move slowly over the Earth's surface. Overall we can say that convection currents in the Mantle cause the tectonic plates to move leading to seismic activities and the formation of volcanoes and mountain ranges since the Ring of Fire is perched on the meeting of the tectonic plates and thus features most of the seismic activity like earthquakes and geological formations like mountains ranges and volcanoes. Latest Updates: - ->To provide help to Indian nationals residing in Japan , the Indian Taipei Association has asked Indian nationals in Japan to comply with the advisories laid by the local authorities. ->The alerts were broadcasted by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) after the initial seismic activity of magnitude 7.5 was detected near Taiwan; to be prepped up for the potential threat i.e. Tsunami waves since the island is situated in the shallow depth. ->Yonaguni Island at 9:18 am was hit was a tsunami wave of 30 cm highlighting the urgency for expedited actions. ->The coastal areas of Okinawa were given an evacuation advisory after an earthquake hit Taiwan to prevent people from the predicted risk of the tsunami of approximately 3 meters tall. ->About 70 miners were trapped in two coal mines since the earthquake struck the island; as per the citings of the report by Taiwan authorities. ->Indian PM Narendra Modi expressed his grief and condolences towards the families affected by the earthquake and also wished for the speedy recovery of the injured . He also said that the nation is in support of Japan with unity while the Japanese people are facing the brunt of the natural disaster and getting over it. ->The injured toll mounts 1000 and 6 helpless people struck in the mining area were rescued by a helicopter. Thank You. References:-

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